It's Normal for Grown-ups to Break Up and Get Back Together

Fu Shinan, curious, asked, "What does he teach? He seems really smart..."

Professor Feng shook his head, "He didn't say, but I have a feeling he's a scientist."

As they chatted, Molly got up, glanced at Ji Zan, and then looked at He Zhu. She said, "Let's find a place to rest too."

He Zhu had no objections and took the two remaining members of the Changkong Tribe to rest.

Others also found places to rest one by one.

Fu Shinan, along with Man Yu, Wei Xinyi, and Shui Ling'er, locked the door and got ready to rest.

Little did they know that not far away, a pair of sinister and resentful eyes were watching everything.

Man Yu and Fu Shinan lay together, but unlike her usual ability to fall asleep quickly, Man Yu kept tossing and turning.

Fu Shinan nudged her with her elbow, "What's bothering you? Is something on your mind?"

Man Yu replied, "Not really. It's just that I suddenly have this feeling of an uncertain future..."