A New Zombie Tide Arrives

Ji Zan watched as more and more zombies emerged and quickly reached out to grab Fu Shinan. "Run fast."

Startled, Fu Shinan reflexively clung to Ji Zan's clothes and shouted, "Put me down, I can run on my own."

Ji Zan didn't answer, and there was no time to answer. He held onto Fu Shinan and glanced around before sprinting north, where they hadn't searched yet. Because Fu Shinan had no pants and was just wrapped up, letting her run on her own would probably not outpace the zombies.

Fu Shinan looked back and couldn't help but break into a sweat. Why were there suddenly so many zombies? The most important thing was that their running speed had become similar to ordinary humans. "There are too many zombies, let's go back to the previous metal shack. I have strengthened it, so it should hold."

Ji Zan hesitated for a moment, looked around, and indeed found no other hiding places. He had no choice but to run back to the metal shack they had been in before.