Chapter 12
Dealing With Minerva...Harry Wakes Up
Severus had been unable to resist brewing, he'd lasted until after dinner. Although he only brewed a potion he could brew in his sleep. Then again Severus could brew most potions in his sleep. He hadn't received his Mastery in that particular subject for nothing. His mind though, despite brewing was caught up in numerous scenarios and other things he had to decide. Most of them of course, revolved around the sleeping child, the up coming weeks were going to be hell. It would be no fault of Harry's, and he hoped he could keep his temper in check. It had been the one thing he inherited from his father, if one could call him that. He'd never been the most patient of men, ironically unless it came to potions. He was trying to decide what was best for him, in the long run of things. Did he teach Harry himself? Or did he bring in a tutor? Did he allow him to experience life as a normal child and attend primary school as both he and his mother had?
Severus stirred the potion a final time, before flicking his wand at the flame making it go out. The potion would need to cool before placed in their vials, otherwise it would just cause the fragile glass to crack and break. Thus rendering any potion within it, completely useless. There wasn't a single potion in the manor, either the house elves had cleaned them out, or no potion had been brewed within these walls for a very long time. Either scenario was likely, potions didn't last forever, they only had so long life expectancy before they become feeble, old and useless. Not that Severus would use them, he didn't trust other peoples potions. Not even from the people who were in name only his grandparents.
Not for the first time, Severus wondered why they had given all this to him. They'd disowned his mother, and ignored him for his entire life. He'd received nary a gift, acknowledgement or even seen them. Of course Severus was always one to think of Troy when handed a gift. Wondering what awaited inside it, 'Trojan horse' always came to mind. Nobody gave him something for nothing, unless it was Dumbledore and his damnable sweets.
"Master Severus, this letter was at the edge of the wards," said Flippy looking extremely unsure. After all she wasn't yet used to this new Master, and didn't know how he'd react to certain things. Especially being interrupted during brewing, something they tried not to do. "The owl has stayed, they want a reply."
Arching an eyebrow in curiosity, it mustn't be from Dumbledore, otherwise he'd have used his Phoenix. As far as he knew Phoenix's could get past all wards, Fawkes could disappear and reappear in Hogwarts. He wasn't deluded in thinking it was the safest place in the world, like everyone else. He knew though that you couldn't Apparate, Fawkes and the house elves were able to. It was almost as if they were on a different frequency, that magic couldn't detect. Nevertheless he floated it on to his desktop, and cast nine different spells before he was satisfied it was in no way tampered with.
"Thank you," said Severus quietly nodding his head, indicating that Flippy's services was no longer needed. The house elf, smart enough to realize its dismissal promptly left the Dungeons.
Severus opened the letter wondering who could be contacting him, the writing was familiar. Yet it was as if the missive had been hastily written, therefore making him unable to tell exactly why it was so familiar. He looked at the signature first, and groaned in exasperation. The last thing he wanted was to deal with Minerva McGonagall.
What is going on? Albus just informed us you had been accepted into the WIOM in Geneve Switzerland. I am very proud of you, nobody else I know has accomplished such a feat. Unfortunately I'm beginning to suspect that it's not even true, you cannot be in two places at once after all. I want an explanation as to why I've just been alerted I'm godmother to Harry Potter! Not that I mind, I adored his parents after all, it has come as a shock of course. Why would you have him?
You have twenty four hours to reply before I come looking for you.
Severus ran his hand tiredly over his face, flicking his wand, the time materialized before him. At this time she was usually in her office, sighing in frustration he immediately left the dungeons. He knew Minerva didn't threat idly, she would try and find him. In doing so rouse Dumbledore's curiosity and maybe even suspicion. Something he wanted to avoid for as long as possible, until he'd cemented his role as Harry's guardian. Entering the living room, he grabbed some Floo Powder from the container it sat in, on the side of the fireplace. Placing a cushioning charm on the marble, he threw in the powder, shouted in the words, and stuck his face into the magical green flames.
Minerva was pacing her office, looking a cross between, worried, terrified, thrilled and cross. She had in her hand no doubt, the letter from Gringotts alerting her to her new status as Harry Potter-Snape's new godmother.
"Minerva," said Severus, causing her to jump in fright, before glaring at the man for his impudence. "I assume you have locked and warded the room?" making sound like a suggestion instead of an order.
"It is now," said Minerva flicking her wand and saying the words that would accomplish what she wanted. Once it was done she turned her chair facing Severus' direction and sat down. "Did you get into WIOM?"
"No," said Severus, "I know a few of the Potions Master's there, they have agreed to place my name on the list, so whenever someone Floo's they will think I work there but am unavailable. Many choose not to allow Floo calls in their quarters." they completely immersed themselves with the objective of creating something new. Most of them didn't even have families, those that did had discovered their new calling and left.
"Why is Harry with you?" asked Minerva, her face full of apprehension, all the scenarios filling her head were none she liked. Harry being discovered by Death Eaters, nearly killed. Being abandoned by his Muggle family, she had never liked them. Even the thought of Severus getting revenge on James had regretfully crossed her mind. She just couldn't understand why Severus would take him. Mention Potter and his entire face would scrunch up in disgust. He'd loved Lily, but that was as far as his love went. Yet she'd remembered Dumbledore telling her that Severus had sworn to protect Harry. Then the thought of the Death Eaters and the Dursley's began to cement in her mind.
"What do you know of his Muggle family? If I'm not mistaken I remember you saying that night they were the worst sort of Muggles, that someone should keep an eye on him. Was this not done?" asked Severus his face made of stone, his eyes though was filled with a fierce anger.
Minerva's heart sank, she knew that look all to well, the few abused students Severus had found out about. Or of course there was the instance when Severus' parents had been brought up. She was half glad he wasn't in the room with her, she may be older than him but he was indeed intimidating. "I did indeed, the child they had was absolutely spoiled, I believed the same might happen to Harry or worse he may be ignored."
"Was there someone watching him?" repeated Severus, wishing he'd listened to the conversations Minerva and Albus had about Harry over the years. Unfortunately he'd shut them out, not wanting to hear about the boy, when he'd survived and Lily had not. Also a big factor in there was the fact that he had been Potter's son.
"Of course there is, Arabella Figg looks after him," said Minerva confused, "Severus what is going on?"
"Figg? That insane cat woman who can't see past her bloody nose and cats?!" Severus rasped out stunned beyond belief. "A squib to boot! She was the one who was looking after Harry?"
"Harry?" repeated Minerva, it must be bad for Severus to actually call him Harry and not Potter. "Severus there are wards stopping anything getting to him, now tell me what is going on now!" she was getting very impatient now.
"I observed two five year old boys beating what appeared to be a three year old up in Cokeworth, naturally I stepped in. Before I could try and help the child, he flinched away from me and ran as if the grim was on his tail. Not only that but I could feel desperate magic emanating from him. Magic a twelve year old should possess not a three year old. I cast a tracking charm on him, vowing to keep an eye on him. If my suspicions were correct I'd take him to St. Mungo's and that would have been that." said Severus pausing to catch his breath and rearrange his thoughts. He kept his face stony, Minerva on the other hand looked terrified of what may be revealed.
"Turns out they didn't live in Cokeworth, the family was just visiting. I did a scan on the child, and how he'd survived so long surprises the hell out of me. He had a list of injuries longer than the magical register holds of magical children. Only then did I realize who he was, and what age he truly was. He's been abused Minerva, severely abused. All in the name of protection wards and the greater good. Figg has failed in her duties you all have. I truly do not know if Harry will ever be normal, but I have the best chance of doing that." said Severus seriously. "I did indeed make you godmother, he needs strong women in his life. I just sincerely hope you will not fail Lily's son again."
