My Sun, My Moon, My Very Being


Liu Wei rolled back slightly onto his upper back and used the momentum to flip himself onto his feet.  Landing in a crouch, his weapon forward, his shield behind him protecting his back, he scanned the area.  If Li Dai Lu was here then he needed to get to her fast. She could be in danger.


There was a dense forest off to one side, while in front of him stood a majestic mountain landscape. The other side held a meadow filled with flowers that swayed gently in the wind.


Not seeing his Queen, he maintained his low crouch and spun around facing whatever it was behind him.  Seeing a lake stretched out, he scanned the shores and saw a wooden pergola in the distance fine white fabric hung at the corners and across the top, swaying in the wind. As the breeze picked up, the curtain moved, revealing a figure standing at the edge, staring at the water.