
Chapter 27

Sirius Black Enters The Picture

Sirius looked around, trying to figure out where they were, but he couldn't find anything familiar about this place. Was it Minerva McGonagall's home? It couldn't be, not unless she'd bought it since McGonagall wasn't a wizarding name…Although it could be in her mother's name? Squinting at the gates was that a PH? Or M maybe? His eyesight wasn't bad its just he was unused to using his eyes anymore. He'd been stuck in darkness for what felt like years, and since nobody visited he didn't get out of his cell and put in the visitor centre where no Dementor was allowed. Looking up, closing his eyes the sun on his skin felt so good, the adrenaline he'd been running on was beginning to wear of now.

"Are you ready to begin moving?" asked Minerva, watching Sirius in concerned happiness. He was free; no doubt he was a little overwhelmed.

"Where are we?" asked Sirius turning back to face Minerva, he was confused she obviously had done this without Dumbledore's approval, since he had been shocked and enraged when they Portkey'd away. Sirius had never seen such a look on his face before, and it actually concerned him. Groaning, he was finding it extremely difficult to concentrate on one thing, he'd been asking about Harry, it was him he was worried about…who had taken him in?

"I though you wanted to see Harry?" questioned Minerva, beginning to slowly walk towards Prince Manor, which would take a while with a man who had been imprisoned for a few years.

"Harry's here?" asked Sirius perking up, his face showing hope and love.

"He is indeed," said Minerva a tiny smile on her face, thinking of the gorgeous child.

"Who has custody of him?" asked Sirius, walking up to her; he needed to know everything he'd missed.

"There are a few rules if you want to see him, do not approach him, touch him or frighten him." said Minerva grimly, her voice conveying how important these 'rules' were. Harry was just starting to recover, and she did not want him scared again, hell he'd just gotten used to her for Merlin's sake.

"Why?" Sirius couldn't help but cry indignantly. Had they been telling Harry about how evil he was? That he had betrayed his parents? He hoped not or he wouldn't be happy the slightest, he wanted his godson to love him! No he was only a child surely they wouldn't tell him nasty things?

"I do not recommend starting with his guardian either, it wouldn't be a good way to begin a relationship with Harry." said Minerva in warning.

"Why would I do that?" asked Sirius staring at Minerva strangely, he wanted to be part of Harry's life and to do that he had to at least be on good terms with whoever it was.

Minerva's lips twitched, why would he indeed? Just wait until he figured out who it was. Honestly their fights had been blown to ridiculous portions; at least Severus was trying to do the right thing. He wouldn't put up with any crap coming from Sirius though, so Black had better behave himself or he would find himself evicted from Prince Manor.

"Just remember what I have said," said Minerva seriously. "I won't have my godson upset."

"Your godson? Who's that?" asked Sirius confused, they were obviously not talking about Harry, and he was Harry's godfather. Harry didn't have any other godfathers or a godmother, come to that; it had been a small private ceremony with just Lily, James, Harry and himself as well as the Minister.

"I was made Harry's godmother," said Minerva, knowing better than to tell him who else was given that privilege. Although she herself hadn't been able to believe it, but now she realized Severus had known best after all. She had seen a whole new side to Lucius and she was awed at the length he'd go for a friend. She had known he could make anyone's life a misery if he wished…but the way he had done it was truly vicious and rightfully deserved. Although Dumbledore certainly looked shaken by the lies, she was surprised he hadn't had a heart attack yet.

"Oh," said Sirius hollowly. He wasn't Harry's godfather anymore that meant he had no rights to him at all; at least it was someone light otherwise Minerva wouldn't be part of Harry's life. He prayed to Merlin that whoever it was, allowed him to be part of Harry's life whether he was chosen as a godfather through magical means or not.

"Let's go," said Minerva stepping in, opening the door far enough for Sirius to get in before closing it. Hopefully Severus would already know they were here.

"Harry," rasped Sirius watching him from the door, he was playing with his toys and he was so big! His hair was short, very short indeed; James had never had short hair like that. Why had they made it so short? If he had been older maybe, but he was just a child they'd basically shaved it all off. Looking around the house trying to figure out who had custody of Harry, but he still couldn't figure out where they were.

"Remember what I told you," said Minerva, in warning as Sirius stepped forward. Stopping he reluctantly acknowledged Minerva's words. She knew Harry wasn't going to be happy with Sirius' appearance whether he touched him or not, he didn't like strangers and she wasn't sure if that would change. Harry was even less appreciative of men, at least according to Severus anyway and she trusted his word.

"Who has custody of him?" Sirius demanded again, once he remembered he wished his mind would stop wandering. Unfortunately he wasn't used to being able to think so clearly, the Dementors had just made him relive his worst memories - no thinking required for that.

"You'll find out in a second," said Minerva stepping in, Sirius for some reason was rooted on the spot, he dreaded finding out who had custody of his godson. It was stupid really, after all he must have permission to be here, and they must be on his side. Shaking off his ominous thoughts, chalking it up to the exposure to Dementors. It would take him a long time to get over it, he knew that.

Severus placed the 'potion' Harry had made on the kitchen counter, extremely bemused at his own thoughts and feelings. He didn't want to throw it away, and what sense did that make? It was completely idiotic it wasn't even a real potion just items he'd stuffed into a bowl, yet the feelings the gift inspired moved him in a way he had never experienced before. It was pure, untainted and without possible demands behind it, or expectations such as Christmas time when he had to go and find a gift for them in return. No receiving things just because someone cared wasn't something Severus was really used to. Lily had done…but that was such a long time ago he could scarcely remember what it was like.

Sighing tiredly, he rubbed at his eyes, the things he had to do. Black of all people coming into his home, oh he knew it wasn't going to be easy, and who knew how Harry would react as well? Breathing deeply, he opened his medical cupboard, one the Elves were allowed into if any of them got hurt. He didn't need to see the writing to know which one he wanted, he knew from colour and texture alone. He drank the calming draught down, he knew if he confronted Black without it he'd terrify Harry it was the last thing he wanted. Harry was making so much progress, he didn't understand it himself, but he didn't want to see it brought to an end.

Opening the fridge he brought out the orange juice and poured himself a large drink before replacing it. He drank the large glass in one go, the refreshing strong taste wiping away the taste of the Potion. What would Black be like after spending three years in Azkaban? Well three years and six months at the very least. Then he felt the wards shift, Minerva was here and she had a guest with her. Turning to face Harry, watching him from the kitchen door, he realized he'd deal with the devil himself if it kept him safe. He hadn't been able to save Lily, but he sure as hell would do anything and everything to save her son…to save Harry.

Severus came out of his thoughts alarmed when he heard Harry cry out in fear. The next thing he came aware of was a kitten running across the floor and painfully climbing up his leg, its nails digging and biting into his chest shaking and clearly terrified. Wincing in agony, he pried the kitten off him and held him in his arms soothing him. Doubling back he entered his medical cabinet again and drank a pain reliever. Keeping a hold of Harry the entire time, in his left hand half under his armpit.

"He's an Animagus?!" cried Sirius awed.

"Oh do be quiet," said Minerva irritated by the fact Harry had reacted so strongly. She had thought he was beginning to trust them; it was obvious to her that it wasn't the case. Otherwise Harry wouldn't have run the way he did, not only that but he'd turned himself into a kitten to make himself a smaller target.

