Wrong Side of the Bed

I woke up from a fantastic sleep, only to find myself alone in the bed.


Have I ever mentioned how much I hate waking up alone now? I mean, I really, really hate it. In fact, the last time it happened, I shot the cause in the head. Yeah. Not impressed.


I rolled out of bed (because how else are you supposed to get to the edge of a bed this big without rolling?) and threw on new clothes. My face, hair, and teeth would have to wait until I hunted down one of my men and found out who I had to kill.


And before there are any sarcastic comments from the voices in my head. Yes, I woke up and chose violence. Whether it would be outright murder or just a few stab wounds depended entirely on the men's reasons.


And Liu Yu Zeng had a free pass, seeing as he was on the last watch and therefore had a justifiable reason for being out of bed. The other three? Nope.