An Old School Approach

I could feel the Major General's disbelieving gaze, but it only caused me to smile more.

I liked old-school movies, although I guess calling them old-school really depended on your age. But there was one movie in particular that seemed fitting for this scenario… so why not have a little fun?

"Would you have preferred me saying; 'flawless victory'?" I asked as I turned around to face him.

"There are some days where I am assuming that we are speaking the same language, but I have no idea the words that are coming out of your mouth," said Deng Jun Hie with a shake of his head.

"Yeah, but look," I said, tilting my head out the window and to our men on the ground. My 'meaningless' words took the edge off, and now they were in a better headspace to face the zombies in front of them.

"How did you know?"