She's A Healer

Wang Chao walked up to the first set of gates and looked up at the city. They had come full circle and then some, he mused a slight smile on his lips. His thoughts drifted off to their first meeting, the misunderstandings, and all the times she had gone with what they wanted simply to make them happy.


He closed his eyes and stretched out his neck, trying to loosen the tense muscles in them. If something happened and they had to start all over from the beginning, he knew every last thing that he would change, starting at the moment Liu Wei walked into his office, letting him know that the ranch had been sold to some prissy second-generation.


He pictured how that would play out in his head. Would he get down on his hands and knees at that moment to beg for her forgiveness, or would he have gifted her the ranch and all the supplies she needed?