Chapter 17 You Know What I Want

The scene was so embarrassing that Shane could imagine that after playing with eagles for many years, an eagle pecked his eyes.

And this eagle... He never thought it would be a little woman like Gracia.

John was worthy of being a right-hand man who had been with Shane for many years. Seeing that Shane was embarassed, he quickly said, "Miss Gracia, this joke is very interesting."

Gracia turned her head and stared at John. John had never seen a young woman with such dignity before. For a moment, he was frightened and dumbfounded. He looked at Shane a little at a loss, as if he meant to say, "Boss, I've helped everything I can, and that's it. The rest is for your own good."

Janette stuck Shane here. But Shane looked at her and said with a smile, "Miss Gracia, if you dare to ask, you can have it."

After that, Shane turned to John and said, "Go to prepare the contract for transferring 15% of the shares of the mall under my name to Miss Gracia!"