Getting My Hands Bloody

Liu Wei could feel Li Dai Lu chuckling along their link until she cut it off, allowing him to concentrate on the situation in front of him.


Taking her advice, knowing that she saw the flames before any of them did, he took off his glasses and put them in the inside pocket of his leather jacket. As soon as he took off the glasses, the world went blurry for a few seconds.


Normally, this would cause something inside of Liu Wei's stomach to churn, making him quickly pull out his glasses again. But this time, he fought the need. After a few seconds, everything turned a varying shade of grey, and countless flames appeared.


Was that all he had to do to be able to see the flames? Take off his glasses?


He blinked a few times, causing the flames to become more and more clear until he felt like he was looking at them with his normal vision.