Minerva had tears running down her face, her mouth covered by her hand. Her eyes were filled with aguish, defeat, regret and most importantly - shame. If only she had fought Dumbledore harder, insisted more. Even just visited once, she might have seen something was going on. She shoved those thoughts aside, straightened her spine and became the woman Severus knew best - one who would defended her little lions to death. "Where are they?" she asked her voice filled with fury. Her claws were out and she wanted blood.
"We cannot take action yet, you know this. Dumbledore would have Harry back at the Dursley's before we could blink. Being the head of the wizengamot he has a huge amount of power in the legal department." cautioned Severus. Its why many of the Death Eaters had been sent to Azkaban without trial, and also why he was able to get him out so quickly.
"Yet? So you plan to?" asked Minerva hopefully.
"They wont get away with it, I just need to cement my role as Harry's new father. As soon as he turns eleven I'll have him claim his headship of the Potter line, giving him the ability to bring them up on charges. Not even Dumbledore would be able to stop the demands of the last of the heir to the Potter Estate." replied Severus. Which meant Harry would be 'emancipated' in many ways, and would never be forced anywhere he didn't want to go. So if by some miracle the charges were dropped Harry would be safe. Harry would be able to choose whether he wanted to remain a Potter-Snape or if he just wanted to go back to being a Potter. Once he died, Harry would have the Prince name under his belt as well.
"You have thought this through then." said Minerva unsurprised, Severus was always a man who could think and act at the same time. The notion of act first think later was probably foreign to Severus. It was a truly Slytherin move to make, and she knew that Harry would be safe with Severus. "Can I see him? Is he okay?" she was biting her lip, a sure sign of high stress and worry. Minerva didn't have children, only nieces and nephews, all of which she adored and she constantly worried about them. Severus could always tell when her family was having a crisis with that action alone.
"I'll let you know when you can, he's not woken up yet, unfortunately I haven't revealed the worst of it." replied Severus, and even from the fire Minerva could see he was extremely tense.
Minerva paled, she knew whatever he was going to tell her was very bad indeed. Abuse in Severus' book was the worst, lowest of the low. "Out with it." the Transfiguration teacher said, bracing herself for yet more unbelievably news.
"His magic was bound," said Severus, it didn't take a genius to figure out who could have done it. Voldemort was going to kill him, why bind his powers? Hagrid couldn't turn a matchstick into a needle never mind bind someone's magic. Plus the fact seventy five percent of his magic had been bound, was a grave indicator that only one person could have possibly done it.
"Black," scowled Minerva looking sick.
"No," said Severus bitterly, "He couldn't have bound seventy five percent of Harry's magic. The rest which I may add, worked solely to keep him alive the past years."
"He wouldn't," murmured Minerva her face openly displaying her shock and denial.
Severus just stared her in the eye, letting her remember who she was talking to. He never said anything that wasn't one hundred persent true. "It's true unfortunately." said Severus, his voice had an underling fury added to it.
"Why would he do such a thing?" gaped Minerva, her world rocked to its core, the news was shattering her belief in all she thought she knew. She now would have to pick up the pieces and act as though nothing happened. If for no other reason but to keep Harry Potter safe. As his godmother now, she had to do her best by him, especially after failing him so badly. Although if she got her hands on Figg it would be fair game for all involved.
"You tell me," said Severus, he couldn't come to any conclusion for the bound magic, at least nothing good. "Where does Figg stay?" he then asked changing the subject.
"Wisteria Walk I believe, two blocks from where Harry stayed in Privet Drive." said Minerva. She fancied actually going there and inflicting some sort of damage on the woman. "What are you going to do about her? She will notice Harry is gone."
"As much as it would satisfy me to flay her alive, I will just redirect her mail - its illegal I know but to be honest I really don't care." said Severus.
"She has access to the Floo Severus," said Minerva quietly pointing out a flaw in his planning.
Severus swore nastily, and Minerva couldn't blame him really.
"Any ideas?" growled Severus.
"I have no idea Severus, you don't have to worry as of right now, she's currently in the hospital if I remember correctly." the feline Animagus said. "Perhaps I can arrange for a impromptu holiday, for her?" the more distance they put between Severus leaving and Harry being found missing the better. That way Dumbledore wouldn't be able to connect the dots.
"Perhaps that's for the best," said Severus agreeably, although she didn't deserve a holiday. "Let me know where you send her." he'd made sure she ended up hurt in some way, a small repayment for letting a five year old be abused.
"Severus, where are you? Albus mentioned going to Spinners End, are you currently residing in Potter Manor?" asked Minerva, it was the only free place she could think of, she knew Godric's Hollow was not fit for living in. Not that Severus would step foot in there, he hadn't done since that night.
"No, I had the Prince Estate Willed to me by my grandmother. We have taken up residence in one of the properties they...I own." said Severus honestly. His back was beginning to get sore from this kneeling, it was time to cut this conversation short.
"Oh, why did you not mention it before?" asked Minerva surprise flashing across her features.
"I did not know I had inherited it, I still do not know why I did not receive mail for the Prince Estate from Gringotts." said Severus, "Unfortunately I think I have a good idea as to who stopped it." with what he'd learned about what Dumbledore had done to Harry, there was little doubt he'd stoop so low to keep his inheritance from him. A mail redirecting spell did that nice enough, just as Lucius had stated. He had gone into a lot of trouble to control Harry, wouldn't surprise him the least if he'd been doing the same to him.
"I do hope you've complained to Gringotts!" said Minerva frankly astonished and furious. It was unheard of, for someone to be the last heir and have no idea of their holdings. Gringotts weren't stupid, surely they had noticed something wrong. She would have pitched a fit and stripped them bare with mere words alone.
"They know how unhappy I am." said Severus wryly, he froze in the fireplace, "I have to go Minerva, I shall contact you later."
"Of course," said Minerva wondering what was wrong, once he was gone, she turned her chair around and stared blankly at the Gringotts parchment in front of her. She was trying to process everything she'd just learned. To try and store it in some sort of acceptable order. She couldn't, she was deeply shaken by everything. She had known Albus since she was eleven, he had given her, her love for transfiguration. She'd gone on to get her mastery then became the Transfiguration teacher when Albus was made Headmaster. She had been through a lot with him, especially during the war. This new side she'd learned was extremely daunting to say the least.
Harry came to it, feeling strange…then he realized why, he wasn't in agony, and more importantly he was on the softest surface imaginable. It felt so good against his body, and he was warm. Harry couldn't remember a time where he felt this warm, this comfortable and this pain free in his life. Where was he? The Dursley's wouldn't allow him to be this comfortable. Harry opened his eyes and looked around, as best as he was able to anyway. The room was the kind Dudley had, except a lot bigger. Where was he? Where were the Dursley's? and most importantly why was he here?
"Welcome back Harry," said a voice from the door staring the living day lights out of Harry, despite its softly spoken tone. Harry turned back round, almost getting whiplash in the process as he tried to figure out who it was. He squinted at him, trying to figure out who it was. He couldn't, he'd never seen him before in his life and the voice was unfamiliar too. Was Harry his name? Did they have the wrong boy? It seemed likely. He didn't want to tell this man, but he knew he had to, it was the right thing to do.
"My name is not Harry," replied the trembling five year old, watching the figure warily, keeping a closer eyes on his hands and feet. They there the first indicators that someone was angry. His green eyes were filled with total fear, that would put the most abused house elf to shame.
