I Don’t Know

"Now, Sweetheart," said Liu Wei as he helped me climb onto the back of Reaper. "You say that like it is a bad thing. That isn't nice. Maybe they like the feeling."


"Sorry," I said as I looked over at the commander. "I take it back. You aren't fucked."


"Much better," said Liu Wei, continuing to joke, but we both knew that they were fucked. There was no way that we would be willing to go for that long of a swim. Even if we had our own zombie bodyguards to keep the other zombies away, there were still too many things that could go wrong.


The device could either stay down at the bottom of the ocean for eternity, or I could send my new Beta after it. Either way, unless we took a boat there or something, we weren't jumping in the water.


"So, what's the new plan, because we are not spending a moment longer than necessary in the water," I said, looking between Wang Chao and the commander.