Two Sides To The Same Coin

"I wondered where everyone was," said Wang Chao, waking Chen Zi Han up. He looked at Li Dai Lu, relieved that she was still sleeping on top of Liu Yu Zeng. There was a brief flash of rage in the other man's eyes, but he calmed down quickly when the woman in his arms started to stir.


"You know how she is without her puppy pile," shrugged Chen Zi Han as he rolled out of bed. Tilting his head towards the kitchen, he indicated for the other man to proceed him. He definitely didn't want Li Dai Lu waking up before she absolutely had to.


'Fucking War, can't stand to be left out of anything. What's the new term for it? YoYo?' grumbled the voice in Chen Zi Han's head.


'FOMO,' replied the man as he shrugged on his clothes and left the room, shutting the door behind him. 'Fear of missing out.'