"No?" questioned Severus, his heart sinking, the child didn't even know his own name. He didn't even have to ask, he just knew the child probably thought his name was Freak. It had been petunia's favourite name for Lily upon her going to Hogwarts. Then he remembered what Petunia had called him upon entering the room. Boy. "Well I happen to know you ARE Harry. The scar upon your forehead gives you away little one." the unfamiliar words rolled of his tongue, as he tried to lessen the fear in the child. He was terrified, his skinny body was still trembling dangerously. If he didn't watch he would end up having a panic attack. Something Severus rather hoped to avoid, he wasn't good at comforting people. Never mind abused five year olds.
Harry ceased his trembling as he became confused, what was so special about his scar? How could it be used to identify him? He'd gotten it in the car crash that had killed his freakish parents. The one he should have died in.
"Are you hungry Harry?" asked Severus, changing the subject, he was unsure of what to do now the boy…no Harry was awake. He couldn't call him boy, not unless he wanted to set the trembles off again.
Unfortunately the trembles did start up again, more noticeable than ever as Lily's green eyes widened with fear again and a heavy dose of suspicion. The question was, was it because he asked and Harry didn't want to decide for fear of answering with the wrong answer or because of something else? He could only imagine what they'd done to the child for the past four years. Even his own parents hadn't abused him the manner Harry had been abused. He'd gotten a wallop here and there, and neglected, and hated by his father at least for having magic, and worn second hand clothes. Nothing severe as broken bones, and complete starvation. Harry had unfortunately been completely starved, the state of his malnutrition gave that away. Not for the first time he wished he could go and kill the Dursley's and start on Figg the stupid Squib that she was.Chapter 13
A Start
Severus waited for Harry to reply, but the five year old seemed incapable of answering. He was just sitting on the bed quacking in fear, seeing those green eyes, Lily's eyes, so full of terror set him on edge. He was beginning to wonder if he should have taken on this role. It made him feel things he didn't like feeling, those eyes had always been his greatest weakness. No, he couldn't think like that, he'd failed the child once, he couldn't do it again. He knew he was the only one that would truly be able to raise Harry as a normal child. Harry's past would make people too sympathetic towards him, and he'd be spoiled. It wasn't that Harry didn't deserve some spoiling, but not to the extent others would. He needed grounded, level headedness, most importantly love. When it came to love, he knew he could love the child, it was showing him that would be difficult. As it stood, he didn't have to worry about that as of yet, since the child would hate to be touched in any manner.
"Flippy?" called Severus, waiting patiently for the house elf to appear before him.
"Yes Master Severus?" asked Flippy, refraining from bowing since it was obvious to her that he did not like it. His big eyes found the child on the bed, he looked terrified, his eyes were rather large, perhaps it was him? The child had evidently not encountered a house elf before.
"Bring up some lunch, with milk. Also bring me one of the vials from the Potions Lab." said Severus. It was a good job he'd brewed the potion, Harry evidently wasn't going to calm down on his own. He could see it from the child's point of view; he was in a strange place with a strange man after all. Once the elf was away, Severus took the chair from the side of the room and sat down beside the bed.
"That was Flippy, Harry." Severus told the child, using a tone of voice he rarely used. Hoping it would sooth the child, it had worked wonders with Draco as a child. Especially when he was very fussy, and crying. "He is a house elf." refraining from taking about magic for now. At least until he had the calming draught consumed. He wanted to flinch from the fear still present in those eyes. Yet he just steeled himself, reminding himself that one day that fear would no longer be there. That sometime in the future Harry would be happy. Hopefully.
Flippy appeared back in the room, a tray filled with food and drink was placed on the bedside table. He didn't stick around, knowing his Master would call again if he was needed. It was going to be great, having a young master in the house again. The last baby had been Eileen Prince, and she was long gone.
"Harry?" said Severus, getting the child's attention, "Drink this for me." handing over the now opened vial, he had little doubt the child would do exactly as he was told. Abuse that severe, Harry was probably terrified to step a toe out of line. He waited patiently, hand extended for the boy to gather his courage and take it. He kept his face impassive, and was rewarded with the child reaching out with a shaking hand to take it.
All Harry knew were orders, his mind automatically wondered what would happen if he drank it. What was it? What would it taste like? More importantly what would happen to him if he didn't take it and drink it? He said none of those thoughts, like a normal child would. Instead he reached out to take it, surprised the man hadn't just grabbed him and forced him. His Uncle would have already hurt him, realizing he was pushing his luck with the stranger he drank it. It tasted awful, like those dirty socks Dudley had shoved in his mouth one day when he was beating him up. Then suddenly all his fear, worry, terror, uncertainty and confusion seemed to fade away. He felt calm, at peace perhaps? He did not know because these feelings were foreign to him. It was like being back in his cupboard, safe from everyone who wished him harm.
"Harry?" Severus said quietly, removing the vial from the rather lax fingers. It had been a junior potion; it shouldn't have affected him so much. Then again none of the children, who'd been tested (and drank the potion when it was needed), had been so severely underweight. He did not think he'd get much out of the child before sleep claimed him again. He got up and sat on the edge of the bed, propping Harry against his chest. He had to eat, even if it was only a little. He knew if he'd done this without the potion, Harry would have no doubt ended up having a panic attack. "Here, drink this." he said pressing the goblet to the child's lips. "Drink." he repeated when Harry didn't comply.
Harry opened his mouth, and allowed whatever it was, slide into his very dry and horribly tasting mouth. He was very surprised that it actually tasted nice that he almost choked it back out. It was so very cool and cold going down his dry parched throat. It tasted nothing like the only thing he'd ever drank, the water he always had from the bathroom tap. When he went to the toilet he'd always try and sneak a drink. To try and fill his tummy up with it, so it didn't grumble quite so loudly.
Severus sighed in relief when Harry actually began drinking the milk. He was by no means a stupid man. He knew to get the bones, which had just been mended, strong you need to consume a lot of calcium. He had a lot to do, it seemed endless really. Once Harry had drained the goblet he put it aside, and awkwardly, began trying to get him to eat the lentil soup. Unfortunately Harry just couldn't stomach any more than three spoonfuls. Severus was surprised he'd managed as much; very much aware that Harry's stomach was probably the size of golf ball at this stage. It would take a long while before he could eat a proper meal. Even longer before he could eat solid foods.
Looking down, he noticed Harry's eyes were half mast, he had been correct in his assumption. The potion had ended up easing Harry to sleep; he'd need to water it down if it continued to have this affect. He could hardly gain his trust by drugging him so much he was completely out of it. The potion was intended to calm them down only, plus he had so much he needed to tell Harry. Curiously enough, Harry hadn't seemed to catch on that the house elf had Apparated and Disappeared in his presence. Either that or he knew about magic and accepted it. Knowing Petunia as he did, he doubted it, but Harry could have figured it out on his own. Could a five year old have figured out about magic? No, it was impossible. No doubt Tuney had banned such words from her household.
Harry felt so very odd, it was so weird not feeling fear, hurt, all consuming hunger and panic. He felt so free, light and normal…and so very sleepy. His closed against his will, he never normally fell asleep with someone so close to him. If he'd been able, his eyes would have sprung open. He could feel himself being tucked in; nobody had ever tucked him in before. The last thing he heard was fading footsteps before sleep finally claimed him completely.
Harry had finally found a home at last.
It took Minerva hours, sitting in her office alone, to get a hold of herself. All she had learned had continued to circulate around her mind. Driving her insane, making her anger and disgust triple fold. In the end she had to get one of the house elves to bring her up a calming draught and tea. Poor Harry, thank Merlin Severus had seen him; otherwise she dreaded to think the outcome. She shuddered at the thought of opening the Daily Prophet one day, the body of a seven year old sprayed out for all to see and a horrific title. Drinking her Tea, hoping it would warm her up, but she just felt cold despite the warmth of the fire and tea. She desperately wanted someone to talk to, but there was absolutely nobody. She couldn't risk letting anyone in, it was hard to trust anyone, and life such as it is even after war was over.
