Like Touching a Dog

Seeing this, the others grabbed large rocks and began smashing the car. As they kept at it, they wondered why this luxury car was so tough. They had been smashing it repeatedly, but it showed no signs of cracking.

Fu Shinan, on the other hand, was getting anxious. She had heard the system's warning that the car's defense was dropping rapidly. When it reached zero, the car would start to crack. She immediately attempted to use her psychic connection on the nearest person, but she received a message that there was an obstacle preventing the connection. This frustrated her to no end.

Xiao Chang'an was also nervous. "Why isn't my uncle back yet? Are we doomed?" His words had barely left his mouth when he suddenly disappeared.

"Chang'an!" Fu Shinan shouted in alarm. But she quickly remembered that Xiao Chang'an had teleportation abilities. His sudden disappearance was likely due to his eagerness to see Ji Zan.