"Why did he react like that? What has he been told?" asked Sirius fearfully. It wasn't the welcome he'd been hoping for let's put it that way. Even with Minerva's words earlier, after all why would Harry be scared? It made no sense to him.

"Is he alright, Severus?" asked Minerva stepping further into the room and able to see Severus from where he stood at the kitchen door.

"SEVERUS? AS IN SNAPE?!" cried Sirius unable to believe it. Snape had Harry? Why the hell would Snape want him? He hated everyone! No wonder Harry was bloody terrified! No doubt the bastard had told him everything he did over the years! Harry probably hated his own father, Snape was an utter bastard Harry was just a child! How could he go about getting revenge this way?

"He'll be fine," said Severus, ignoring Black's words completely, oh yes, he was glad he had taken that bloody calming draught. He couldn't find it in himself to get worked up over the presence of a boy who had tried to kill him years ago. "Harry, I want to see a human boy right now." he said to the shaken bundle in his arms.

Sirius took a step back, blinking in shock he'd never heard Snape sound like that before…was it possible he actually cared? But no, he'd been a Death Eater! Although he grudgingly admitted he had changed sides, although he wasn't quite sure why. Still, what on earth was going on? Harry obviously trusted Snape, and Snape was his guardian…why did Minerva bring him here? Against Dumbledore's will since he wasn't happy!

Severus sighed; it was obvious Harry was in no state to answer him right now, he was still badly shaken.

"Flippy?" called Severus; he would need his Elf to help with this.

"Yes sir?" answered the House Elf making an appearance.

"Bring me a saucer of milk," asked Severus, plucking another calming draught from the cupboard before making his way through to the living room. He just took a seat with Harry when Flippy returned with the saucer of milk he had demanded.

"Thank you," said Severus placing three drops of the calming draught into the milk and placing it on his lap. "Drink it, little one, come on." quietly urging the child to drink the calming draught so he may calm down enough to turn back into human form. He hoped this wasn't going to be a regular occurrence; Harry couldn't turn into his Animagus form every time he got scared. Rubbing at his back, he sighed in relief when the trembling finally stopped.

"How can he do that?" asked Sirius staring at the kitten, you didn't see any Animagus kittens just cats since nobody was young enough to turn when one would be a kitten. By their actions he knew it must not be the first time, so Harry had done it before...children didn't have the ability...he was at a loss.

"We aren't entirely sure, he saw me transform once and copied me, he even turned back by himself." said Minerva taking a seat of her own, watching Severus and Harry intently. Well, no big explosions from either of them, she considered this a win-win scenario. With a bit of luck Sirius might actually hear what they have to say, before he lost it.

"Turn back, Harry, remember what I said, magic must be respected not played with, I want a human boy right now." said Severus, removing the saucer from him. Waiting on Harry gathering the courage to turn back, hoping that he would do what he asked. Then he began to morph back, until a young boy was sitting on his lap. Harry grabbed onto Severus' clothes, burrowing himself as far as he could without literally hurting both of them.

"Accio teddies," said Severus summoning both of his favourite soft toys. Giving them to him, the one from both Minerva and Lucius, which Harry placed under his arms still keeping a tight grip of Severus.

"Here," said Minerva placing Harry's cover over him.

"Thank you," said Severus, shifting Harry so his knees weren't digging into a very sensitive place where no knees had the right to be. Feeling Harry's forehead afterwards and found he was a little bit too warm, but not overly so. "Using magic is exhausting Harry, and you've done too much, you must be careful. I think its time for a nap, now don't you?"

"Sorry daddy," murmured Harry quietly, before his eyes immediately began drooping as the calming draught did its work.

Minerva quickly silenced the area around Harry, waiting for the inevitable explosion - and she wasn't wrong, nor did she have to wait long.

"DADDY?" shrieked Sirius from where he had remained beside the door, gaping at them in betrayal.

"He knows I'm not his biological father," said Severus, "Do you wish Harry never to know a parents love in his life? Would that content you?" sneering the last four words.

Sirius shifted awkwardly, when it was put that way it made him sound like a shit. "No," sighed Sirius, moaning in pain, Dear Merlin his back, legs and feet ached like blazes. He had no choice but to sit down or fall and he hurt enough without ended up on his arse, that's only if he was lucky.

"Flippy?" called Severus.

"Yes sir?" asked the Elf making another appearance, noticing that their little Master was once again human. Flippy collected the saucer seeing it wasn't needed any longer.

"Bring some food through for everyone, coffee too and bring me my emergency potions supply kit it's in the second drawer." said Severus. Black was probably in agony, as much as he'd like him to suffer he needed the bloody idiot on his side. He'd never thought he'd see the day where he and Black got on that's for damn certain.

Sirius drooled at the thought of food; he hadn't had anything decent in the past three years. Just really disgusting stew stuff that they put through the cell every day, although he did occasionally enjoy a rat as Padfoot when they were stupid enough to enter his 'abode'. His mind drifted to all the different foods he'd missed in Azkaban…lamb, chicken, and the hearty soups Lily used to make, she had been one hell of a cook. Oh Butterbeer, whiskey, and chocolate, how he longed for everything, to pig out and stuff his face with the rich tasty foods. Cursing inwardly, damn his bloody mind, he hoped this didn't go on forever; he wouldn't pass his Auror exams if he kept getting distracted like this.

The food appeared on the table without Flippy coming back; Severus arched an eyebrow and withheld his sneer. Black was staring at the food as if he'd never seen anything like it before. The only reason he didn't sneer was because there was a look in Black's eyes, the same one Harry had when he first started getting food.

"Help yourselves," said Severus, nodding curtly in thanks when Minerva handed him a cup of coffee and some food. He couldn't move without wakening Harry up, considering the conversation they were around to have - it was a good idea to keep him asleep. He wasn't sure whether to tell Black about the Horcruxes, could he take the chance that he would do as Minerva had spoken off and go straight back to Dumbledore and parrot everything back.

"Your potions sir," said Flippy handing them before leaving once more.

"Black?" said Severus, staring at the man who was currently stuffing his face full of food.

"Sirius?" said Minerva turning to face him, was he deliberately trying to wind Severus up?

"Black?" repeated Severus his eyes narrowed. "BLACK!"

"SIRIUS BLACK!" snapped Minerva, slapping him on the knee.

"What?" asked Sirius facing them after swallowing the food he had in his mouth.

"We called you five times," said Minerva eyeing him with some concern.

"Sorry, I find it difficult to concentrate," admitted Sirius shame faced.

"Perhaps he should get some rest first before we speak to him?" said Minerva, turning to Severus acting as though Sirius wasn't even in the room. "His flat if I remember correctly was destroyed when someone cast the Fiendfyre spell on it, and none of the Black homes will be livable in right now. He cannot go to Hogwarts that's definitely out of the question. He can use the flat I have in Hogsmeade, I haven't used it in years." she preferred to stay at Hogwarts, she didn't see the point to packing everything up for a few months out of the year she was at Hogwarts.

"I'd rather he wasn't out of my sight," said Severus eyeing Black, he didn't want to risk him going to Dumbledore before he could tell him everything. Black always had been impatient, and if they didn't answer him, he could get his inheritance Black would run straight to Dumbledore to demand answers. "He may use one of the guest rooms tonight; tomorrow we will bring him up to date."

"Up to date on what?" demanded Sirius wanting answers. "What is going on?"

"Flippy?" called Severus.

"What can Flippy do for Master Severus?" asked Flippy.