She thought she could have trusted Albus Dumbledore with her every thought. Look how that one had turned out, Merlin, binding a one year old child's magic the night he'd just witnessed his parent's deaths. As if watching his parents murdered wasn't traumatic enough. She shuddered at the mere thought of locking even one percent of someone's magic. Never mind the seventy five percent Severus said was bound. It would need to be someone more powerful than Albus or a ritual that would need performed to free Harry's core. Not many were more powerful than Albus. She suspected Severus was more powerful than him. Severus was just too good at Occlumency and Legilimens to not be more…powerful than both Dumbledore and of course the Dark Lord. He had remained a spy in his ranks for three years perhaps? Keeping his true allegiance from being found out. Plus his potions were more potent than anyone else's. He put a lot of magic into them, stirring his very essence into the simmering potions.
She placed her empty cup back on its saucer; she had a staff meeting, an emergency one at that. She didn't see why it took all of them to discuss Severus leaving, and possible Potion candidates. Yet the meetings were all mandatory, only students' needing help was their 'out clause' so to speak, to avoid the meeting with reason. Swallowing thickly, she nodded to herself and put on a brave front. It would be hard, not to call Dumbledore up on his deplorable actions. She had to give Severus and Harry the time they needed. Severus had spoken the truth; Dumbledore had a lot of pull in the Ministry, as Head of the Wizengamot. Nothing would stop him apparently, why he was going into so much trouble to control a little boy she did not know.
"Ah, Minerva, I was beginning to think you'd forgotten!" said Albus beaming at her from across the room.
Minerva had visions of herself, throwing her hands around his neck and choking the life out of him. Casting spells on her, showing him just how powerful she really was, giving him a taste of it. Yet a strained smile appeared on her face, as she took her seat, which was as always, right next to the very man she'd recently learned damning things about.
"Minerva are you well?" asked Sprout staring at the deputy Headmistress in concern. Her warm brown eyes, showed genuine worry for Minerva's welfare. She looked pale and clammy, as though she was coming down with something. Her smile seemed very strained, she wasn't her usual self.
"You do look under the weather, perhaps you should go and see Poppy?" suggested Albus, his blue eyes filled with unease for his transfiguration teacher. He hadn't seen Minerva unwell for a long time.
"I'm fine," said Minerva her voice stern, making her sound more like her normal self. "Don't worry, I'm fine honestly." she said much more softly, aiming it towards Professor Sprout. The woman in turn nodded, still looking a little worried, but her concern had eased considerably.
"As you are no doubt aware, Severus Snape has resigned as our esteemed Potions Master, thankfully its summer and we have enough time to look for a replacement. Does anyone know any suggestions who could replace him?" asked Albus, there were only a few people still at Hogwarts this summer. Minerva, Filius, Sprout, Poppy and of course himself.
"Why not bring the previous Potions teacher back?" suggested Filius; "I know he didn't want to retire so early." no Albus had practically told him to retire. Of course Slughorn hadn't fought it, his guilt eating him up inside. Not that anyone realized this of course, Slughorn was good at denying anything had ever happened.
"Slughorn? He isn't exactly teacher material." said Sprout, she remembered him. He'd constantly held clubs in his own name, with people who were well connected. He had not been a good teacher or head of house.
"I have to agree," said Minerva.
"We may not have a choice, there are not many qualified Potion Masters," said Albus quietly, subdued. He wasn't happy at having to replace Severus; he had been a great teacher. Even if he didn't have the social skills required to make the students like him.
"I spoke to Severus, he's settled in quite nicely," said Minerva, "Unfortunately he didn't get to talk as long as I would have liked. Someone asked for his help and he left, said he would get back in touch when he could."
"They put you through?" asked Albus surprised and rather angry, none of which showed upon his face. He had called twice, and only got the reception; he had asked to speak to Severus but had been denied. She'd said he wasn't accepting calls and asked him, him of all people if he wanted to leave a message.
"Yes," said Minerva, "I do not think I've seen him so content before." happy would be stretching it, Severus according to the world was never happy.
"Indeed," said Albus his face now the one that was strained. "I shall hold interviews next week for potential teachers. Has everyone finished their class schedules and after school club rosters?"
"Everyone has sent them to me," said Minerva, "Myself and the others staying just have to decide upon our times and dates for the after school clubs." the others all nodded in agreement. They'd completed their schedules last week, it was the first thing they did. They liked clear schedules before the students came back. That way they only had the summer homework mark upon the school resuming.
"Very well, now it just needs decided upon for this year Prefects and the head boy and girl." said Albus nodding in agreement.
"Can that not be discussed next week? I am undecided on whom to choose." said Minerva, "I need to look over their academic records, to make sure I am making the right decision."
"Of course," said Albus agreeably, it was a tough decision to make after all. "Then let's consider this meeting adjourned."
Minerva was the first person to get up, she had plans to make and quickly. Once she was in the safety of her office, she Floo'ed the travel agency and booked a holiday. It wasn't for her of course, but rather for Arabella Figg. She didn't deserve a holiday, but judging by Severus' demand she knew something would happen there. Hopefully Severus wouldn't kill Figg, she may deserve many things but Death wasn't it.
"Where do you want to go?" asked her travel agent, Colin.
"I am not going, I'm booking it for a friend of mine, and she's a squib. I think America might be a good place to let her visit, Florida perhaps?" suggested Minerva. "Book it for tomorrow, send a Portkey as well."
"Tomorrow? That will be costly." said Colin half amused half impressed.
"Cost is of no consequence." said Minerva, not if it kept her new godson safe anyway. "Pick an area, can you Floo over with the travel documents? The name on the documents are for Arabella Figg."
"Of course, I can have it done in ten minutes, I assume it's a Muggle area she will prefer to travel?" asked Colin.
"Yes, thank you Colin." said Minerva.
"Very well," said Colin knowing he was being dismissed before disconnected the Floo from his office. He immediately began the process of booking the holiday, it wasn't the first time a holiday had been booked for Arabella Figg. So he already had all her details, true to his words, ten minutes later he had a holiday booked for the squib. None had ever been done on such short notice before though.
"Severus? How are things?" enquired Minerva, as she made an appearance in his fireplace. She had spent hours going through the files to get the Floo address. Her plans were going rather well, and now she just wanted to know how poor Harry was.
"How did you get the Floo address?" asked Severus, his eyes flashing in true anger.
"Don't be obtuse Severus, if you do not remember I taught your mother here as well. All information is kept, including how to get in touch with the parents in the event of an emergency." said Minerva. Only the wizarding population had Floo networks of course, the Muggle born population had to be sent letters unfortunately. Eileen hadn't been a Gryffindor so it made it exceedingly harder to find information without alerting anyone of what she was up to.
"Of course," said Severus feeling all kinds of foolish.
"How is he?" asked Minerva, she wouldn't leave until she had gotten then the information she desired.
"He's as well as can be expected," said Severus repeating his earlier words to her.
"Severus," warned Minerva, exasperated.
"Minerva, he's been terribly abused, he finds himself in a strange house with a strange man - how do you expect him to be?" said Severus just as exasperated as Minerva was. "He was terrified, I had to give him a calming draught, which worked a little too well, and no doubt he will sleep the rest of the night." he'd wanted to keep it from her, how bad Harry actually was, but she obviously wasn't having any of it.
