Chapter 51 [Bonus chapter]

I sat down at the kitchen island and paused. Music… why didn't I think about music?!? I normally did my best thinking to music. I would need to get my hands on whatever this world considered music.

Liu Wei and Wang Chao entered the kitchen a few minutes after me and I turned to glare at the men. "One of you, find a way for me to get my hands on music," I snapped, cranky that I had forgotten about music! That would have been a much simpler way of cutting through the silence than filling up my place with people.

Liu Wei pulled out his phone and started to work his magic. "Anything in particular?" He asked, looking at me, trying to figure out my mood. Good luck with that Boyo, I was still trying to figure out my mood.

"Not a clue. I didn't have music in my second life, and I doubt that the music here is the same as it was back in my old world. Just get me everything you can get your hands on; pop, classical, heavy metal, bluegrass… I really don't care. Just music."