"Show Mr. Black to the guest room on the second floor," said Severus. The House Elf would know what he was talking about; he wanted him well away from where Harry and he were. He didn't trust the man as far as he could throw him.

"I'm not going anywhere, I want answers." said Sirius frowning in irritation at the fact both of them were ignoring him.

"Sopor!" said Minerva; spell aimed at Sirius' back, the man immediately fell back onto the seat he'd been sitting in. It immediately sent him into a stupor, a strong sleep, much like the potion to aid sleep would have done.

"Give him this," said Severus raking through the bag and handing it to her. Black could wake up in a few hours even with the spell, with this dreamless sleeping potion he'd sleep for a minimum of twelve to fourteen hours. Judging by the state of his body, he'd say it would be more like sixteen hours. It would keep him unconscious until his body was ready to be woken once more.

With great difficulty, Minerva succeeded in giving the dreamless sleeping draught to the unconscious wizard.

"Go on Flippy, take him up, keep an eye on him let me know the moment he awakens, he must never leave the Manor before I say he can…is that understood? Harry's life may very well depend on it." said Severus giving the Elf the consequences of slipping up on his task.

"Flippy won't let Master Severus down," said Flippy bowing before taking hold of the wizard and both of them disappeared from the room.

"If you wish, you can remain for the night also," said Severus.

"I'm very tempted, Severus, Albus looked furious." replied Minerva retaking her seat.

"Ah, you activated the Portkey with him nearby?" stated Severus; he had hoped Minerva wouldn't have to.

"I did, no doubt he's awaiting my return," said Minerva, picking up some food for herself now, and getting comfortable now that the tense conversation wouldn't be happening yet. Poor Harry, hopefully he would get used to people without being scared of them.

"Then stay," said Severus as if it solved everything, and it did.

Just then the Floo activated, spitting out Lucius Malfoy, who stepped out gracefully as if he'd been doing it since he was born.

"Were you not successful?" asked Severus, glad Black was out of the way, it would have been extremely bad timing.

"I was," said Lucius, opening his cloak pocket and revealing the cup.

"I am surprised," said Minerva, "Mr. Black was found innocent, I would have assumed they would deny you access."

"When was he found innocent?" asked Lucius arching an eyebrow in curiosity.

"Less than an hour ago," said Severus immediately.

"Ah, well I was already looking through vaults at that time, I entered at least seven vaults before I found what I was looking for." said Lucius irritated.

"How many does Bellatrix have?" asked Severus surprised.

"Bellatrix has six, one of them was her own vault she opened when she was eleven, and the other was the dowry which hasn't been touched another was of course the trust vault which also remains untouched. It was in one of the main vaults though, which surprised me, those were the last ones I entered for a reason." said Lucius smoothly, as he took his seat.

"She got it from the Dark Lord, she was going to make sure it was protected, Lucius." said Severus.

"True," conceded Lucius, "I didn't think of that." it should have dawned on him really, but it was over with now.

"Perhaps we should destroy it immediately," said Minerva. The thought of Harry getting his hands on such an item made her cold to her very bones.

"I promised my son to teach him to fly after dinner so I must depart straight away." said Lucius, and he always kept his promises, especially when he made them to his wife or son. He wasn't cold and hard towards his family, no matter what anyone else thought. "I shall be over in a few days, if you need me before then, you know how to get in touch."

"Of course," said Severus nodding his head allowing Lucius to go.

"Good evening," said Lucius in farewell before he Floo'ed directly back home to Malfoy Manor.

"Good evening," said Minerva quietly but he was already half away.

"I cannot risk using Fiendfyre in the house again, not with such an item…we must do it outside." said Severus, quietly and softly, beginning to untangle himself from Harry. Who thankfully remained asleep despite being disturbed. Placing a pillow under his face, stroking it softly, unable to believe this little child loved him enough to call him dad.

"Back or front?" asked Minerva disturbing Severus' thoughts.

"Back is closer," said Severus, they were after all nearly in the kitchen.

"Then let us be rid of it, once and for all." said Minerva her lip curling at the sight of such a despicable thing.

"Wingardium Levisoa," murmured Severus, not wanting to touch it despite the fact it was obviously un-hexed and un-cursed since Lucius had been holding it a moment ago. Both the stubborn and proud Wizard and Witch followed the cup through to the kitchen and out of the open back door.

"Oh my, it's beautiful out here!" said Minerva gaping, there was a lake and everything, and further along nearly at the corner there was a tree house. Perhaps something Eileen had asked for? Since it did look like the design that was available at the time when Eileen was a little girl.

"It is isn't it?" said Severus his breath lost at the beauty in front of him. Yet they weren't here to gape, no they had a job to do and once he would see through to the end. Placing the cup on the ground while Minerva cast containment spells so the fire did not spread. The last thing they needed with two sleeping wizards inside the house was a fire to spread rapidly.

"Done," said Minerva keeping her wand out just in case, with magic they can never be too careful. As Severus had so eloquently put just a while ago, when Harry turned into a kitten, magic wasn't to be played with and must be respected. Its something all children should be taught but regretfully weren't these days. They all took magic for granted, unless of course, when it wasn't granted and they were treated like a Leper.

"Ready," said Severus grimly, before pointing his wand at the heirloom regretfully and cast "FIENDFYRE!" the red hot flame shot from his wand, landing on the first thing it came into contact with. Now with the diary, the Horcrux began screeching horrifically, it was after all a part of someone's soul basically being murdered. It didn't last long, as the sound began to taper off until the cup was nothing but liquid, gold liquid on the fire scorched grass. What should have been a Hogwarts heirloom was now destroyed. "Such an irreplaceable item, it should have been placed at Hogwarts for all to see and admire."

"It should," agreed Minerva, to actually have something the founders had touched would have been a good booster for those learning the craft. "To think we may yet have to destroy another."

Severus turned to stare at her uncomprehendingly.

"The Slytherin Locket," said Minerva.

"Of course," said Severus shaking his head, they were both suspected Horcruxes with the information Lucius had on them it was more than just suspect at this point. "Do you think we should alert Black?" he asked Minerva needing council, he knew he was always irrational when it came to him so he was hoping she'd give him an answer to the question.

"I assume you mean about the Horcruxes?" asked Minerva only for confirmation.

"Indeed," replied Severus, closing the back door once they were in, he desperately needed a coffee.

"I do not know, Severus." sighed Minerva, "After everything he's been through…he could be easily manipulated against you and reveal everything. Then again we have ways against that; a simple vow could prevent him from betraying you. He was an Auror, it may come in handy."

"That is what I dread, plus you know I hold no love for Black and I think the worst of him…" said Severus wryly.

"That's because he's always done the worst to you, Severus. He tried to kill you when you were a young boy, I was furious with him and demanded Dumbledore expel Sirius. Unfortunately I was overruled, if there was ever a time I had wanted to leave Hogwarts it would have been then." said Minerva. "I didn't teach at Hogwarts to watch students kill one another, I came to educate them in a craft I found to be interesting."

"I had no idea," said Severus surprised and amazed, he couldn't believe she had nearly given up her job for him.

"No, you didn't, you immersed yourself too deeply in the Dark arts after that. You paid no attention in any of your classes, I was surprised you got such high scores." said Minerva honestly.

"I was always ahead in nearly all subjects, my mother kept her course books and I had read them all before coming to Hogwarts first year through seventh year. Defence and Potion books got read a lot more regularly of course." said Severus, he may not have been able to cast the spells but it didn't mean he couldn't memorise them.