"Poor boy," said Minerva, "Do you need anything for him? Toys? Clothes? I can supply some, it wont raise questions with me buying them." she had niece and nephews after all. She had raised him, they were technically her children, she'd adopted them in as her own after her sister and her husband died during the war. Not many knew that piece of information; she was a very private person.
"I have already gotten all I'll need for now, Narcissa was kind in giving me at least one of everything a five year old will need." said Severus. "I thank you for your offer; I might take up on it later."
"He has teddies? They might offer him at least some measure of comfort." asked Minerva, all children loved cuddly toys, even if boys at his age were self conscious about it and would deny it.
"Actually no, nothing like that," said Severus.
"Then I shall get him something." said Minerva, determinedly. "I also sent Arabella her tickets; she leaves tomorrow morning at five AM. Hopefully she won't notice anything out of the ordinary until then."
"Considering the child probably never got to leave the house I wouldn't be surprised if she didn't notice anything." said Severus wryly. Plus Petunia would try her best to make everything look 'Normal'. She knew he kept his words, and Petunia would be terrified he'd be back for her and her family.
"What makes you think he didn't get to?" asked Minerva.
"He was badly abused Minerva, someone would have noticed something surely?" said Severus tersely. He didn't like the thought of someone knowing and failing to take action against someone abusing a child. He himself weren't fond of children, yet he'd never consider leaving one in the hands of his abusers.
"What if someone has complained?" replied Minerva, not liking where her own suggestions were going.
"I don't suppose it matters if anyone has, he's safe now." said Severus.
"If someone has, it's better to get the whole picture, the more evidence Harry has in his favour the more likely he has of getting the Dursley's arrested." said Minerva quietly.
"Perhaps, then I suggest a visit to Privet Drive and the social Services are in order." said Severus, it was true, the more evidence he had the better it would be. Especially if Dumbledore somehow prevented Veritaserum from being used.
"Albus is attending the Ministry tomorrow afternoon, perhaps we can meet up then and begin?" suggested Minerva.
"Yes, the sooner the better," said Severus, he didn't know how far along in his revenge Lucius was. He would need to get in touch with him, find out more information.
"Very well, I shall Floo over at Two PM, have the network open." said Minerva.
"OF course," said Severus nodding in agreement. "Where is she?" he then asked.
"America, Florida, I shall give you the full details when we meet." replied Minerva.
"Good," said Severus nodding his head in understanding, with that Minerva left the Floo network. Severus made a mental note to change the Floo address, if Minerva was able to do it, then there was no doubt Dumbledore would if he even suspected Severus had his inheritance and was lying. Which he would soon, considering he would no longer get the statements (if it was him) but he had a feeling he was correct in regards to Dumbledore's actions. He was just grateful he'd kept up a correspondence with two Potions Master's who were helping him. They hadn't demanded anything, it was the mutual respect they had for each other that had them doing the others bidding. Of course there was always the fact he would owe them a favour. Severus was an honourable man and he would repay it when the time came.
Staring at the grandfather clock, he realized he would need to get into a routine. Harry may get up early in the morning, and he knew he'd need all the sleep he could get. He was very grouchy in the morning without some decent sleep, who was he kidding he was grouchy no matter what. Smirking at his own thoughts, he made his way to his bedroom. Showering, brushing his teeth he went to bed, reading a bit of potions weekly waiting on his hair drying naturally. His mind drifted from the magazine every few minutes. Wondering if he should tell Harry straight away, or if he should let Harry get used to him before revealing magic. He was deeply conflicted, there was so many ways it could go wrong. He only got one chance and if he screwed it up that was it.
He finally understood how parents felt all the time; Lucius had often spoken of being conflicted when it came to Draco. You live and learn though, he had a feeling he'd be learning quite a lot in the coming years. Harry wasn't a normal child, like Draco was; he would need special attention and handling, especially when it came to being punished. Yes, the boy would end up punished, especially when he became more used to his new life. He'd test Severus, and he realized this, he would need to make sure not to screw up. It was just the matter of what kind of punishment would be suitable. The Muggles liked to put their child in the corner, for 'quiet time' when they were bad. At least that's what Lily's mother had done with Petunia and Lily. Not that it had been done often; Lily was always a good girl. It was most Petunia who'd had her nose in the wall. For calling Lily names, it had infuriated Rose and Liam Evans when their daughter came out with such horrible names. It would have broken their hearts to know what Petunia had done to her own son and Lily's, their grandchildren. For the first time, he was glad they had died so they weren't around to see it.
He consoled himself with the fact he wasn't alone, he had Narcissa, Lucius and Minerva to help.
Chapter 14
An Unlikely Trio
If anyone in the wizarding world had seen this particular trio they'd have stopped, did a double take, and then thought they surely were hallucinating. Either that or one in particular was under the imperious or being Poly Juiced as. As it was two of them had Glamour charms on, preventing anyone to see their true identities. One of those people was Severus, who was supposed to be in another country. Dumbledore spoke to too many people for Severus to be able to walk freely without a Glamour. The other had just joined them, and he would never be able to be seen with the witch that was currently going to go with them, to look as he normally would. It killed Lucius to change his appearance, he was a very vain proud man, but we all did things we didn't necessarily like in life. The Witch with them was actually one Minerva McGonagall, Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. She'd seen all the letters Lucius had written; especially in regards to getting rid of all 'Muggle, and Muggle born' related books removed from Hogwarts. It was an on going battle between Lucius and Albus, one she took no part in.
Still Minerva didn't like him, and she also didn't trust him, but she also trusted Severus' judgement. So she merely pursed her lips and endured the aristocratic's presence. So all three of them were tense, with near scowls upon their features. A funny sight indeed, which made them an extremely unlikely Trio.
"Where to first?" asked Minerva, as they prepared to Apparate away.
"Surrey county Council," said Severus smoothly, before the three adults disappeared from the magical world, and regained their bearings in the Muggle world.
"Lucius you are a lawyer should they ask, I am a police officer, and Minerva, you are a social worker," said Severus, handing over the necessarily credentials for them to be able to pass off being what they were.
Lucius seemed unsurprised by Severus' quick thinking; Minerva on the other hand, was continuously surprised by his actions. How easy it was to forget just how quick Severus had to be, especially to survive the Dark Lord's inner circle for three years. He thought of everything down to the last detail. No doubt Salazar Slytherin would be proud of how cunning and smart his Slytherin was. Although he'd probably be more impressed with Severus' potion abilities.
"How is it going?" asked Severus as they walked towards their destination, their clothes had been re-glamoured, they now had clothes on that suit the part. Lucius had to look away seeing Severus in such a …Muggle attire. That's what their police officers wore? He wouldn't be seen dead in such an outfit, never mind attend work where people knew him with such an outfit on. Although he and Narcissa would surely gotten the use out of the handcuffs.
"I'm in the process of buying the land around Privet Drive, it will be a rather advantageous income, more than I could have predicted. Grunning drills have already signed the paperwork, I now own it. First thing I'm going to do is change the name," said Lucius his lip curled in disgust at such a Muggle name. "Of course Vernon Dursley will quite quickly find himself without a job when I demand all employee's go through a background police check. They will find that Vernon Dursley is very unsuitable for the job, and an embarrassment to the firm."
Minerva's lips unwillingly twitched at the thought of what they were putting the Dursley's through. It was perhaps a better revenge than a quick torture; it was mind games, something Slytherins excelled at apparently. "Police check? Why would that help?"
