Chapter 18

Akio was roaming around Daichi's room but didn't dare to go in his room. She was whistling and making rounds infront of his room not going inside she just walked in the corridor. Daichi was sitting in his room with a foul expression but the foul expression was only his facial expression but was laughing in his heart after seeing the actions of Akio.

Daichi : [In his mind] Phew! What is she doing can't she come inside, she is just peeking and walking in the corridor outside. Her actions are very cute but they are just giving me hope. I was in love with her from a very young age but I have made a mistake I shouldn't have asked for her hand in marriage I have ruined her happiness [freedom]. Tch! I was selfish in the end also. But if she says she love another person then me then I can't handle these feelings. [placing his hand on his chest] It feels very stuffy as always.

Akio : Ahhhhhh!

Daichi : [stood up and rushed outside] What happened------ What! [glares at Akio] What are you doing with that blood. Wait how did you get blood. [worried] Is it yours did someone come and attack you. Wait [again glares at Akio] Is it red colour or fake blood. My god you don't fail to surprise me.

Daichi nag endlessly while Akio just stares at him with eyes filled with emotions. Daichi squats down and takes his handkerchief out from his pocket and starts to wife blood or whatever from her face and hands. Akio was still dazed and didn't know what to do her face flushed bright red. But was back to reality when Daichi said:

Daichi : Tell me what did you put on your face it isn't comming off is it fake blood. [leans closer to her face]

Akio : C-C-C-Colour It's j-just a colour. It will be removed with this liquid. [shows him the liquid]

Daichi : Why are you putting things like this on your face.

Suddenly Akio remembers what Haru said but some ideas came to her mind.

Akio : Why did you ignore me infront of Haru. WHY didn't you helped me.

Daichi : [*silent*]