Doomsday Experience

[ TING!!! ]

[ Greetings to all living beings of this planet, I welcome you all to a new Era ]

"Huh..??" Jason was startled awake, by the cryptic message flashing before him.

He froze in shock, and stared at the two screens of light floating before his eyes incredulously. 'What the hell?' He thought, believing that he was most likely hallucinating due to lack of sleep.

It was an unbelievable experience, yet that was not all that woke him up.

[ The Era of Doomsday... I, for one, am the Doomsday Administrator, and I welcome you all to the Doomsday Ruins ]

Jason froze in stupor. 'This... can't can't real. I must be too fucking tired.' He thought to himself, attempting to sleep it off. 'Never pulling an all-nighter ever again.'

Unfortunately for him, he thought wrong.

[ Here are the two rules of the Doomsday Era ]

[ 1. Your only purpose is to survive and prosper. Band together, fight against the corruption, and raise the banner of Humanity. Everything else is second-hand matters. Survival is key ]

[ 2. Only those aged between 13 and 65 are eligible to participate within the Simulation trials ]


Jason froze, yet his mind had already taken everything into consideration. Unfortunately, he did not have enough time to assess the matter.

[ The Simulation will began in just a moment ]

[ Note: See yourself as a desperate prey seeking for survival. Do everything not for yourself, but for the greater good of humanity ]

[ Note: Your attitudes and actions from now on, will implicate whether the Earth will be yet another unfortunate world, or a prosperous doomsday paradise ]

[ Good luck. You will definitely need it ]

"...Nah, this definitely aren't real..." Jason was now beyond shocked.

No, for starters, he was finding it hard to believe that such a thing could happen. The level of technology within the earth was not this advanced.

Nor were the Artificial Intelligence. Hence a part of him still thought that he was being delusional and dreaming, even now.

He froze, and pinched himself, and it hurt. So he was not dreaming. 'That's strange though...' He frowned in thought. His heart couldn't settle down.

But that was not enough to prove everything was real. He could be deluding everything.

Hence he called out to his dorm mates, to verify if he was going crazy or not. "Hey guys, you realized that something strange is–"

But unfortunately for him, the moment he stood up to call out to his friends, he suddenly felt his vision darken, as if his entire system shut down, and his body weaken.

He did not know what happened from then on, or who ambushed him, but everything was so fast, he had no last thoughts.

Until he found himself waking up within a completely white room. And the change of color of his vision from absolute darkness, to piecing light almost hurt his eyes.

But he bared with it.

"Argh... damn, my head hurts. Who ambushed me..? No, wait, where am I?" He stood up from the floor, his hand gently rubbing the back of his head as if to soothe his headache.

A moment later, once his focus returned, his gaze fell upon the room. And he was flabbergasted upon what he lay his eyes on.

Firstly, the room was completely empty. Save for the strange axe besides him. Either than that, it was completely empty through and through.

It was made up of white smooth material, like tile. And had a cube-like design. The floor, the walls and the ceiling were also small cubic tiles with 0% space in between them.

The room was surreal. It gave him chills running down his spine. Especially so, when there was no windows, with only a door-like frame, yet no handle.

It gave him the misconception that the room was just an empty cube, with no space for air to go in, and go out. It was a frightful thought.


Jason felt his heart slightly race. And at this very moment, yet another chime rang within his head.

[ TING!!! ]

[ Welcome to Game Sever No. 333 of the Karlos World. You are the first to gain consciousness out of all 3000 candidates of this sever ]

[ Congratulations!!! ]

[ Keep up the good work ]

[ As a reward, you will obtain a small hint: The Welcoming Survival Ceremony for all newbies will begin in ten minutes ]

[ Until then, the Earth will temporarily be safe from the corruption of Doomsday, until the end of this Game Sever. Please play wisely ]

[ Good luck!!! ]

"Wait wait, wait!! Hey, eho are you?!" Jason called out loud towards the empty room, yet nobody answered his call, making him more nervous.