Severus smirked in vicious, feral satisfaction, "Lucius knows a police officer, who is actually a squib, he bribed him quite handsomely, although he admitted later he'd have gladly gone it when he realized what was going on." he revealed to the cat Animagus. Far too often people got away with things, evil things; they should have been locked up in prison for. Now Vernon Dursley's had all manner of charges against his name. Charges that were always 'mysteriously' dropped. DWI (Driving while intoxicated), disturbing the peace, driving without a licence, stealing a car, resulting in resisting arrest while invading the police. Joy riding, domestic violence with a previous partner before Petunia back in London. Whom she'd taken out a restraining order against. Assault and also assault with a deadly weapon. The people who'd supposedly been 'hurt' by Vernon were all people who were dead now so there was no way to prove the fake reports false. The officer Lucius used, was very good indeed and did his background searches on people before starting.
"I see," said Minerva, hiding her grin behind her hand, glad to see that Harry was truly being avenged. Although she was surprised Lucius would do anything for Harry, he was the reason the Dark Lord was dead after all.
"He is first and foremost a Wizard, nobody deserves that treatment, especially not from disgusting Muggles." said Lucius spitting 'Muggles' with no small amount of disgust. He had nothing against Muggles in general, just the Muggles they were talking about. Otherwise he would have sacked everyone at Grunning's and sold the company in pieces. Then had the entire land he was buying declared private and making the families leave their houses. No he may be somewhat dark, but he wasn't necessarily evil. He did what he had to, to keep his family safe as well as his position. "As Severus' son he has more protection than you'd believe. Not many Death Eaters would want to anger or have Severus coming after them. I know I wouldn't, even Lestrange, wasn't stupid enough to go too far in her taunts knowing just how lethal Severus was at spell casting." finished the blonde seriously.
Minerva blinked, but remained emotionless, at least outwardly. She had known Severus reputation at Hogwarts, but she hadn't thought to think he'd have one amongst the Death Eaters. It didn't surprise her as much as it out to have, to know that the Death Eaters were just as terrified of him as the students (and some teachers) were. She saw Severus was going slightly pink around the face, and suppressed her amusement, Severus reacted to praise as someone reacted to neglect. He did not like it one bit. "We are here? Can we just go in and get this over with?" said Severus wryly; he just wanted to get back to Harry, who was currently sleeping. Hopefully he'd sleep until he got back, the last thing he needed Harry to think was he'd be passed from pillar to post.
"Indeed," said Minerva and Lucius in Unison before a horrified look appeared on Lucius' face.
"Good afternoon, welcome to Surry county council how may I help you?" asked a chirpy receptionist, despite the fact she was confronted with three curled lips. Minerva's was more like a grimace but if you weren't looking hard enough you wouldn't notice.
"I need to speak to whomever is available from Social Services immediately," said Severus, it wasn't hard to imagine him as a police officer, he bled authority from every pore on his body.
"Do you have an appointment?" she asked.
"Would I have asked to speak to someone if I did have an appointment?" asked Severus unable to help himself, sarcasm was rolling off him in waves. He had no tolerance for idiots. Lucius coughed to hide his laughter; meanwhile Minerva had lost what was left of her lips.
"We don't normally see someone without an appointment," said the receptionist.
"Even if it's a matter of life or death?" asked Severus scorn crossing his voice and face.
The receptionist bit her lip, before picking up the phone and began speaking to someone on the other end of it. They could only hear her, but it was enough for them to get the gist of the conversation. "There's someone available to see you now, if you go through those doors, to levels up, corridor C straight along you'll find the waiting area. Mrs. Wilson will be with you as soon as possible."
"Thank you," said Minerva as she passed the others weren't as kind.
"She was an idiot," said Lucius as both men took the stairs two at a time, Minerva slightly behind them.
"That girl was just doing her job," said Minerva, shaking her head. Honestly, Slytherins didn't have a sympathetic bone in their bodies. Eventually they'd walked up the flights of stairs; Minerva wasn't even out of breath. She went up more than two sets of stairs at Hogwarts; she would have much preferred using her Animagus form though like she did at the magical school.
Five minutes they sat in the empty waiting room, as the smell off coffee, tea and other aromas filled the air. You could tell it was lunch time, and it made their stomach rumble loudly. Then a short black hair, blue eyes short woman stepped towards them, her Surrey accent very noticeable. "Hi, I'm Mrs. Wilson," said the married woman, staring at them enquiringly.
"Marion McDonald," said Minerva, shaking her hand, allowing her social services badge to be seen, carrying her fake name.
"Luke Matthew." said Lucius shaking her hand for only a second before withdrawing.
"Samuel Smith," said Severus, shaking her hand.
"It's nice to meet you, now can I ask what this is about?" asked Mrs. Wilson, eying them all wondering why three people in their respective career choices would want to see her.
"I need to find out if any of your social workers were ever called out to investigate Petunia and Vernon Dursley for abuse against Harry Potter." said Minerva doing the talking before the men could become sarcastic.
"Oh," said Mrs. Wilson, coming to the wrong conclusion that Harry Potter had died, and the others were there to investigate. A lawyer, a police officer and another social worker, it made perfect sense to her. "Follow me." she said speeding off in the direction of the office, her heels clicking loudly as she stalked in a way that should have impressed Severus.
"Please take a seat," she said dragging an extra chair over so all three could sit. Once that was done she immediately sat on her seat, and began clicking away on her computer. "We have had thirteen complaints, all of which were immediately dealt with. We immediately gave the Dursley's a surprise visit, but both boys are extremely well looked after."
Severus choked in shocked, twisted, bitter, dark amusement. "Which one of your completely incompetent nitwits visited Privet Drive?"
Mrs. Wilson's jaw dropped at his callous, harsh words, she puffed up, but the look he gave her, that they were all gave her made her pause. Truth be told, she was actually very intimidated by them. She could feel a surge of menace emanating from them. She wanted them to leave, she wanted to go home and stay away for the next week or so. Swallowing deeply feeling crazy for thinking it, she typed away on her compute again.
"There have been two social workers visiting, Tara Digby and Olive Halliwell. Can I ask the reason behind this visit? Will it involve the legal department?" she asked.
"That depends," said Lucius smoothly, "We will need to speak to them individually and immediately, and we don't want to accuse anyone of collaborating answers now do we?"
"Of course not," she replied knowing she didn't have a choice. "You can use this room, and I'll go retrieve them right now."
"I'll come with you dear," said Minerva, standing up. Not giving her room to argue both left to collect the two other Social Workers.
"If he's done anything I'll kill him," hissed Severus to Lucius his body radiating fury.
Lucius didn't need to ask, who the 'He' was that Severus was referring to. Dumbledore. The thought of Harry being 'extremely well looked after' was stretching it beyond expansion. Underweight, but otherwise doing fine, would have been easier to accept. No there was something going on, someone had done something. Severus knew it, no social worker, who was trained to spot abuse, would have left Harry in that house. He'd saw the child for a matter of seconds and saw the abuse right away. He was no way more experienced than the Social workers.
"This is Tara Digby," said Mrs. Wilson coming back in with Minerva McGonagall. A woman she thought was named Marion McDonald. The tall black woman walked in confidently, sitting down, laying her bag beside the chair. Her red high heels tapping impatiently as she waited for them to speak. She seemed completely un-intimidated by the three surrounding her. Whether she'd remain that way…we would just have to wait and see.
Chapter 15
An Unlikely Trio Part Two
Severus observed the woman across from him, who was the epitome of calmness. She didn't seem the least bit bothered having been called up from her job, and confronted with three people, two of which were in the law enforcement. Normally even innocent people felt as thought they did something wrong when they saw a Police officer. It set them on the defensive, wondering what they could be accused off, even if they'd done nothing. Fortunately for Tara, Severus could see through her 'masks' to see she was actually rather concerned. Not for herself, but for a child, a child she may have missed caused her to feel like a failure. She was trying not to overreact of course, until she knew exactly what was going on.
