I Will Follow You From Now On

Fu Shinan only now noticed the man's lower half—there were no legs left, his entire lower body was gone. Without any medication, surviving until now was a testament to incredible willpower. Although she was a doctor who had seen various injuries, she couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness at this moment. She started, "You..."

The man had spoken too much earlier and immediately spat out a mouthful of dark blood. It had been too long since he had spoken this much. Even if he hadn't encountered people today, his body was already at its limit. His organs were likely beginning to decay.

Ji Zan immediately intervened, "Don't speak for now, I can help you."

However, as Ji Zan reached out, Fu Gui rushed forward, shielding his owner in front of him, baring its sharp teeth aggressively. It was ferocious, absolutely unwilling to let anyone harm its master.

The man tried his best to comfort the golden retriever."Fu Gui, be good. They are good people…"