Violence is Always the Answer

'War is a bitch, and Death always follows War,' Violence said, and once again, I had to stop my physical body from shrugging. 


I had hoped that Violence would give me some answers, not more bullshit philosophies, but I guess I was shit out of luck with that.


"Yes, yes, war is a bitch. But why on Earth would you think death didn't follow war? I mean, I have yet to hear of a war that didn't lead to casualties." 


There was a brief pause before Violence opened her mouth again. Just as slow as ever. Fine, we will take baby steps right now. Hopefully, we can pick up the pace soon before the world ends.'


"Hey, I am not the one being difficult here," I growled, not realizing that I had been speaking out loud. "And I am pretty sure that the world has already ended, so you can can that attitude, young lady."


"What's going on?" asked Chen Zi Han, a note of confusion in his voice.