Chapter 26

Akio : It's a letter from the school you will go to. They just want to take a test and if you passed they will let you join the school. Are you happy.

Harue : [excited] Yes! Very! Now let us move your weak bones.

After sometimes Akio and Harue reached the destination. Harue suddenly grabbed Akio's hand and started walking towards a shop.

Harue : Grandma go ahead and choose what you want I will go to that section to buy my things we will meet here after then minutes. Don't be late.

Akio : Goodgrief.

Harue ran towards the stationary section. Eventhough it looked like a small shope from outside it was quite big in the inside. There were even 5 floors. Upon reaching the section she suddenly disappeared somewhere half an hour passed but Harue didn't arrive at the spot they were supposed to meet. Akio had nothing to buy even if she wanted she could ask the butler to fetch it. It has been 20 minutes since she had returned to the spot but Harue didn't appear. The butler also disappeared and did not return from 20 minutes and even their men were not present outside. Akio got worried and asked the staff working there about Harue. A girl spoke that she saw a girl similar to Harue apperance near the stationary section. She hurriedly went there to check on Harue. It isn't safe here if the people who killed Harue parents got to know about her existence. Suddenly someone grabbed her from behind covered her eyes, mouth she struggled but stopped after they said that they won't leave the child if she struggled. Akio stopped her struggles.

Was this karma because she killed the people. She picked Harue it was her fault for exposing her to danger. She could have just sent Harue to her maternal grandparents. Why did she have to expose her to danger again. She made mistake again. She could have saved Daichi if she insisted him to stay with her that day. But dumb her didn't even do that. If she had done that would they have been a happy family. Many thoughts crossed her mind. But only one ringed constantly in her mind what about Harue. Suddenly the car stopped there was a commotion outside but died and they told her to come out. They pushed her to move forward and suddenly urged her to sit down. As soon as she sat her blindfold and the cloth inside her mouth were removed. Sudden light caused her to squint her eyes, blinked for sometime but started to adjust to her surrounding. When her vision adjusted ahe could finnally see her surroundings. She could see Harue saying something but couldn't hear it. The thoughts in her mind were still playing but suddenly got cleared. Harue was standing infront of her unharmed but had something in her hand directed faced towards Akio which shocked her. It was a .......... .