I Choose Life

"So, what did I miss?" I asked as I returned to the conning tower. My three men, as well as the commanding officer, turned to look at me.


"They've decided to die here," said Liu Wei with a shrug, not overly concerned about the possibility of all those deaths. In fact, he looked almost happy about it. However, whether people lived or died, it was not my call to make.


"How many men are on board right now?" I asked, looking at the commanding officer. I didn't think that he would be willing to let his men die, but what did I know?


"134 souls," confirmed the commanding officer.


"And you are okay with everything dying? Don't you think that it should come down to a vote or something? I mean, I would be pissed if I had a chance to live, but because you had an inflated ego or were too prideful, you decided that I needed to die," I said as I started to bob my head to a song that only I could hear.


Thank you, Crazy.