Chapter 90

Stepping out of the restaurant for the second time, with Wang Chao at my back, I was completely unprepared for Liu Wei to storm through the food court and pull me into his arms. "Are you okay?" he asked. "Wang Chao said that you had come across an ambush."


I laughed as he refused to let me go, even going so far as to lift me up so far that my feet were dangling off the floor. "I am just fine," I reassured him, "You know what a worrywart Wang Chao is."


"That's the thing… he's not a worry wart. He's like one of those emperors that lets everyone else do the worrying while he makes the final decision," Liu Wei said as he put me back down on the ground and held me at arm's length.  Looking me up and down, and from back to front, he confirmed for himself that I was fine before tucking me into his side. "Who's the new people?" he asked, pointing his chin to where Huang Chan Juan and Huang Tian Kuo were.