"Of course," said Minerva dryly.

"And we are getting rather off the subject," Severus said sighing in irritation; he sat on the couch since Harry had his favourite chair. Immediately pouring himself a coffee, letting Minerva do whatever she wanted.

"Just ask for a Vow then tell him, Severus, that way you have taken all the precautions necessary. If he tries to tell anyone you know what would happen, he would die before he could reveal what he knows." said Minerva.

Severus drank his coffee, nodding thoughtfully, rubbing his chin as he thought through the pros and cons of doing so.

Chapter 28

Taking The Potion & Revealing Everything To Black

"Bed time, Harry." said Severus, in fact it was later than normal but since Harry had been sleeping earlier he'd allowed him to remain up an hour and a half extra. It was now nine o'clock at night, with a bit of luck Harry would go down no problem. He was trying to get Harry out of the habit of sleeping during the day, not an easy feat since Harry's body was currently healing after going through so much. His magic being bound, nearly dying and he was adjusting to his new home. It didn't help that he was using accidental magic whenever he wanted. Turning into an Animagus form was exhausting for a seventeen year old learning to do it, never mind a small five year old like Harry.

"What about that man?" asked Harry, his green eyes filled with worry and fear, he didn't like him he was scary. He knew instinctively that the man was still in the manor, he wasn't sure why but he just did. He hated strangers, and didn't want to be taken away from Severus who he called daddy now. The others never remained overnight, Lucius and Minnie always left after a few hours. Minnie was staying overnight too, but he wasn't as worried about her as he was with the newcomer.

"That man is Sirius Black, and he won't hurt you, the house elves are keeping an eye on him." said Severus kneeling down, reassuring the small boy that no harm would ever befall him. When he'd agreed to keep Black here, he hadn't anticipated Harry being worried or scared if he was honest. What's more surprising was the fact Harry knew he was here, they hadn't mentioned him since Harry woke up, so he had to have some help with the wards to detect Black's presence.

Harry bit his lip, he wanted to believe his daddy but he wasn't one hundred percent sure about it. "Can I stay with you?" whispered Harry, so low that Severus had to strain to hear him.

"Will that make you feel better?" asked Severus softly, bringing Harry's head up from where it was staring at the floor. He truly was worried; he didn't like seeing those green eyes apprehensive and terrified. It meant Harry didn't trust him to keep him safe yet, either that or he was worried Black would do something to him and take Harry.

"Yes, daddy." whispered Harry, his green eyes beseeching Severus'.

"Very well, now lets go." said Severus, taking the small hand in his large one, he took them up the stairs and into Harry's bedroom and through to his bathroom. "We are only here because all your toys are." he added assuring the young boy, who evidently thought he'd gone back on his word. One day Harry would come to realise he meant every word he spoke, whether it came to punishing him if he did anything wrong or keeping him safe.

Turning the taps on, he allowed the water to fill up to its usual spot as he added Harry's bubble bath and toys into the bath. Turning them off he let Harry get in himself as he grabbed a small towel and placed it on the radiator until he needed it. Letting Harry play for a while, he gathered his Onesie and the book with the animals in it, since that was what the child had asked for earlier. As he'd said Harry needed all the help he could get to catch up to the children his own age.

Which got him thinking about Lupin, the thought of letting him near Harry turned his stomach. Yet he knew Lupin would do whatever he asked of him, just to be allowed near Harry. Which meant he would teach him what he wanted Harry taught, and wouldn't allow Harry's supposed fame to get the better of him. There was no guarantee even tutors abroad would be impervious to the lure that came from tutoring 'The-Boy-Who-Lived' he didn't want it getting out. Dumbledore had contacts everywhere, even abroad so it was worrisome. Sighing tiredly, rubbing at his temples, it was difficult to trust anyone, let alone people who knew Harry and his parents.

He was brought out of his thoughts by Harry's voice playing in the bathtub with his toys. Smirking wryly he rolled his eyes, he was becoming a sentimental fool. Looking at the time he was surprised to see nearly fifteen minutes had gone by, he must have really been preoccupied. Putting the book and the Onesie on the bed, he wandered back through to the bathroom and helped Harry from the tub. Wrapping the towel around him, Harry wandered over to the sink out of sheer habit, and grabbed his snitch toothbrush and waited on his daddy putting the toothpaste onto it and begun brushing his teeth.

Taking the plastic cup he gargled the water and spat it back out, wiping his face on the edge of his towel as his daddy dried his hair. Walking out of the room, Severus once again scooped up the two items on the bed, before ushering Harry to his own bedroom. Helping the five year old into his Onesie and into his big bed, sitting beside him as Harry cuddled in, waiting on his story. Severus opened the book ready to begin his little story, when Harry's voice interrupted him.

"Daddy?" asked Harry, peering at Severus.

"Yes?" asked Severus, wondering if he was still worried about Black.

"I want you to be my proper daddy," stated Harry solemnly.

"I am your proper daddy now," said Severus, but he had a good idea what the child was talking about and his heart was racing violently in his ribcage.

Harry bit his lip, wondering if he had misunderstood their earlier conversation. Wouldn't the potion make Severus really his daddy and stop anyone taking him away? Severus was a great daddy, and he wanted to keep him to himself. He wanted as he had said, for Severus to be his proper daddy not just his adopted daddy.

When it became apparent Harry wasn't or couldn't speak again Severus asked the burning question on his mind. "Do you mean you want the Potion Harry? Just remember little one, I am your dad whether you take it or not." he said firmly.

"I know," said Harry cuddling into his daddy smiling, he knew that and that's why he wanted the potion. Not because he was scared, but because he wanted a proper daddy just like Dudley had Vernon, he wanted to be a normal boy. He wasn't freakish he knew that now, he was normal and having a dad was normal. Although he could admit he was scared sometimes, not so much anymore when Lucius and Minnie came, but Black was actually really scary. He knew his daddy wouldn't let him hurt him; it's why he'd run to him when he saw the scary man.

"Are you absolutely sure, Harry?" asked Severus, carding his hands through Harry's hair his heart felt fit to burst and wasn't that bloody odd? He who kept a tight reign on his magic, emotions and life unable to control them since this little boy had wormed his way into his life and heart.

"Yes daddy," said Harry nodding his head vigorously.

"Very well," said Severus digging into his side drawer where he kept the potion. Uncorking it he handed it over, making sure the small hands didn't tip it out. It had everything they needed in it, including his blood and it was the only one he had left. Watching as Harry drank the potion, his distaste evident, but as he finished you could see it had been what Harry wanted, he was beaming completely overwhelmed and happy.

Severus took the vial back, banishing it to his potions lab where the elves would clean it for him. It had to be sterilised before another potion could be put in it, otherwise the potions would mix and that wasn't a very good thing. Sliding the child back into his covers, he began telling the story, making sure Harry could see all the animals he was talking about. Until sleep finally claimed him, no doubt he'd see significant changes in Harry tomorrow morning as the potion did its work overnight. He didn't think the changes would be obvious to those who hadn't seen him in a long time, but to him, Minerva and Lucius it would be obvious, and they would know he'd taken the potion.

