Chapter 35: What Are We?


Last night had to be the best sleep that I had gotten in a long time. I groaned as I rolled over and laid my head on Ares’s chest. The suit didn’t do him any justice for what was underneath. His toned abs were slowly becoming a favorite of mine. I was sinking deeper and deeper into his embrace, and I couldn’t deny how right it felt.

His blackout screens kept the sun from burning my retinas, but it also prevented me from knowing what time it was. Had we slept in after our night of endless sex? Was it still the same night as when I got here or was it simply morning and I was the first to rise?

“No, go back to bed,” he muttered.

His voice was low, husky and added a level of arousal to me as he spoke. I didn’t think it was possible to have a man make me this aroused just by speaking. I was starting to fall for him more and more as the days passed. I didn’t think that it was possible to feel this way for someone whom I had just met, but I couldn’t deny it any longer.