Good Men

The zombie king once again bowed his head before coming to his feet. As soon as he was full height, he let out a roar of dominance.  A flock of crows rose up through the trees, their startled cry the only sound around.


Letting out a huff of pleasure, he looked around the street, taking in the zombies on their knees behind him as well as the new zombies that had unknowingly followed me to the battle.  He let out a second roar, a challenge roar, to the zombies that were on their knees behind my men and Bin An Sha.


Once again, only silence met his challenge. Satisfied that he was the second most dominant being around, he looked at me. "Dumb meat?"


"All yours, big boy," I said with a smile. "But leave mine alone, understood?" I pressed. The king looked at the five men in front of him and snorted.