Severus sat there for hours just staring at Harry, he had his own son, a biological one now, and most important a son of his heart. For he loved Harry, more than he'd ever loved anyone, even Lily and that was saying something. Somehow someway that child had gotten past all his defences without even trying, and Severus wasn't even sure how, perhaps it was because of their similar pasts, or the undying desire to be loved. Many thought Severus was without a heart, but it wasn't true, he just kept himself stoic to remain safe from being hurt the way Lily had hurt him all those years ago. Despite that Severus had wanted someone to love, for someone in turn to love him. It hadn't happened quite the way he'd expected it, instead of a love of a partner he had the love of a son. And you know what? Severus was perfectly content with that, yes, his life strange as it may seem was complete.

Severus woke abruptly at seven AM, realizing immediately what had made him wake up so early. Harry was moving around in his sleep. He was used to silence, and being a slight sleeper, anything could wake him up. It's something he'd kept from childhood, trying to listen out for his drunken father and of course later when he was spying. The House Elves knew never to come into his room while he was in it, both at Hogwarts and here in Prince Hall. If they did well, let's just say they wouldn't be doing it again any time soon after being cursed or hexed into oblivion.

No doubt Minerva would be up soon as well, she had always been the earliest riser out of all the Hogwarts teachers. No doubt after forty nearing fifty years of teaching, it was habit just like it was for him, but he was able to go back to sleep if he wanted to thankfully. Today though wasn't one of those days, he was wide awake; the knowledge that Black was there definitely put a damper on things. Removing himself from his bed, he quickly took a shower and brushed his teeth, ready to face whatever may come that day. Although if he was completely honest, he wasn't looking forward to trying to explain everything to Black. Perhaps giving the bloody idiot a calming draught may be beneficial to the conversation.

"Flippy?" called Severus once he was in the landing, speaking softly so he didn't wake Harry up.

"Yes sir?" answered the House Elf immediately. His green tennis ball eyes staring curiously into his masters, wondering why he'd been called.

"How has he been?" asked Severus without really caring about the answer.

"He's slept all night sir," said Flippy promptly.

"When he wakes up, make sure he bathes he seriously needs it," said Severus, "Do not let him come down the way he was yesterday, Harry was scared by him."

"Flippy will make sure Mr. Black is clean and presentable." said Flippy grimly. He didn't want anything scaring his little master.

"He will put up an argument, if you must - subdue him." said Severus grimly. "The same rules apply from before, he cannot leave the manor."

"Flippy won't let Master Severus down," said the Elf bowing before he disappeared again, to do his Masters bidding.

"Daddy?" murmured Harry opening the door with one hand, the other rubbing at his tired eyes.

"Good morning, Harry." said Severus, evidently he hadn't been as quiet as he would have liked. For the first time he actually looked at Harry and noticed the changes he'd undergone overnight. His hair had gone darker, not that there was much hair there since it had been shaved off due to his injuries. He had more prominent cheekbones, the Prince cheekbones; he was relived to see Harry still had his mothers green eyes. How could just simply changing the colour of his hair and cheekbones change him so much?

"Morning daddy," murmured Harry still sleepy.

"Go do the toilet and brush your teeth," said Severus, ushering the child into his own bedroom and through to the bathroom. While Harry did that Severus got Harry's clothes ready for the day, he was still using Draco's old things, they were getting tight though, so he would no doubt have to take Harry to get new clothes soon, or just go with his measurements and get them from Madam Malkin's. Putting them on the bed, since Harry was five years old and able to dress himself. Severus paused when he heard footsteps outside the bedroom; it must be Minerva otherwise Flippy would have come to tell him. Heading for the door he opened it abruptly causing Minerva to jump in fright.

"Severus! Don't do that!" said Minerva clutching her chest dramatically.

Severus smirked at her, "Good morning, Minerva, I trust you slept well?" asked Severus being a polite host.

"I did, thank you." replied Minerva.

"I'm sure there will be breakfast and coffee set out if you wish to go down," said Severus. "Harry and I will be with you momentarily."

"I assume by that Black hasn't woken up yet?" said Minerva. Averting her gaze, five year old or not she didn't want to see a boy she'd one day teach and watch grow up (her own godson no less) completely starker's and she knew Harry wouldn't want it either. It was different with babies and toddlers, and Harry wasn't either of these things anymore.

"No, but the Potion probably won't keep him sleeping much longer." said Severus exasperated.

"You are the expert," said Minerva, and he was. "I'll meet you down there." she added before moving off down the stairs, she knew the way having been shown the way just last night. The place was magnificent, very homely, and that was something missing at Hogwarts even in her own private quarters. Yes it was her space, but it didn't cry home, she'd never been back to her flat since her husband died.

"Can I have pancakes today? And waffles?" asked Harry jumping up and down clearly more awake now and finally dressed. It was Gladrags wizard wear, Draco only got the best, it was a bit too dressy to be playing around in, but considering it would just be gathering dust they might as well get used. Narcissa always bought Draco too much; half the things she bought only got used once.

"We shall just have to see what the Elves have cooked wont we?" said Severus, as both of them left Harry's bedroom and made their way down the stairs to breakfast.

"Yup!" cried Harry hyperly, it seemed he'd forgotten his worries of the night before.

"Morning Minnie!" said Harry sitting down in his usual seat which had a booster on it so he could see over the table.

"Good morning Harry," said Minerva staring at Harry before meeting Severus' eyes in enquiry, Severus nodded as if he understood her unasked question causing the Transfiguration teacher to smile. It seemed as though Harry had indeed took the potion. She could tell really, all she'd asked for was confirmation. He had Severus' cheekbones, and his dark hair, the rest of him was the same, including the eyes and he still had a little bit of the Potter look. He was a unique blend of all his three now biological parents, and that's what the potion had done, given Harry part of Severus' DNA so he had three parents now. Not many chose to use the potion; they preferred having their own kids, to the pureblood's it made the lines less pure if they use the potion.

Severus plated up food for Harry, and put it in front of him, nodding proudly when Harry drank the nutrition potion without needing to be reminded. His lips twitched, at the way Harry's nose screwed up just tasting it, without thinking he handed over some juice so Harry could wipe the taste from his mouth.

"Sirius Black is wakening up sir, I'll make sure he baths before coming down," said Flippy before disappearing once more.

"Eat up, Harry. He won't hurt you, I promise." said Severus seeing the queasy look coming to his sons face.

Harry nodded and with less enthusiasm began eating his breakfast.

"Why is he so scared?" asked Minerva, her voice low so Harry didn't hear her.

"I have no idea," admitted Severus, "But Black does look terrible, perhaps that's what scared him?"

"I suppose he does," replied Minerva thoughtfully she hadn't really thought of that, he wasn't scary to her, but they were speaking about a five year old child. Black did look a right state, his hair tangled, greasy and messy gaunt face and the clothes he had on were mismatched and obviously borrowed from whoever they could get the items from within the Ministry. After all they didn't want Black in the courtroom with his Azkaban clothes on, which was a good thing really or it would have scared Harry further. "You need to eat as well," Minerva pointed out seeing that Severus wasn't eating much either.

"I know," sighed Severus, but his appetite had completely diminished; he seriously wasn't looking forward to this upcoming discussion. No pun intended. He'd hoped Black would sleep for at least a few more hours, give him time to prepare.

"I'm going to kill them," growled Sirius wakening up, he couldn't believe they'd used a spell on him to make him sleep. Standing up ready to confront them, a small part of him realizing he felt better than he had in a long time, but that little part didn't matter right now. "Move out of the way." he demanded upon seeing an Elf at the door - stopping him from getting by.

"Mister Sirius must bath first," said Flippy.

