2: Come to bed

"Y\nnnnn, why did you tell him to stop paying attention to meeee." Jungkook whined tugging onto my arm while I walked over to my bed to get in again.

When he realized I wasn't going to talk to him he moved from my arm to tug onto my bra clip, and somehow he figured out how to undo it.

"Hey!" I scolded trying to clip it back but Jungkook just pushed me onto my bed by the throat.

"Let's take this off why don't we?" Jungkook asked cockily tugging at the tiny little rabben in the front of the lingerie.

"Sure." I said naughtily smirking and using my left hand to continue pulling it down.

Jungkook suddenly jumped up and fell onto the floor almost shaking at just the sight of my nipples, it looked like he had a stroke.

"You bitch...." Jungkook almost whispered as I put my bra back on, "Why are you so mad? You're always staring." I teased getting up just to bend down again and rub Jungkook's back comfortingly.

When he looked back up at me I saw that his nose was bleeding? Why??

"Wow, that is just sad," I said getting up again, "Are you that sex deprived?" I asked leaning against my bed and watching him wipe away the blood on his chin.

"No I'm just fucking gay at school." Jungkook chuckled striking confusion into my mind, "You're what?!"

This news was new.

"....right, you don't know about that do you?" He grinned strolling over to the bathroom, "No, since when are you gay?!" I almost raised my voice following him.

"It's a long story- actually, it's not. A girl asked me out and I didn't want to be rude, so I said a was gay instead of rejecting her normally," Damn, I didn't know Jungkook had a heart, "And now everyone at school thinks I'm only into boys. So I haven't seen pair of boobs in at least two years, not in person anyway."

"Wanna have another look then?" I teased not having any intention to show him my boobs, I only did it to get him off of me because I knew he was just teasing. He does it a lot, but he never does anything that might violet my privacy or upset me and would back off if I told him to. It's his way of respecting me, I guess.

"Don't test me Y\n." Jungkook almost, threatened maybe? His voice was so firm and scary.

"Okey okey, let's go to bed." I said pulling him back to my room after he finished cleaning himself of any blood. "Let me just brush my teeth, I'll be there in a few." He said with smirk.

I went back to bed and soon enough he joined me, I could feel his bare chest press against my back as he spooned me. I very sleepily turned around to have him cuddle me while facing me, I buried my face into his chest and could smell his strong yet gently scent the whole night until I had to get up to go to class the next morning.

(The next morning)

"Hi dad!" I exclaimed running down the stairs and into the kitchen where my dad and brothers were having breakfast.

"Good morning my little princess, did you have a nice night?" He asked and I could feel Jimin rolling his eyes at him, out of all of us Jimin hated dad the most.

"Can't talk right now, I have a test in," I paused to look at the clock after taking one of Taehyung's half eaten pancakes, "In twenty minutes! Fuck!" I exclaimed hurriedly kissing my dad's cheek, I then moved on to kiss Taehyung's and Jimin's but left Jungkook with just a fistbump. Knowing him he'd turn his head to the side and kiss my lips on purpose.

"Bye! Oh, good luck at your meeting today!" I hurriedly ran out the door wishing Taehyung luck on his meeting with his old kindergarten, he wanted to become a teacher there.

"Thank you Y\n!" I heard him thank me as a shut the door and continued running. I hurried over to Jungkook's car and got in to start driving, my dad has yet to buy me my own. So I use the person's who isn't going out so it doesn't bother anyone.

I knew that he had to go to class later that day but I'd be back before that.