When Grandma grabbed Chen Minrong to apologize, less than a minute later, the two of them started to cry.
This scene made me felt very sad. Chen Minrong was completely exposed in front of her grandmother. Those sorrowful emotions that she would normally not reveal to Teng Ke was revealed in front of her mother-in-law.
It could be seen that Chen Minrong trusted her mother-in-law. very much. While grandma also stood on Chen Minrong's side.
Grandma was a very emotional person, and I've felt like that since I had met her.
Looking at my grandmother and Chen Minrong was crying on the couch, I snuffled and turned my head, placing my forehead on Teng Ke's chest and saying "We'll …not going to be like this way, right? "
Teng Ke stroked my forehead and replied, "I will never do anything wrong to you in my entire life. I will let you know that you have given yourself to me the is the best decision you have made in the rest of your life."