Chapter 51

Miya : Yes, apparently this class is his last in this school. The words you said can make him go even earlier. But that's none of my concern I am worried about his safety.

Harue : Oh no what do I do?

Miya : Nothing we don't know where he lives and we won't find or interfere into his personal affairs and you too. [Harue flinches] strict actions will be taken if you tried to sneak out to visit him. 5 months complete probation and no training. We are serious this time. My lady we are worried the clans are starting to be warry of each other due to some issues. The lesser mafia clans are getting eager to gain power and doing everything recklessly. Even the government is not helping in the clans matter.

Harue : [puts her hand on her head] [sign] I am about to go mad.

Miya : Would you like to be home schooled in these months.

Harue : No attending school is enough. What about the Murata heir?

Miya : No information. It's like he doesn't exist in this world. Our sources are famous but even we are getting complications.

Harue : What about the situation with Aki?

Miya : Boss is trying, there are meetings coming one after one that she is swamped. Are you doing the practice regularly.

Harue : Yes, I don't want my muscles to get sour.

Miya : That's good well then bye.

Harue : Time just went by?

Miya : It's worries, well see you tomorrow.

Harue : What do I do? Father!

Two days later [31 January]

Akio : My duckling it's been very hard to see you nowadays.

Harue : Then will you give me training today.

Akio : Way to ruin the mood.

Harue : Teach me, to rebuild the mood.

Akio : Okay then [serious] come at me.

Harue : That's the call.

Hakura : Seeing their fight is still scary.

Miya : Well say that after telling me what this is. [shows a picture]

Hakura : What? [sees the picture] W-Wait l-let me explain.

Miya : That's the 5149th time that I am seeing.

Hakura : Listen, Honey, Darling let-let me explain Ahh!

Harue and Akio stop their fight to see what happened. And sign and start fighting after seeing the same drama everyday.

Harue : Seriously he is an a**####.

Akio : I wonder if Miya was forced to marry him.

Miya : Come here You BA*****. Let me fu##### cut your manhood.

Akio : Well marrying her would be a death challenge too.

Harue : Marriage isn't easy.

Akio : Did you fight with that boy?

Harue : Miya told you right?

Akio : Well you know you only get to know about the value of a person or a thing when you lose them. I did too but I don't want you to suffer that too so please think, think before you do something. [hugs her] I won't be here forever.

Harue : Are you training or torturing me.

Akio : Think whatever you want.


Miya : Yes, yes emotional time finish think about present and let's go on a triple blind date. What do you think?

Hakura : Huh?

Akio : Good idea I wanted to vent my frustration too.

Harue : Seriously what about grandfather.

Akio : He must be having time of his life meeting girls in heaven. Ahh! My mood is ruined let's go.

Miya : Let's go.

Harue : I am not going.

Akio : Okay call you friend Sana then bye.

Miya : Byy Lady Harue.

Hakura : Miya, wait Miya that's cheating in my face.

Miya : What?

Hakura : Nothing have a nice day cheating on me. [ crying]

Miya : I will make sure to bring you a playmate.

Hakura : Noooooo~

After Akio and Miya leave.

Harue : Whata re you doing?

Hakura : Preperation.

Harue : For what?

Hakura : Murdering a man.

Harue : [sign] Do whatever.


Daichi : Wasi not good enough?

Yami : I don't think so.

Daichi : Seriously date at her age.

Yami : Right?

Koemi : It's her choice.

Yami : No look how much father is sad.

Koemi : I think I should also go look for a date.

Yami : [shout] Father it's her choice.

Daichi : You take after her seriously. I don't even look at others.

Yami : That aside why do these two always look for a chance to arrange a date for my daughter. Those bastards I want to go and beat those bastards.

Koemi : Ara look like that boy need a date.

Yami : Ahahaha what cute little children lottering around my daughter. Right dear?

Koemi : [sign]

Yami : But father is about to kill those boys too look at his eyes.

Daichi : Leachers looking at my granddaughter.

Koemi : [sign] I need mother right now.