Seventh Circle of Hell

"Same situation as you," said Liu Wei as he looked at his Sweetheart. "We went in after you and were grabbed by the ankle and dragged in different directions."


"I wonder why," sighed Li Dai Lu, and Liu Wei just wanted to go over there and wrap her in his arms.


"Let's get a warm shower, something hot to drink, and come up with a better plan."


"What? You didn't like my 'fuck it' plan?" smiled Li Dai Lu.


"No," admitted Wang Chao. "I really didn't."


"Meh," she said with a shrug. "I wasn't that big of a fan of it either, but I really couldn't come up with anything better."


"I think anything is better than 'fuck it'," grumbled Liu Yu Zeng as he came to his feet. He swayed for a few seconds before straightening up and taking a step toward where Li Dai Lu was still on the ground. Holding out his hand, he offered her help standing.