Chapter 61

The next night

The door slams open

Harue : I finished my training, finished my homework, went and played outside, talked a bit with my boyfriend, it's story time.

Akio : Harue nowadays I just can not understand your mindset. I know I said it but the freedom and enjoyment is what you would have to lose after this heir training ends. The torture documentary will be shown infront of your eyes not on the screen. The defence training will be more harsh after graduating from high school you will give your exams of your college in one year and graduate. You will have to be extra careful about the injuries if you want to be an actress or a model. Scars are one of the things that actors should avoid getting. It's month of December your exams are near I believe breaking up with your boyfriend will be the correct step.

Harue : Grandma, I will not break up with him and I will make time for him, for me.

Akio : Even if he spends more less time than before. Forget it. Just focus on your life on your training. Dinner should be ready by now go eat first I will start the story when it's bed time. Call Miya, Satoshi, Hakura while you are at it.

Harue : Okay. Aki it's always like that.

Akio : Just like sadness, happiness doesn't last long my dear. I also have experienced it.

Harue : [hugs Akio] Remember that I don't want to lose you too always remember not to leave me behind.

Akio : I can say but I can't promise you that.

Harue : [bits her lip] I will call Miya and Hakura to eat, come downstairs quickly. About the story I want to hear it until it's end. Don't dare manipulate me to back off.

Akio : [chuckle] Does it seem that way~

Harue : Very much.

Akio : Go.

At the dining room


Hakura : You called us boss.

Akio : Yes.

Miya : Did you fight with Harue again?

Akio : No. Harue call Satoshi too.

Harue : Okay.

Akio : I just discussed about the matters with her nothing more. Let her come we will talk about the clan matter.

Satoshi : Do you need something?

Akio : Sit here I want to ask something instead.

Satoshi : About?

Akio : From now onwards Harue will attend the dinner meeting every Sunday and the matters will be informed to her as the heir of the Tanaka clan. Understood?

Harue gets surprised while her mouth remains opens due to the shock while Satoshi,Miya,Hakura gasps listening to the news. Soon nodded their heads. Akio closed Harue mouth and laughed a bit.

Akio : As Miya looks after the information of security of the clans. She will explain first.

Miya : Yes, as the heir my lady security of other clan members should be known very well. Do you know how to read the blue prints.

Harue : [nods]

Miya : Let's start with the Ueno clan the clan being at the tenth rank doesn't have strong security but they have power and money. They have business in China, America if one of the branches is harmed the business can face loss overnight. While Satoru clan contains power, money but their security is not very perfect. The clan is nearing its decline. Their fight between their heirs is the main cause.

Akio : Do you have a solution?

Harue : The fight can not be solved but if one of the clan gave support to one of the brother the clan can regain its glory.

Miya : Excellent! That's what most of the lower clan are trying. Your answer is impressive but you need to find more solutions and problems and look after every aspect you could find.

Harue : I know I am disturbing but Hakura is making funny faces and distracting me.

Hakura : [hiccups]

Miya : We will have a long talk later. Okay darling.

Hakura : [hiccups] Yes [hiccup] [hiccup]

Satoshi : I will visit your grave often my friend.

Hakura : Bring me roses.

Miya : Ahem!

Hakura : [hiccup]

Harue : R.I.P [laughs]