"A-a-ah!" I heard Taehyung gasp out a moan while I fucked into his perfect little body, I displayed his beautiful body perfectly in front of the mirror so he could watch as I destroy his gspot.
"Aren't you just the most beautiful thing ever?" I teased as I watched him stare down in fear at the disappearing and reappearing bulge in his tummy caused by my continuous thrusts into him.
"Y-yes hyung mm~" My beautiful boy replied with a bit of drool roll down his chin, "You're so perfect." I stated with a chuckle taking his thigh in my hand.
I watched as Taehyungie almost allowed himself to scream as he ejaculated onto the counter in front of him, "I still don't have a condom, I'm still not allowed to cum inside of you?" I asked knowing that I'm not far behind him "N-no!" He exclaimed leaning down onto the counter before he fell over.
"Alright, I won't. Just a little longer and I'll stop, okey?" I asked lifting up my hand to pinch his nipple, "You're so cute." I stated happily while pulling out and cumming onto his butt.
Once I pulled away he fell onto his knees still holding onto the counter, "Did you really have to?" He questioned rubbing his cute little hole in what seemed to be pain.
"Nope, but you were just so... tempting," I stated pulling my pants back up, "Get dressed and go back to your shopping, and I'll see you at my party." I said to the still completely naked boy and then walked out of the bathroom, I probably should've stayed to see if he was okey but at the time that wasn't very appealing to me. And I'm sure he would've said the same, so I left him alone in the bathroom for the good of both of us.
Taehyung's perspective:
HoW dArE hE lEaVe Me AlOnE. Fucking asshole, he just left me there to die. All alone and abandoned with nobody to love or protect me.
I may be exaggerating just a little bit but I have a right to! He just left me after fucking me so good that my legs were shaking, and he JUST LEFT ME TO DIE.
Nonetheless I obeyed his order and tried my best to get dressed but it was a little hard, unexpectedly I heard someone enter the bathroom. I was in the middle of the bathroom and wearing only a t-shirt. Of course I was gonna try to scram, until I heard a familiar voice.
"Taehyungie? Are you okey?!" Jungkookie suddenly exclaimed immediately assuming something bad happened, "I-I'm fine, I was just, you know? Jerking off?" I almost questioned not wanting him to worry.
"In the middle of the of the bathroom? A public bathroom?! Stop lying to me!" Jungkookie basically begged me, I couldn't figure out what to tell him.
"Did someone rape you?!" Jungkookie exclaimed helping me up and into my clothes. "N-no! I'm fine Jungkookie and I wasn't forced into anything I didn't want!" There I go again, lying. Truth be told I didn't give Hoseok consent and basically begged him to stop for a long time. So I kind of was raped, but why would I be mad about being raped by my Hobiseok?
"So something did happen?" Jungkook asked lifting me onto the counter, "Well, yes, i-i had sex with Hoseok." YOU STUPID HUMAN BEING.
"WHAT THE HELL TAEHYUNGIE." Jungkookie yelled grabbing onto my shoulders, "I-i can explain!" I exclaimed feeling my arms where Jungkook grabbed me begin to bruise because of how hard he held me.
"Well you better do it fast!" I felt Jungkook's claws dig into my arm and suddenly he grabbed my throat and pushed me into the mirror too hard for me to speak.
"You stupid child!" He exclaimed throwing my body to the side, I yelped out in pain feeling my back collide into the wall, "You're not going anywhere near that party tonight, I'll fucking kill him!"
Jungkook suddenly started to rush out of the bathroom to find Hoseok but a quickly stopped him, my eyes started to become glossy at just the thought of not being able to see him tonight.
"Please don't Jungkookie! I wanted what happened, I wanted him, I needed him!" Why did I say that?...
"You wanted him? How on earth do you expect me to believe that?!" Jungkook suddenly pushed me over again, this time he stopped and apologized probably feeling really guilty.
"I promise I can explain if you let me!" I exclaimed grabbing his hand still on the floor, "When you ran away a week ago we- we had sex when you ran away from me. I-i thought it was just a one time thing but when I saw him today again i-i couldn't help myself. I promise I wanted it!"
"A-are you sure? You're absolutely sure he didn't force you?...." Jungkookie suddenly started stuttering and he began to tear up, "Yes, he didn't hurt me Jungkookie..." I embraced my brother and he accepted the hug with shaky hands, was he really that worried about me getting raped?...
(At home)
"Please Jungkookie, you have to understand, he didn't rape me. I was just horny and lonely and I wanted him to do it!" I exclaimed in front of all my siblings, why did Jungkook have to tell Y\n and Jimin hyung too?
"Alright, if you're sure you weren't forced into anything then, I guess you're your own person and you may choose who you want to sleep with." Jimin hyung stated and Jungkook was ready to protest, "But hyung he-"
"Even though it is not ideal, we can still respect our brothers privacy, Jungkook. We can't control his sex life."
"Thank you, Jimin hyung." I thanked my hyung and could only hope that hed allow me to go to the party, I really wanted to see Hoseok on his birthday.
"Fine, I'm sorry for trying to control you. It was just a bit... unexpected." Jungkook apologized while refusing to look at me, "Y\n?" I asked worried she might be as disgusted as Jungkook was noticing she hadn't said anything the whole conversation.
"Mm? Oh, I don't really think we have a right to get involved, it's your life and like Jimin oppa said; you're an adult. You can make your own decisions, I'm not saying those decisions are particularly good ones. They're are still your own." What a relief, Y\n gave me a soft smile and i returned it, I knew they wouldn't be happy from the start, that's why I hide it in the first place. But how can i expect them to be? Our whole entire lives we've been taught not to trust the Jung clan, I can't expect them to just throw that away because I decided to hook up with the wrong person.
"Now, let's go get ready, Jungkook. I expect you to help Y\n after what you put her threw today." Jimin stated and Jungkook happily obeyed, I think he just wanted to take sneak peeks under he'd dress.
"Let's go." I said happily but was stopped by Jimin grabbing my shirt sleeve while Jungkook and Y\n went up stairs probably knowing that he wanted to talk with me privately.
"Hyung, please don't be ma-"
"I'm not upset, I just want to clarify now that Jungkook isn't around that you don't take back what you said. It was all completely your choice?" Jimin hyung asked taking my hand and interwining it through his own.
I gave hyung a soft smile and said, "Hyung, I wouldn't lie to you about that. I swear on dad's life that I had complete control over my actions." I even managed to joke about dad's 'accidental' death that seemed sure to be tonight.
Jimin hyung nodded at me understandingly and allowed me to go to my bedroom to get ready for the party that would start in about two hours.
Before I got dressed in my outfit I decided to take a quick shower that ended up lasting forty five whole minutes. Half of it was washing my body and hair and the over half was masturbating while imagining Hoseok beside me.