"During the process of this interview, everything you say will be recorded is that understood?" asked Severus placing the Muggle digital recorder on the table. Lucius didn't understand what it was, but Minerva and Severus did. They had both been raised in the Muggle world; both had a parent that was non-magical. They'd had very different childhoods though, whereas Minerva's father had accepted his daughter as a witch, Severus' father had not. Minerva's sister had not been magical, but they'd got on rather well.
"Yes," said Tara, nodding her head, her foot stopping its tapping, it was a nervous habit she'd had since she was a child. She'd gotten into trouble at school a lot because of it; the constant tapping had driven her teachers to distraction.
"Please state your name for the benefit of the conversation," said Severus, while he said their 'fake' names and 'fake' profession.
"Tara Digby, Social worker for Surry Council," said Tara breathing deeply feeling very troubled. She couldn't keep her mouth closed any longer, she just had to ask. "What's going on? Who is this about?"
"I believe that you have visited Mr. Mrs. Dursley a total of eight times is this true?" asked Severus, barely able to contain his fury.
"The Dursley's?" asked Tara, frowning, yes she could remember visiting them. The first time was very hazy at best, she couldn't remember much about it at all. She did remember returning here and filing a report, stating that both boys were fine. "Yes I've been there." she said, straining to remember why she had such hazy recollections of that family. She could remember the first family she'd visited how is it that she couldn't remember much after visiting them eight times? And why the hell had this not bothered her before? Had she hit her head today or something? It was beginning to feel like it.
"Can you tell us about the first meeting?" enquired Minerva, seeing as Severus was not going to talk, if anything he seemed rather disturbed by something.
Taking a deep breath knowing it was important, she began to describe what she could remember. "I drove to Privet Drive, and sat in the car watching the house for fifteen minutes. We like to observe our surroundings and if possible watch for the children before we declare ourselves there. Unfortunately we cannot see the children alone, the chances of a child admitting the abuse is next to none, especially with their abusers there. We can only observe and learn what we can from that. I saw two boys, playing but when I asked him who he was, he told me his name was Piers, so he wasn't Mr. Potter the boy as to which I'd been sent to see."
"Continue," said Minerva, sending the poor woman a sympathetic look, she seemed to be really struggling to remember. The fact Severus was so quiet, made her think that perhaps she wasn't to blame.
"I told them who I was, and they let me in immediately and seemed very welcoming but slightly angry that anyone would accuse them of anything. Something I have of course seen to often, I do not take anything in the face of value. I thought perhaps that the callers we had were concerned about his weight perhaps. His cousin isn't it? Yes, he was extremely obese. I was guided around the house, they showed me everywhere…." said Tara, unwittingly a memory she'd forgotten about came forth. She had no idea that the man sitting opposite her was removing the memory charms she had placed upon her person. Tara gasped, how could she have forgotten? It was inconceivable to her. "I noticed at once that there was only one bed in the room Petunia claimed her son and nephew shared…how could I have forgotten?" she was inconsolable.
"If you can just tell me what you can remember now, I'd greatly appreciate it." said Severus grimly, he knew the magic wrapped around her mind. He didn't need to undo any of the blocks; she'd never had a chance to do her job. That fact alone made him warm up to her slightly, after the interview was over; he'd break one completely for confirmation that it was the old fool. Pensive memories were probably more damning than speaking the truth under Veritaserum.
"We sat down and had coffee, they were very nice, and introduced us to both boys. They had new clothes, had with them new toys, both were very happy to answer my questions…" said Tara, her headache was getting to the point she couldn't stand it anymore. Tears were stinging in her eyes, Merlin it was painful, and she'd never suffered from migraines before. It was the last thing she remembered before she passed out.
Minerva quickly dived for the Muggle, stopping her from hitting her head on the way down. Lucius automatically set a charm on the door, stopping people from entering as Severus walked over to the unconscious female. He cast the spell that would let him enter her mind, and tore through the very first Obliviate attached to her mind. You could tell someone had been, there were spaces in their memories, it was like a film reel with pictures missing, blurry images were also a good indicator.
"Severus what is going on?" asked Minerva, looking extremely worried, she also hated being in the dark.
"She saw Harry; she immediately called the police and ambulance to have him removed. No amount of money convinced her to keep quiet, considering they don't get much it's a surprise really. Unfortunately something or someone must have alerted Dumbledore and he Obliviated everyone. She immediately came back here and filed a report that all was well. The other times she came, she was drugged, the Dursley's must have some sort of forgetfulness potion." growled Severus. His magic reacting to his anger, causing the room to heat uncomfortably.
"So he has been interfering," said Minerva her eyes closed in horror, he knew, they had definitive proof that Dumbledore had been aware of the abuse. "Can't we just go to the Ministry with what we have now? I cannot in good conscience allow him near children…how many others has he ignored?" she told them defeated and hollow.
"You will just have to keep an eye on everything, and everyone come to that. Simply just bring up the first years getting a full history scan their first year at Hogwarts." said Severus.
"If you prefer I can petition the school board for that to happen?" suggested Lucius.
"Perhaps that would be for the best," said Minerva, Severus of course nodded.
"What do we do with her?" asked Lucius getting to the more pressing matters at hand. The woman would probably end up being Obliviated again, she'd been violated enough magically, but there was nothing they could do. In fact they were probably being merciful, she seemed to feel really guilty that she'd missed something - and she didn't even know the child. It was weird, it's the first time he'd ever felt bad for a Muggle he hadn't touched, who couldn't defend themselves against their magic. He rarely tortured Muggles', only if the Dark Lord told him to. Otherwise he would only put them out of their misery. Nothing stopped him having to watch Lestrange having…fun as she'd called it. He had much to feel guilty about, but his life hadn't been an easy one. People thought that money solved everything, and they were always happy…the idiots couldn't be further from the truth. "Perhaps it would be best she forget everything again?"
"Indeed," said Severus, pointing his wand at her, and he promptly caused her to forget everything she had remembered while Severus had been in her mind, and the Obliviate Severus had completely uncovered (with Dumbledore features in it most prominently).
"….Ma'am? Are you okay?" said the three of them, crouched before in staring at her in concern.
Tara stared around in confusion, trying to remember what had happened. The last thing she remembered was getting a really bad migraine. She clutched at her head, grateful that it seemed to have gone now. "I am sorry, I just had such a bad headache or migraine…my mother used to get them this violently too." she said apologetically. As the three concerned newcomers helped her up.
"Thank you for your cooperation," replied Severus sitting himself back down.
"Did I miss something?" she asked quietly. "About the child? Is he okay?"
"He is fine," said Severus reassuringly, he couldn't tell her anything; especially not that Harry had been removed from their care.
"That's good," she said simply, relaxing, wondering what the whole thing had been about. If he was fine, why had she been asked all those questions about a child that was well cared for?
"Could you please let…Olivia in on your way out please?" asked Minerva, officially ending the first meeting.
"Of course," said Tara, rubbing at her forehead absently, thinking to herself to remember and buy something her headaches and migraines, she certainly didn't want to be caught out like she had today.
"Thank you," said Minerva shaking the woman's hand as she stood.
Tara nodded at the men before she left the room, remembering to take her handbag with her. She was much more subdued leaving as she had been upon entering the room. Once she was outside, she told Olivia to go on in; Olivia was older than her by seven years. "They are ready for you now." she said as she made her way back to her office.
Olivia took a deep breath as she entered the room, wondering what was going on. She couldn't deny she was extremely nervous and worried. Had they found out about her? Was she going to be arrested? She shook of her thoughts as she stood in front of them. "You wished to see me?" she enquired.
