Building an Empire

There was a lot of fear and hesitation at the beginning, but I guess that was to be expected, seeing as they watched me feed their co-workers to the zombies. However, once I brought out a buffet of food, the hesitation was gone, and they went to the tables, avoiding the blood spills like it was just another day.


Then again, they did work in an underground fight club, so it probably was for them.


One of the women who appeared to work behind the bar sat down first and started piling food on the plate in front of her. "What?" she demanded when the others simply stared. "Whether we live or die, at least we are going to have a full stomach, which is more than I can say for the past two years," she continued with a shrug. 


One of the men grunted and went to sit down beside her. "I don't suppose you have any orange juice," he joked, looking at me. "I would give my right arm for a glass of orange juices."