He was ignored even after waiting for a whole minute, in which he gave up, and attempted to calm down his nerves.

'Fuck. This is ludicrous!!' He thought in anger and annoyance. At that time, more notifications appeared within his mind.

[ Basic Info: This World is a genuine world, and should be treated as such regardless of whether you are simulating or not. The survival ceremony focuses more on the survival theme. Everything else is not mandatory ]

[ Basic Info: Better keep those legs maintained~ ]


Jason was left speechless on the sidelines. His heart rate was slowly calming down the more he assessed his situation.

He then frowned to himself, his thoughts circulating. 'Basic info? Then is that something that must be remembered at all times?'

'And what does it mean a genuine world and simulations? Is this real, or just a game? I can't really tell... What the hell did I get into?' He thought in dejection.

'And that last add up... keeping our legs maintained? What's that supposed to even mean?' His head hurt from all the overthinking and worrying.

Yet the surprises were not over.

Within the corner of his eyes, three small tags abruptly appeared.

One had a face of a human icon, reading "Personal Info", the middle one had a small house icon reading "Chat room", and the last one had a capitalized A-icon, reading "Game Announcement".

Jason, now slightly calmer than a few minutes ago, clicked on the first icon, and was presented with game-like data.

Curiosity took the better of him, and he, himself, did not struggle against it.

[ Player: Jason Shemrite ]

[ Serial Number: 336663996 ]

[ Rank: 0 (0/300) ] (Can rank up by killing zombies, beasts, etc and obtaining energy essence )

[ STR: 6 ]

[ AGI: 8 ]

[ VIT: 7 ]

[ ERG: 30 ]

[ INT: 30 ]

[ Talent: To be activated ]

[ Hunting Points: To be activated ] (Rewarding points from killing zombies, beasts etc)


He glimpsed through everything and realized that he was only partially impressed. 'Is this data even authentic..? And Hunting Points? I'm not really liking where this is going.'

He thought, being aware that time was ticking. He hurriedly checked the [Chat Room].

And the [Chat Room]s, were really boisterous. There were a lot of people conversing together, sharing information, discussing the current events and their situation.

[ XXX1: Guys, I am scared I don't know what's going on I left my baby siste‐– ]

[ XXX2: Calm down, one word at a time ]

[ XXX3: Can, can we even go back home?! ]

[ XXX4: Do we die here? ]

[ XXX5: Isn't this a game? ]

[ XXX6: I think the higher ups messed up with the wrong aliens this time ]


Jason went through everything and affirmed that the atmosphere was quite chaotic. Some were sad, some were confused, some tried to act tough, some tried to brush it off.

In essence, there was chaos within the [Chat Room]. But when he was about to move onto to the last tag, some people began discussing proper information.

[ XXX14: Hey guys, I am Rank 0, with my average stats below ten? Is it also the case for everyone else? ]

[ XXX15: I am also Rank 0 with the same stats ]

[ XXX16: Same ]

[ XXX17: I am Rank 1 though? And my stats average above ten? ]

[ XXX21: Me too ]

[ XXX18: What's going on, there's no fairness within this thing? How do we explain this? ]

[ XXX16: Yeah, there's definitely a conspiracy here!! I can smell it ]

[ XXX21: ... ]

[ XXX19: All I smell is bitterness one way. Those with a higher talent, will of course, have a higher stat index. That's common sense, and even you know it ]

[ XXX21: Agreed. It's either talent, or potential ]


Jason agreed with the last two, despite how bitter he felt. 'Talent or potential, huh. Then does that make me one of the lower ends then? But then again... my last two stats average above ten.'

He closed the [Chat Room] and decided that anything else was of no use to him now. No one mentioned having a talent yet, so that was at least fair enough.

What Jason was curious about though, was why his ERG and INT were 30 points? Was that not leagues above Rank 0? Or maybe even above Rank 1?

It was just too high. Unfortunately for him, before he could even explore this wonder, the [Game Announcements] automatically popped up with new information.

[ In ten seconds, all candidates will awaken their talents. Brace yourselves ]