No Guarantee that the Enemy of my Enemy Doesn't Want to Eat me.

I hid in Liu Wei's arms so Liu Yu Zeng couldn't see the smile on my face. "You are evil, Princess, pure and utter evil," laughed Chen Zi Han from where he stood. Liu Yu Zeng was still a bit green around the gills and couldn't speak yet.


"Oh, right! About being evil and all. Have you guys thought whether or not we should rescue the base and the people in it?" I asked, turning back around and looking at the guys.


The four of them shared a look. "I think we will leave that decision up to you," said Wang Chao, taking one for the team. I nodded my head. I mean, I really didn't want to save anyone that treated Wang Chao like that, plus it would be nice to use the zombies as a way of getting rid of Zhao Jia Li. But something told me that that woman was like a bad rash, always coming back when you least expected it.


But the truth was… I was bored. And coming from an introvert, that was saying something.