Chapter 36

"Alright, no point thinking about a dead man," said Liu Wei trying to lighten the mood. "Moving on to spirit, what exactly does that mean?"

I quickly held up a hand, stopping Wang Chao from giving him firsthand experience with a spirit user. "Yes, yes, yes, you are all-powerful and all-knowing, but please keep it to yourself for right now. We don't need to traumatize Wei or me anymore than I have already been," I said, trying to stop whatever was going to happen between the two guys.

"A spirit user has several advantages. They are psychic so they can read minds… and no, I am not trying to think too much about that right now… They can control time by making it stop for those that they want to and can use their voice to command people… or to entrap them in one way or another," I said, remembering exactly how we found out about that particular power. I wish it was because he stopped time, but I am not that lucky.