I Want to Apologize to You

"Send her to the police station," Qi Shenbai said coldly. He did not want to see her face again, nor did he want to hear her badmouth Xu Jiaojiao.

In the end, the bodyguards dragged Lu Huan out like a filthy sewer rat.

Finally, only Xu Jiaojiao and Qi Shenbai were left in the room.

The lights flickered, and many moths flew towards the brightest spot without any regrets. Xu Jiaojiao slowly walked toward Qi Shenbai and sat on his lap.

"Did you say that on purpose?" Xu Jiaojiao asked as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"What do you think?" Qi Shenbai asked instead of answering.

"I think you did it on purpose. You wanted to piss her off." Xu Jiaojiao rubbed her face against his. His face was so smooth, like a pebble.

"That's right! That was the only way to trample on her heart." Qi Shenbai did not refute her words. In truth, he did not care what Lu Huan thought. He only loved Xu Jiaojiao to death.