"Olivia Halliwell?" asked Minerva, "I am Marion McDonald, the officer is Samuel Smith and the lawyer is Luke Matthews." the older woman said, introducing them. The men nodded as their names were called, before Minerva asked her to take a seat.
"You were called to the Dursley's five times in the past few years…that is correct is it not?" asked Severus watching the woman closely. She was nervous, too nervous for his comfort. He didn't draw any conclusions though, because she might be just feeling guilty about something innocuous.
"Yes," said Olivia, her eyes wider than normal, forcing herself to remain relaxed. They were only asking her questions, there was no way they could possibly know.
"Tell us about the first meeting," said Lucius, his mercury eyes regarding her suspiciously; she had Christian Louboutin shoes on, with a matching bag. They were not copies. He should know his wife absolutely loved his design; his wife spent a lot of time in France buying his designer stuff. Louboutin was actually a wizard, who had branched out into the Muggle world. There were just more Muggles than Wizards or Witches come to that, it will have been a rather profitable choice to make. He was one of the richest French wizards out there. Very well known in both worlds, at least to the upper wealth social circles. He leant forward, imparting the knowledge he had to the others. It had been a good move to make, they hadn't known. Severus wasn't into fashion and apparently it wasn't Minerva's thing either.
"Well I was invited in; the place was extremely clean and well maintained. Mrs. Dudley was busy folding up the laundry, but immediately put on the kettle and made me feel extremely welcome. I could hear both boys up the stairs, playing loudly, having fun." said Olivia, her heart beating like a drum out of control. Her palms were drenched in sweat, but she dared not move or fidget. "I had a conversation about the calls we had received, they were understandably upset with the accusations levelled their way. I had a conversation with both boys, and came to the conclusion the concerns were invalid."
"What did Mr. Potter look like?" asked Severus, his black eyes flashing viciously, he knew she was lying; she had no defence against him snooping around in her mind. She would rue the day she decided to take the bribe and forget about a child inches from death.
"Look like?" she said her voice slightly higher than normal, "Do you know how many children I visit?" she was getting defensive now.
"You have visited this home five times, you should be able to describe him at least vaguely." said Severus frowning as he looked at the computer, he had to hand it to her, she was rather good, might have fooled other Muggle authorities, but he wasn't a Muggle, he was a Master spy.
"Average height, skinny, like his Aunt, dark hair and brown eyes," said Olivia, basically describing a child version of Petunia, hoping and praying she wasn't going wrong.
"Brown eyes you say?" asked Severus, nodding his head, playing her expertly. Minerva looked ready to throttle the girl as she began to understand what Severus was doing. Even Lucius vividly remembered that Harry had green eyes, not because he'd seen the child awake, no it was reported the night Voldemort was defeated. His eyes, the new mark upon his forehead…everything about him. He remembered Lily's eyes though, even if he'd only seen her for one year before he graduated Hogwarts.
"Yes," said Olivia relaxing, if she'd seen the so called social workers face, she'd have ran for the hills.
"You saw him every time you visited?" questioned Severus.
"I did," said Olivia adamantly, more confident now. "Is he okay?" she asked putting a concerned face on.
"If you call being in critical condition for days okay, then yes he's fine." said Severus a sneer curling at his lips.
"Critical condition?" stuttered Olivia wide eyed, "What happened? Has there been an accident?"
"An accident? If one can call being beaten within an inch of his life an accident then yes." said Severus his sarcasm getting worse the more he spoke to her. "For your information, Harry Potter doesn't have brown eyes, he has green eyes, you haven't met him even once have you?" his black eyes were boring into hers, daring her to lie to him again.
Olivia began to feel very panicky now, "Yes, I mean…he said he was Harry Potter." she said defensively, her voice now two octaves higher.
"And the money you received from the Dursley's?" asked Severus his voice filled with danger, and promise of a violent death.
"How dare you?" said Olivia puffing up in outrage, her face going red, making her blonde hair look sickly. You have no right to make accusations like that! About anyone's character."
"We have written confessions from Mr. And Mrs. Dursley, each day you were due to visit they took out eight hundred pound from their bank." said Lucius, another piece of the puzzle falling into place.
"It didn't come to me, I am a social worker, it's my job to help children and I would never let them down." said Olivia looking sick now.
"Lies," said Severus, "By the end of the day I am going to make sure you never get near children again. It's because of people like you our children are placed in further danger." it wasn't a threat it was a promise.
"To think others do it out of the goodness of their heart, but are hated because of the few nasty ones." said Minerva shaking her head in utter contempt for the woman standing on front of him. "Do you even care about the child who's suffering you were paid to forget nearly died?"
"I didn't, I've never ignored a child." spluttered Olivia wide eyed in protest.
"Yet another lie, I have enough suspicion to have you arrested," said Severus, "Trust me I'm going to do everything in my power to ensure you are put behind bars for a very long time."
"I am not lying!" wailed Olivia terrified, her skinny frame shaking with the terror that the police officer was invoking in her.
"You better not leave the country, otherwise I will make sure there's a manhunt for you, each step you take you'll wonder if it's your last." swore Severus, casting a tracking charm on her back unnoticed, and one to stop her from leaving England should she think about it. He'd take it off her as soon as Lucius and himself had handed the evidence the real police officer. She utterly turned his stomach; at least one of them had common sense and compassion.
"Do you think perhaps Mrs. Figg has been Obliviated also?" asked Minerva as they exited the building.
"Figg?" enquired Lucius, "As in the Figg family? Why would they be in the Muggle world?"
"Arabella, the squib." explained Severus, "She has been charged with keeping an eye out on Harry since he was put on the Dursley's doorstep."
"I had no idea the Figg's had produced a squib," said Lucius in surprise. Then again it wasn't something spoken about. Nobody went around admitting they'd had squib children, it just wasn't done. When they found out they were shipped off to the Muggle world to live. Of course Argus Filch is a different matter, the Filch's hadn't minded their son was a squib.
"It was three generations ago," said Severus wryly, "She's around eighty years old I would say."
"Maybe I should pay her a visit," suggested Minerva.
"I doubt very much he Obliviate's her, he'd have to do it every time she saw the him. If you regularly Obliviate someone, you begin to realize something is going on. She may be a squib but was raised a Witch for the first eleven years of her life. She would probably get suspicious very quickly." replied Lucius gravely.
"So she had to know," sighed Minerva inhaling deeply, betrayal was everywhere it seemed. Harry had saved both worlds, even if one would was unaware of that small detail. This was the thanks he got? People who were supposed to protect him, taking money and leaving him to abuse. The Headmaster of a school Obliviating social workers to get his own way. "What is his end game?"
"Excuse me?" asked both men stopping and turning to face her curiously.
"What is Dumbledore's end game, what does he want? Why did he allow Harry to be abused? Why didn't he stop it? What does he want in the end of it?" asked Minerva as she began walking again, they were trying to find a small dark spot so they could Apparate away again.
Lucius and Severus shared a look, before the blonde reluctantly nodded. They had already understood Dumbledore's game.
"The Dark Lord isn't truly gone Minerva, the Dark Mark is still visible, barely but nevertheless it is there. He's clinging to the mortal plane, bodiless." replied Severus his voice as grim and hollow as the conversation he was having. "Hence Dumbledore's use of the word Defeat, not destroy. If you remember Dumbledore defeated Grindelwald but he's in prison not dead."
Minerva gazed at them completely horrified by Severus' words, then and then she realized how little Dumbledore confided in her. She had been stupid enough to think she had been his companion. Little by little what she was learning was slowly destroying everything she believed in. Thank Merlin for her Gryffindor courage, otherwise Minerva wouldn't have had the heart to continue on.