Chapter 33: Malkiel Power


I was so engrossed in work when Gideon and Elaine busted into my office. 

“What is it?”

“Wade Malkiel is something else. Have you watched the news?” Gideon laughed.

“I have been busy working as you can see. What is happening?” I asked Elaine. 

She took the remote and switched on the TV, searching for the Malta Daily channel. Auden’s face came into view. “The Malkiel Holding will keep supporting the Valletta community by introducing the art school under the Museum of Arts and Gallery. We invite everyone interested to come for the registration. Thank you all.” 

And then the press briefing ended. 

I raised my eyebrows in question and Gideon smiled. “It is what he said before. That they have withdrawn from the Bexley Foundation. And that they will be investing in the Everette hotels and opening a new hotel in Gozo. Your boyfriend is going all out.”

Elaine beamed. “My brother-in-law is outstanding. But Vaughn you don't seem excited by the news.”