Chapter 23

Hinata : What! Haru don't joke around. I-Is that true.

Haru : [turns his face upwards] Yes. He died. My friend died the only one who valued our friendship from heart. W-Why did he________.

Hinata : Calm down don't tell Akio yet. What will happen th her and her child.

Haru : Phew! I should have gone with him. If only, If only I had gone with him. He would have-----------.

Hinata was staring at Akio who was unconscious. It broke her heart why did it all have to happen. Tears were forming in her eyes. But eventhough she wanted to be awake and comfort Akio. Her body was tired and when she passed out she couldn't remember. Haru was now in a whole weird situation he was thinking what he should do. Suddenly the babies started to crying he panicked more. Eventhough he was a man tears formed and started to flow on his cheeks.

Akio : What are you doing standing there crying give me the baby eventhough you are a grown man you can't make a crying child stop.

Haru : [startled] Oh you are awake [wipes his tears] It must have been hard on you.

Akio : Whatever give me the baby. Is Hinata not awake yet.

Haru : [walks towards her] She was awake but some minutes before she passed out. [gives the baby] You can carry him I will carry my daughter.

Akio : [holds the baby] He is so small. [smiles] Daichi would be happy. His face is same size as my hands. Isn't he? Your daughter is so beautiful and cute. It must be because she resembles Hinata not you.

Haru : Yes-Yes just how calm the baby is unlike you who just blabbers something.

Akio : Whatever where is Daichi didn't he came with you. Doesn't he finished his mission or he wants me to assist him.

Haru : [turns his head] He will come just relax. It's not an easy thing thing to give birth just go back to sleep when Daichi will come I will wake you up.

Haru puts his palm on Akio's eyes and pushes her to take a nap. Meanwhile a nurse comes and takes the baby away from Akio to check his health.

Haru : Fuck. Why did he have to jump and save those photos. Tch. Why can't he prioritise himself.

Haru moves to the side of Hinata and puts his forehead against the bed.

Haru : I can't even say that it should have been me who died. How could could I even say that when I promised to live my whole life for you. And now I have a responsibility---------

Hinata: Why are you talking about life like that. A precious life was lost and you are saying it casually. Even if those were photos to you they were something precious to him. I would have done the same. Would you have been happy if you or I lost the pictures of our first baby or mine or your picture would you have been happy. Then why don't you go and see your bestfriend. Why are standing there. Give me the baby sees he is crying she is saying you should see your friend. I won't like to have a dad who only says and doesn't behave like a friend.

Haru : Thank-Thankyou. I will be right back. Wait for me. If anything happens call me. And [stares at Akio] Don't let anyone tell her the news.

Hinata : I know just go even if you hadn't said that I would have done the same. Go carefully and drive carefully. You have a responsibility. Right?

Haru : Yes. Be right back.

Hinata : Haa! Why did the god have to do this to the young child. I must also be a bad friend right that I let myself feel happy when my friend is going to suffer. What to do baby? Should I be happy or sad. It's confusing. [whisper]

Akio : Why should you feel sad---------------?