Super Sweet

Alicia was a lot more chill than Louis. She checked her watch and said, "Why don't we just eat here? If we change rooms, we have to order all over again, and wait for our food. You've got stuff to do later, right?"

Giovanni had a good eye for details. When he heard Alicia, he got up quick, telling them, "Alicia, you and Louis have a good meal. We'll head to the room next door."

Haley grumbled, "Why the switch? It's just lunch. Let's finish eating and get out of here. Moving rooms is such a pain."

Giovanni grabbed her arm, lifted her up like she was a little puppy, and headed out, asking a waiter to set up a different room.

Pouting, Haley flopped into a chair and waited for the food. "Why are you making such a big deal? What was wrong with the other room? I'm hungry," she whined.