Chapter 33: Intertwined


Ares wanted me.

My voice was stuck in my throat as I watched the sincerity in his eyes. I didn’t know what to believe but my heart was telling me to believe and trust him. From the moment I met Ares even with the overconfident aura he had been himself. Ares didn’t apologize for the way he was, and I didn’t expect him to. He knew his worth just as I knew mine and he presented his knowledge to the world.

What reason would he have to lie when he never pretended prior?

“Is it crazy that I believe you?” I asked.

His perfect smile erupted on his face, and I couldn’t help but smile myself. Ares wasn’t the overzealous type. He has always given off a too-cool-for-school vibe, but now he was showing me differently. He was showing that he could care about something other than the business. He was showing me that he cared about me, and that no matter how calm, cool, and collected he may seem, he cared about me and what I thought of him.