Changing Our Thinking

Another man, older than the first, with white hair and a white beard, got off his bike and walked over to me. I could feel my men stiffen, but I held up my hand, forcing them to stay put.


"Listen, little girl," said the man as he came to a stop in front of me.  This time I held up a hand to him. "I am his little girl," I replied, pointing to Wang Chao. "And unless you are going to apologize for waking me up, I suggest you stop talking, turn around and take your men away before you no longer can."


The man stared at me. "My name is Li Tai Shun," he said as he looked at me. "Your boys disrespected mine."


"And?" I asked with a smile. "Like you said, my boys. They can start all the shit they want because I will be there to clean up after them. Now, fuck off."


"I don't think you understand what needs to happen. We want those bikes. We will have those bikes. It is really that simple."