Chapter 528 You Are My mother?

When we arrived home, Teng Ke was in the co-driver seat, sleeping and sleeping.

I waited in the car for a while, not wanting to wake him up.

I turned off the air conditioner in the car and opened the window. The night air was just cool and not bone-piercing, and even with a smell of green grass.

I leaned back in my seat and looked at his sleeping face.

About twenty minutes later, a text message suddenly appeared in the crack between the seats.

And then I remembered that I had dropped Teng Ke's cell phone in the crack of the seat because of my overpowering nerves.

When the phone lit up in the gap, I nervously looked at Teng Ke, who just opened his eyes. He looked at me blankly for a moment, then stretched out in his seat and looked out of the window. He said: "Reached home already? Why didn't you wake me?"

I tried to hide my nervousness. Then I turned off the ignition and opened the door. I said: let's go inside."