Chapter 7: The Mayor's Son

I was left wallowing in desperation and anger. I wanted to have him, but he had created a barrier between us again.

The door opened and Auden rushed into the storage room and then loudly stated, “Wade, I told you not to lock yourself up in the storage while finishing the work assigned. Mr. Winston has been looking for you.”

His loud voice was an indication that the gallery manager was nearby. “Sorry Auden, I wanted to be a good employee and impress Mr. Winston. All the data has been recorded. We can go back to the department.”

I readjusted my clothes and hair making Auden’s eyes widened further and he whispered, “Are you f*cking crazy?”

When we stepped out of the storage Mr. Winston was standing by the entrance looking annoyed. “Where the hell have you been, Wade? You have been missing for more than an hour. You know the gallery rules very well.”

“In the storage room, sir,” I responded innocently. “I was busy doing the audit trail as you had requested.”

“Come with me. Elaine Everette would like your opinion on some paintings. Keep your opinions to yourself and don’t become a smart mouth.” The words were gritted out.

I nodded and followed him as we walked into the curator department. Elaine smiled immediately when I walked in. “Wade, I hope you are keeping well.”

I nodded in response and stood waiting for the next instructions. “I would like your view about this painting.” She gestured with her hand at a painting that was placed on the vast desk.

I walked over and gasped. The painting was of the Comino Blue Lagoon on Gozo Island. I knew this painting well. It was one of Pa’s.

I composed myself and then turned to her and smiled. “This is an exquisite painting, Miss Elaine. Where did you get it?”

She beamed and then stated proudly, “I bought it in Milan. It’s one of a kind.”

“I recognize the painter. Did you buy it from Morrice Calisto? He is a renowned art collector whose gallery is high-end.” Godfather was one of a kind. Extravagant and loved art.

“What? You know the painter?” Elaine squealed, making Auden rush over to look at the painting. His eyes widened and he looked at me in surprise.

Mr. Winston scoffed off and stated, “Mr. Calisto had kept the painter's name anonymous for the year. How could a young person like you know who it is?”

Elaine turned around to Mr. Winston and asked, “Do I detect the disdain in your tone, Mr. Winston? As his manager, shouldn’t you be encouraging him instead of scolding him?” Her voice was laced with a threat. She must have caught on to how lazy and sleazy Mr. Winston was.

“No, Miss Elaine.” He smiled widely in panic. “I was just being cautious since such information is private. And such information is not even privy to the museum. How could he know?

“I believe that Wade is a talented man,” she praised me as I smiled and she moved closer with a nod. “I would like to display this painting in the gallery. It’s not for sale but It should pick the mind of art lovers and make them come here to see it. This way we would have more people visiting the gallery.”

Elaine Everette was a remarkable sight. No wonder everyone admired her mind. She was smart and generous. I nodded in acceptance and then someone cleared his throat in the doorway. We turned around and standing in the doorway of the curator department was none other than my angel.

Elaine smiled and beckoned him to come over. His eyes blazed in anger as he raked them between me and Elaine. His meaning was clear, and I took a step back.

She walked over and pulled him into the room. “Wade Malkiel, this is Vaughn Everette, my younger brother.”

We stood staring at each other until I felt Auden nudge me from behind. I extended my hand in greeting and Elaine looked at our faces and then asked, “Vaughn, do you know him?”

He looked at my hand and scoffed. “Sister, since when do I mix with his kind?”

His meaning was clear. The shock that registered on my face was evident. Elaine looked uncomfortable while Mr. Winston beamed. Vaughn turned around and left the curator department while Elaine struggled to explain, “Ignore him, Wade. He is a spoilt brat who is the heir of the Everette family. Don’t worry about him.”

My whole being burned in anger and disappointment. I nodded at Elaine and walked out of the curator department. I heard Auden state, “I knew he would not let it go.” He knew me well.

I rushed after Vaughn and yelled at him, “Mr. Everett, what is my kind?”

His step faltered and turned around. He looked angry and jealous. Did he misread the room thinking I was flirting with his sister?

“What right do you have to talk to me,” he seethed.

I smirked and stared directly at his lips. My meaning was clear. I had the right to ask him anything since we had kissed in the storage room. Our relationship had changed and hence my blood boiled with demands. “Don’t push me, Vaughn, or you’ll end up seeing an ugly side of me that you will not like,” I threatened him.

I heard a gasp behind me and knew both Auden, Elaine, and Mr. Winston had caught up. Vaughn’s demeanor completely changed. He looked like he was ready for battle.

Looking at me coldly, he stated, “Better watch your words gallery curator. Accept that you come from the lower class. It's your destiny and has nothing to do with me.” The words were delivered in such a cold manner that from the corner of my eye I saw Auden move forward.

“Vaughn Everette, you better apologize right now, or you will never have my support you brat.” Elaine moved forward and looked up at him in anger.

“Sister don’t be fooled by this man. He is a liar,” Vaughn sneered.

The slap sounded so loud in the hallway that Auden moved back to where he was standing. “Vaughn Everett, you know me better than this. Apologize now!”

Vaugh stared at his sister in defiance and then looked up at me and stated, “I apologize, Wade Malkiel. I spoke out of turn.” He then turned back and left the gallery. The commotion attracted the audience that was in the gallery, and they gathered at a distance to watch.

“I sincerely apologize to you, Wade. Vaughn is usually calm and rarely reacts. I have no idea why he is being this way,” Elaine stated and then turned around to follow Vaughn.

The disappointment in my heart, of a man whom I had just kissed not long ago, hit me.

“Wade, come to my office right now. Auden, you take care of the guest and apologize to them for the commotion,” Mr. Winston instructed and walked in the direction of his office.

“Wade, calm your anger, brother. Be polite and remember Pa’s promise,” Auden said. I shrugged my shoulders and walked to Mr. Winston’s office.

Once we got in, he informed me, “Listen to me Wade, I don’t care how powerful your Pa is, today’s commotion warrants a suspension. And you have no right to cause an argument and cause me embarrassment in front of the mayor’s son.”

I stood there defiantly looking at him and asked, “Are you saying I should have let him continue to insult me?” My voice was laced with anger. Pa would have to forgive me today as I was not going to take sh*t from anyone.

“You could have addressed this differently by letting me handle it. But you went out in front of guests in the hallway and caused a commotion. We have the CCTV cameras to prove it.” He ended the sentence with a smile.

“Mr. Winston, I am well aware of the kind of person you are. Don’t you dare threaten me knowing full well you tried to sell fake art. And since I came into the gallery you have been trying to suppress me. For your information, I don’t care what relationship you have with my Pa, but being different from him, I would never take bullsh*t from a person like you.” I removed the Museum curator badge from my wallet and placed it on his desk.

“Do you think that with this kind of attitude, you will get a job anywhere else, Wade? Rebels like you never make it far.”

I scoffed off and smiled. “Do you think with your laziness, you will remain as the gallery manager with Elaine Everette's keen eye?”

He looked scared; his eyes wide. Mr. Winston whispered, “What are you planning to do, you b*stard?”

“Nothing, Mr. Winston. The low class is busy trying to survive to be bothered. You will receive my resignation letter in your email” With that, I left the office with a smile.

After picking up my bag from the curator department, I walked out of the gallery wondering, “Vaughn Everette, just what kind of b*stard are you?”