The End of the World is Coming... Again

A knock sounded on the penthouse door.

The boys and I were discussing what needed to be done that day because according to what I could remember, the zombie tide would be hitting us in a little over one week.


"Enter," called out Wang Chao when I didn't bother to open my mouth. Chen Zi Han and Liu Wei went to their normal spots behind my chair since there would be an outsider in our house.


The door opened and in walked Ren Rou Xuan with a stranger behind him. Seeing the unidentified man, I could feel the tension in my men rise. "This is 2nd Lieutenant Xun Qian Guo from the City Y Sanctuary Base," said Ren Rou Xuan making the introduction.


With a wave of his hand, Wang Chao dismissed Ren Rou Xuan leaving only the newcomer at the door.