I'm Sorry, What?!?

"I'm sorry, I don't think that I heard you correctly," said Wang Chao looking at the woman that was sitting at the island. For the first time since He Xin Yi walked into the RV willing to help Liu Yu Zeng find his brother, Wang Chao's expressionless face cracked.

"Did you really just say that he saved the world?" demanded Liu Wei. He was managing to hold his emotions close, but telling them that Liu Yu Zeng saved the world was like saying that Satan moonlighted as Santa one night a year. Yeah, it could happen, but the chance of it was almost zero.

He Xin Yi nodded her head, "Yes," she said, looking at Liu Yu Zeng with stars in her eyes. "After he created the communication towers, he went about taking over the southern part of the country. With powers like his, the zombies didn't stand a chance."