Chapter 16: Just Like Me


The phone had stopped ringing and I could hear her soft and delicate breathing on the other end. I don’t know what possessed me to call her, but before I could properly think her number was already dialing.

“What can I do for you tonight, Mr. Bateman?” Her soft and seductive voice came through the speaker.

I was hooked like a man with a substance abuse problem, and she was the substance. She called to me, and I would always be willing and ready to respond.

“I hope I wasn’t disturbing you, Miss Williams.”

A simple chuckle left her lips and a small smile tugged at my own. Her laugh wasn’t forced, just a genuine and subtle sound. I could almost see her in my head smiling at me. Her brown hair would have fallen over her shoulders as she tucked loose strands behind her ear. Her heels were long gone as she stood in front of me, her height at a disadvantage with my own. Her green eyes would sparkle a deep shade of brown as she looked up at me with fake innocence.