Unnamed Hero

Fu Shinan stepped outside and only then realized that Professors Feng and Zhao were sitting in the left courtyard, quite far from her side. The two of them were whispering, as if afraid to disturb anyone. Chang'an and Nana were playing near the courtyard entrance, also at a distance from her.

"Where did everyone go? Why is it just you guys?" she asked, looking at the two children drawing circles on the ground.

Xiao Chang'an heard the commotion and immediately turned around, seeing that it was Fu Auntie. He smiled and said, "Auntie Fu, you're awake! Uncle took everyone out, saying we should look for some supplies before leaving. He also specifically told us to keep it down! Don't wake Auntie Fu up. Uncle is really good to Auntie Fu..."

Nana nodded in agreement, "Big brother told us to play at the entrance and not go near sister's resting area, so as not to disturb her. Sister, did you sleep well?"