"Move!" cried Sirius angrily.

"Master Severus has demanded Mister Sirius bath and be presentable, and Flippy be doing as Master orders." said Flippy his hands out ready to make the unwilling guest comply with her Master's orders if need be.

"I'm fine, now just let me out!" said Sirius agitated.

Flippy twitched her fingers causing Sirius to disappear from view, Flippy followed, and if Severus Snape had been there, he would have found the entire thing amusing, minus the fact that Sirius Black was now completely starker's and looked for all the world a drowned rat in a bathtub full of water. Sirius looked ready to explode violently, never in all his years had he been so humiliated by a House-Elf.

"Now will Mister Sirius wash himself or does Flippy need to do that too?" asked Flippy, clicking his fingers he cut Sirius' hair and untangled it, now it looked manageable. It was still wet though, and he wouldn't bother drying it until he was dressed. Sirius Black was acting like a petulant sixteen year old not the twenty six year old man he was, but after being in Azkaban his emotions were bound to be screwed.

"I'll do it," scowled Sirius, realizing the Elf was serious and he would do it, and he wasn't about to test the elf again any time soon. With great reluctance he picked up the shower gel and sponge before he began to scrub himself clean. Aware that the Elf wasn't even leaving the room. He felt as though he was three years old again being watched by Kreacher, he couldn't help but shudder. After a few minutes though, the warmth began to set in and he relaxed back against the tub.

"Mister Sirius must wash his hair," said Flippy after ten minutes of watching the wizard nearly fall asleep.

Sirius grumbled the elf was a bloody dictator; he wasn't surprised it belonged to Severus Snape that was for damn sure. Giving his hair a good scrub so all the dirt and mud in his scalp would wash away, he then sank under the bubbles and let it wash away, before putting the conditioner in, massaging his scalp getting it deep into his straw feeling hair.

"Time for Mister Sirius to get out now," said Flippy impatiently, he had other duties to do today, so he could do without babysitting Sirius Black all morning.

"Aright!" sighed Sirius exasperated, grabbing the towel putting it around him so the elf didn't see him. He was so thin the towel nearly wrapped around him twice. Each rib stuck out mockingly, he didn't have a single piece of fat upon him at all, and that was only four years in Azkaban. He was glad to be out, make no mistake, since he'd been imprisoned for life without trial but it wasn't the way he'd hoped it would. At the trial he'd expected to be able to get custody of his godson, not find out he wasn't even his godfather anymore, and that Snape had custody of him…and he couldn't get the look on Albus' face out of his mind. He looked furious, why? What could he have wanted from him that made him so angry at Minerva for taking him here? Did he even know? He wanted answers, and right now he couldn't get them up here. Taking a deep breath, he quickly dried himself off. He had just thought about clothes when the Elf spoke again.

"Mister Sirius has fresh clean fitting clothes on the bed, get dressed." said Flippy.

"Thank you," said Sirius, forgetting his earlier ire at the House Elf.

"Follow Flippy," said the Elf, opening the room door once Sirius was in a proper attire. He went slowly so the wizard could keep up; he did look as if a feather could knock him over.

"Master Severus, Master Harry, Miss Minerva, Sirius Black." said Flippy announcing him.

"Thank you Flippy, you may get some rest, leave your duties until the afternoon." said Severus firmly, knowing if he didn't he would try and do them - he'd not had any rest last night.

"What's going on?" said Sirius, deciding against demanding - it hadn't gotten him anywhere yesterday or this morning. It was difficult but he managed to reign in his impatience.

"Sit down, drink these potions and eat breakfast first," said Severus, glaring at him daring him to argue.

It wasn't Severus' glare that had him sitting down, it was the apprehensive green eyes of his godson (official or not) that prompted him to just do what they asked.

Chapter 29

Talking Sense Into Sirius Black

To say breakfast was a tense affair was putting things lightly, and it was a testament to how far Harry was coming that he wasn't affected by the tense silence. He continued to munch on his breakfast just enjoying it for what it was; he had gotten his wish, at least one of them. Harry adored pancakes, something he hadn't tried before, which went for most things he got at Prince Hall. Although waffles and pancakes were definitely his all time favourites, and would have them every day if he could. Severus didn't allow it, wanting Harry to have a very wide variety but it couldn't have escaped Harry's notice that they had pancakes at least two or three times a week.

"Now can I know?" asked Sirius, his stomach felt fit to burst, he wasn't used to large meals anymore. They barely fed him in Azkaban, it was little wonder he'd lost so much weight. It ached to move, his bones felt brittle and he tired so very easily, and his emotions were all over the place. Now that the Dementor went there sucking everything away, he was being forced to deal with them. It wasn't an easy feat, since his mind and body kept going through so many emotions he'd never had to deal with for years. Thankfully Snape had known to give him a stomach soother so he didn't expel the lovely food he'd eaten. Although there was still another one looming there, taunting him. He did notice Harry had an empty vial at his own plate, why would he need to take potions? Was he sick? Suffering some sort of illness? Was his placement with Snape only temporarily? He could dream right?

"Take the other potion." stated Severus, before completely ignoring Black as he finished his coffee, which had a few drops of calming draught in it. He needed to keep his cool with the insipid fool, as nauseating as that was; he had to do it for Harry. He had to set a good example for him, otherwise he'd raise a child who thinks it's alright to say what he liked when he liked. He was five years old and extremely impressionable, hopefully between himself, Minerva and Lucius he would turn out to be a well mannered, young man. Severus chuckled wryly at his own thoughts, he'd barely had him a few months and here he was thinking of him grown up.

"What is it?" scowled Sirius, glaring at the damn thing hoping it would explode.

Severus' face tensed, his eye twitched as he tried to keep control of his anger. Why did the bloody idiot continue to fight him every five seconds? Why was he doing this again? Oh yes, to get one over Dumbledore and stopping the old fool from getting his hands on his son. Even with the potion, the Wizengamot could take him if they felt like it, the things he had to do to keep Harry safe.

"Alright, alright," said Sirius, taking the potion, Snape looked really to kick him out and it was the last thing he wanted. He was desperate to get to know his godson, and why he'd ended up in Snape's care. Why Dumbledore had been so furious that they had disappeared, what had happened in the few years he'd been in Azkaban? It had been hell on earth for him…but he'd expected the world to continue on…which it didn't seem to have. Everything had gone topsy-turvy. Grimacing at the taste, gagging, wiggling his tongue to try and get the taste away. His eyes turned to Harry when he heard him giggling behind his hand. Harry stopped abruptly when he noticed him watching, sighing softly, and wondering if Harry would ever be carefree with him.

"If you are done acting like a two year old," said Severus arching an eyebrow Black's way, not even Harry acted so immaturely, admittedly there may be a reason for that.

Sirius flushed red, but couldn't bring himself to get worked up as the calming draught kept him from becoming hysterical.

"Thank you, Flippy." said Harry as the elf removed everyone's dishes. He still wasn't used to someone doing everything for him. It was usually him doing everything for everyone else…or rather everything for the Dursley's. So he always made sure to say thank you, its something nobody had ever said to him.

"Young master is welcome," said Flippy, smiling at the little boy before he disappeared to do the washing up.

Sirius stared at Harry, barely able to believe his ears; he was thanking a House-Elf? A bloody House-Elf? That's what they were there for; his lip almost curled just thinking about the one he owned, Kreacher the disgusting thing. It was horrible, parroted everything his mother said and adored the ground they had walked on. He would probably give it clothes; he certainly didn't want anything to do with it.

