Black Bear

Fu Shinan was daydreaming, considering how hot it was and how long they had been walking; it was easy for her mind to wander. Suddenly, she heard a comment that caught her off guard, "Who? Not me."

Ji Zan, on the other hand, seemed eager, "I'm fine with it."

Man Yu couldn't help but chuckle, "She's just too shy to admit it, but her legs are practically giving out!"

Fu Shinan was bewildered, "???"

Man Yu didn't pay any mind, she pushed Fu Shinan forward and grabbed Molly. With a mischievous smile, she said, "I tell you, Molly, we're not kids anymore. We have to be a bit tactful and not constantly disrupt the lovebirds! You can't return a favor with resentment, you know! But the kids are smarter than you, even Chang An knows not to bother them..."

Man Yu's voice was quite loud, and she didn't want Molly to pretend not to understand.