
Between the three of us, there was enough of an opening that I could see a section of the zombie's burning soul completely exposed to me. "Enough!" I shouted in my mind. "Get over here!"


Instead of the light grasp that I needed on every other flame that I called to me, I pictured gripping it in my hand like the zombie had me gripped by my ankle and pulled it to me as hard as I could.


The flame shot down the path that Chen Zi Han, Liu Yu Zeng, and I had created until I could hold it in the palm of my hand. I looked down at the small trembling fire and I wondered how this tiny thing could have given us so much trouble.


I called back a part of my purple flame and allowed it to consume the light blue one. Feeling a renewed strength coursing through my body, I let out a sigh of relief. The zombie was dead. We were not.


My vision returned to normal just in time to see the jaws of a massive shark gaping open in front of me.