"Harry?" called Minerva.

"Yes Minnie?" asked Harry turning to face her.

Sirius' lips disappeared, watching both of them interact, the weirdest thing of all was that Minerva didn't seem to care what Harry was calling her. He could have imagined a scenario where he got blasted for that! Or if he was in Hogwarts detention for an entire year. It boggled his mind, even after working with her in the Order over the years until Voldemort was defeated. It was a new side to the stern teacher he'd known, and he wasn't sure what to make of it if he was completely honest.

"I have a book here would you like to look at it?" asked Minerva bringing out the magical educational book. Opening it wide, Harry slid of the chair and wandered over, still slightly weary but not as bad as he used to be. Minerva touched it, and 'Red' was magically spoken over the colour. Minerva then touched a different colour, and it said the word 'Blue'. It didn't just have colours, but Quidditch pictures, basic numbers, alphabet and other things notably magical in nature that Harry might not know yet.

"Do you like it?" asked Minerva, her lips curling barely smiling but Harry didn't seem to mind, he just beamed at her as if she'd just handed him something rare and precious.

"I do!" said Harry, touching it and listening to the words, he knew some colours, but others he didn't. It wasn't as if the Dursley's had taught him, it's only what he heard them say while he was out of his cupboard. His new daddy always seemed proud of anything he did, and he strove to always see it.

"Go on then, Harry, go play." said Severus; the entire right side of the living room was Harry's to play with. He had all manner of toys, tables and books in which he could look at. He was by no means spoiled, but well looked after which was what Severus wanted, difficult to balance especially knowing Harry had been abused but he was trying.

Harry looked at them all, mostly Severus and Black cautiously.

"I am not going anywhere, we are remaining right here." stated Severus firmly, as always able to understand Harry's fear in a way nobody else could.

Harry nodded before walking over to his colourful desk, and opened the book from the beginning. His sharp green eyes looked at everything, touching it to see what it was and if he was right. His green eyes would light up with every new thing he learned. He had been looking forward to going to school, since the Dursley's had signed him up for it. She'd even made his uniform, Harry had through it horrible, but the prospect and relief of getting away from them had been much greater. Now he didn't just have to wish for school, he had a new daddy that loved him and would always look after him. He had promised, and so far he'd always kept his promises to him.

"Muffliato!" muttered Severus, surrounding the area with the spell, his own invention and he was rather proud of it. Back then he hadn't realized just how handy it would be, and it had indeed been just that. He didn't want Harry hearing even a sentence of what they were saying. Thankfully he was used to magic now, and wouldn't be alarmed if he couldn't hear what they were saying. It reminded him of the first time he'd cast a silencing spell, Harry had saw their lips moving but heard nothing, he'd rubbed at his ears terrified at the loss of sound.

"Dumbledore had already ordered Hagrid to take Harry to the Dursley's before Sirius was implicated." said Minerva immediately.

"Yes, we already knew that," said Severus, staring at Minerva curiously, perhaps she was using it as way to begin the conversation perhaps.

"Dumbledore? Why would you call him that? Why did he look so angry? What's going on? Why do you have Harry, Snape?" asked Sirius irritated beyond belief.

"Remember, Black you are here on my say so, it can just as easily be rectified." said Severus narrowing his eyes at the idiotic rambling.

"Please…I just…I want to know what's happened to my godson," said Sirius tiredly, staring at both of them just feeling drained.

"Unvarnished truth or one that will make you bear the burden easier?" questioned Severus impassively.

Sirius stared at Snape blankly, since when did he hold anything back? He never had before, which actually made his stomach twist uncomfortably. Was it really that bad he was asking him what he wanted? He turned to Minerva and saw she was just as grim as Severus was. Unsurprising really since she rarely showed emotion, she had to be really wound up to get any glimpse of feelings. He opened and closed his mouth, before snapping it with a final move with a click.

"I returned home to Spinners End for the summer holidays, as I normally do. The first few weeks were normal, and then I came across something that concerned me a great deal. It appeared to be two five year old boys bullying a three year old who had clothes that looked like rags and were ten times too big for him. They shoved him so badly his head cracked on the pavement, all he did was curl up against any oncoming punches or kicks. I scared them off, but when I tried to help the child he flinched away from me, I tried to reassure him of course but he grew terrified and ran off. I cast a locating spell on him as he ran, deciding to check upon him. I suspected abuse, but I had no way of knowing of course…and since he was magical I had to be sure. You know as well as I do, why it's so wrong to abuse a magical child, the magic defends its host, and well sooner or later something would have happened. It didn't help that his magic was so advanced, he looked three but the magic was that of a fourteen year old." said Severus pausing to let it sink into the mutts head.

Minerva stared at the floor; she'd only ever received cursory visions of the tale, not the real unvarnished truth. Unlike Sirius she already knew it was Harry he was talking about, Black just stared at them curiously.

Sirius wondered briefly if Snape had had Harry since he was three years old, his godson had been bullied? James would be rolling in his grave…it was funny though, they had been the bullies and now it was his godsons turn to suffer…maybe the saying was right - Karma was a bitch, Merlin Harry was paying for what they did. No, it must be someone else, Petunia didn't live in Spinners End, Lily and she had when they were children but they'd all moved out of the area hadn't they?

"I went and did my shopping before returning home; unfortunately my conscience wouldn't let me rest. So I cast the spell and found the boy, he was in a hotel in Cokeworth, he was alone, and injured simply put I was infuriated. Getting inside I checked the child over, and found out he wasn't three years old…but five. He needed a healer, I was about to take him to St. Mungo's for aid when his guardians came back." said Severus pausing once again.

Sirius' heart sank, there was no way he would be talking about someone else…it had to be Harry. Unless it was his cousin? Could it be? No the child Snape spoke about had magic…but for all he knew the cousin could have magic. He knew he was just being ridiculous but this was his godson they were talking about. It might have been the past, but to him…it felt as if it was happening to him right now. He could see even Minerva was uncomfortable, why though? This was all so strange to him. He was tempted to believe he'd ended up in a parallel world.

"I knew who it was as soon as I saw her, she had a child with her…it was her son that much I deduced. I quickly joined the dots and realized the child I had just run a diagnostic on…the boy who was near death was in fact Harry Potter." said Severus grimly, waiting for the inevitable explosion. Instead all he saw was tears running down Black's face…out of all the scenarios that had played in his head; this had not been one of them.

"I could have patched up a scrape, fever or cold…or any minor ailment but I was in no way qualified to help a child that was dying. Not only was he still bleeding from the crater in his head…but he was injured all over, bruised and broken boned." said Severus, not sparing Black's feelings the slightly, he had to know how bad it was. "I knew if I took him to St. Mungo's I wouldn't get near him, and there could be a chance of him being returned right back to the Dursley's."

"Why would they take him back?! They wouldn't do that!" said Sirius loudly, how bad did Snape think the wizarding world was? He could barley believe it.

"Quiet." said Minerva her tone clipped and angry.

"Poppy would have healed him, but she has an obligation to tell the proper authorities especially on cases as bad as this was." said Severus, Merlin he could remember just how powerless he felt, not a feeling he liked at all. "I went to Lucius; he was the only one I could turn to."

"DO NOT START," snarled Severus, when Sirius looking cross between horrified and furious red in the face and about to open his mouth. "He was the one that saved Harry's life."

