Chapter 46: Mediation

The judge in charge of the case and the lawyers for Sam Bexley called for a private mediation session at the courthouse. We arrived at the stipulated time accompanied by Mayor Beth and Uncle Malkiel. Vaughn seemed distant and I held his hand to encourage him to put up a fight. 

The judge welcomed all of us as we sat opposite each other. Vera Bexley looked tired as her baby bump was now showing. My eyes blazed as she smirked at me, and Vaughn pressed his hand into mine to calm me down. 

“I would like to welcome you all for this mediation session. Both parties are here because Sam Bexley requested for it to be a closed private session. I will let them have the first go and then the Everettes will follow suit.”

We all nodded and then Sam Bexley’s lawyers started the narration of how Vera made the mistake of kidnapping Vaughn and now that she was pregnant with his child, they hope we can mediate amicably. 

We all remained composed and silent until he finished his narration.