Need To Be Faster

The hot bullet cut through my right upper chest, a hands width away from my head. 'Beta, kill,' I growled out through my link before sinking back into the depths of the warm waters. I could feel creatures shooting past me on either side, but I couldn't move.


I was no longer wearing the oxygen hose, and I couldn't move any part of my body well enough to be able to insert it. I briefly thought about jumping into my space, but since there was no one else there right now…


What was I thinking about?


Why is this water so frigging cold? I thought the East Sea was supposed to be warm.


Hummm…. Warm. It would be nice to be warm right now…


Why does it hurt to breathe?




"Our Queen!" screamed Ares as Wang Chao fought to hold on to the handlebars of the bike. It felt like he had just been shot in the chest, but that was impossible.