Leaning back, eyeing Snape warily, still aware he didn't have any means of protecting himself against the infuriated wizard. It was hard to believe that the Lucius Malfoy, the Death Eater had saved his godsons life. You would think he'd do a dance if he was dying, after all Harry defeated Voldemort.

"When the healer did a full scan, he found it to be the worst case of abuse he'd come across in his profession as a healer. Nearly every bone in his body had at one point or another been broken, magic of course tried to heal it, but it does so incorrectly. He deduced it was Muggles, after all we have spells that can do the damage done but there wasn't one. Once he was healed as much as possible, he immediately asked me what happened the night the Dark Lord was defeated." said Severus, looking over at Harry, unconsciously a small smile stole over his face, his son, Merlin he never thought he'd have one.

"If he wasn't a healer, I would have assumed he just wanted to know for the sake of it. I knew there was a reason for asking, so I told him what I knew. That is when he informed me that seventy five percent of Harry's magic had been blocked since that faithful Halloween night." said Severus.

"Why would Voldemort bind his magic?! He tried to kill him!" said Sirius baffled to the core of his being.

"Or more specifically the morning after it happened, since it was a brand new day. There was the thought that you could have done it Black, but we really quite quickly it wasn't possible. There is only one person with enough power to bind seventy five percent of Harry's magic." said Severus, knowing Black wasn't going to believe or like this, the slightly.

"Who? Pettigrew?" asked Sirius doubtfully.

Severus snorted; the thought of that disgusting thing having enough power to do anything actually amused him. He wasn't a total idiot like he had assumed, he'd managed not only to fool Potter and Black, but the entire wizarding world on a whole. "No, Black. It was Dumbledore." replied Severus, staring intently at him, getting some perverse pleasure out of blowing all his preconceived notions to hell.

"He wouldn't, he couldn't do something like that! You lie Snape!" said Black defensively, standing up only to be spelled back on the couch by Minerva. He realized he couldn't get back up but could move they'd blued his backside to the chair.

"I wish I were, but that wasn't the worst of it all Black." said Severus, sighing tiredly, extremely weary at bringing all this badness back up.

Black gulped, Minerva wouldn't go along with Snape's madness…not unless she had irrefutable proof surely? She'd known Dumbledore a long time…which meant what Snape was saying could actually be true. His stomach felt like vomiting everything he'd eaten but the potion prevented it from reappearing.

"Harry would not have survived another week in his aunts care…he wouldn't have made it to Hogwarts for anyone to become aware of what was happening should I have not intervened." said Severus, his sorrow making its way through his shields.

"Dear Merlin!" murmured Minerva; she had preferred the cursory version.

"Lucius went to the Dursley's to get custody of the child for me, he knew if I went that I would kill them." said Severus a vicious glint in his eyes showing the seriousness of his words.

"Where are they?" demanded Sirius coldly, the first thing he was going to do was buy a wand in Knockturn Alley and then he was going to kill them slowly, torture them until they were completely insane. No one was going to get away with hurting his godson.

"Trust me, Sirius, they are paying for what they did." said Minerva feeling vindictively amused.

"Before I tell you the rest I need a vow sworn from you Black." said Severus gravely.

"Why?" Sirius asked confused.

"Because I said," stated Severus grimly.

"Severus, your son wants you," said Minerva noticing him coming over.

Removing the spell temporarily, he gestured to Harry to sit on his knee, the picture of calmness. Harry immediately ran over, and climbed on his daddy's knee, and cuddled in. He was tired, yawning sleepily; he burrowed in more firmly and was content to just feel the gentle thumping of his heart as it drifted him to sleep.

Sirius felt jealousy stab him in the heart that should be him who Harry trusted above all others. Yet all he got was stared of wariness and fear. He didn't understand it either; it wasn't as if Snape had him long enough to turn Harry against him surely? But no, he knew why he was scared now, he closed his eyes, abused, his little godson had been beaten and abused for four years nearly. Merlin he hoped whatever they did would last for thousands of years, they deserved no less. Would Harry ever trust him? Or had the abuse left a mark that would never ever leave him? That thought left him cold all over, the great big what if.

Severus rocked Harry gently, as he absently retrieved the throw from the back of his couch. He didn't normally sleep in the morning, not anymore. He would need to get him out of the habit of it, since he would be learning every morning from Minerva. That was only until Hogwarts started up, which was right around the corner making it more urgent to get someone. Once he was sure Harry was soundly asleep, he stood up keeping a firm grip of the child and placed him on the couch, head on the pillow and the throw wrapped around him.

Minerva cast a silencing spell around Harry; instead of them this time as Severus retook his seat.

"The Vow." stated Severus calmly.

"Alright," grumbled Sirius, reluctantly as he removed his wand which had been returned to him straight after the trial. He hadn't had a chance to use it, and the first time he did it was for a bloody Vow of all things.

Three minutes later the vow was cast and accepted, the barbed wire looking fire sank into their bodies binding them to their word. The Vow was the most important and binding of all magical oaths, it didn't just cause you to lose your magic, but killed you if you even thought of breaking your word.

"Harry and I moved here, I couldn't raise him in Spinners End, it wasn't protected enough. Once he was recovered at least partially, I took him to Gringotts so they could remove the bindings on his magic. I found out there just how the Dark Lord succeeded in surviving that night." said Severus.

"Surviving? He's dead! I saw it Snape, I saw his remains, he was nothing but ash!" said Sirius, wide eyed quite understandably shaken by the wizards words.

"No, all the Death Eaters and Dumbledore know he's not dead…the mark endured, faded for sure but still his spirit and magic endured." said Severus dourly. "Nobody understood, at least I assumed so but I fear Dumbledore found out…it may explain his actions after that night."

"NOTHING absolutely NOTHING gave him the right to do what he did!" shrieked Sirius beyond infuriated.

"I did not say otherwise." stated Severus still calm, "The goblins did not just remove the bindings on Harry's magic, but also a shard of the Dark Lord's soul…"

Sirius gulped, "His soul?" he asked weakly, why would Dumbledore even contemplate keeping the soul piece in Harry? Surely he could have had the goblins remove it? He didn't know what to think anymore.

"Tom Riddle created Horcruxes, which are basically rituals that rip away pieces of your soul to keep in containers so you could have ties to this earth should your body die…a way of cheating death and achieving immortality." said Minerva, pitching in.

"Tom Riddle?" asked Sirius feeling like laughing that was Voldemort's name? Tom Riddle? How boring did that sound…but he wanted blood purity! Riddle was not a pureblood name, he should know he'd been weaned on all pureblood names and if they were 'proper' to talk to and not blood traitors or Mudblood's.

"The Dark Lord's true name," said Severus, not amused like Sirius was, but Severus could see it had a hysterical edge to it. He was glad he'd given the man a calming draught, otherwise he dreaded to think how he'd have reacted to everything that "When I found out the steps he'd taken, Lucius, Minerva and myself snapped into action…hunting down what Horcruxes we could find."

"How many times can you split your soul?" asked Sirius woefully ignorant.

"Nobody has dared to create more than one," said Minerva, truth be told she was still trying to come to terms with everything that had happened over the past few weeks. "But back to our original topic, we went to the social services, it's a place that protects children…and found out people had visited Privet Drive because others had called about the Abuse."

"Why would he still be there then?" asked Sirius, closing his eyes, defeat thrumming through him, he'd caused this…he'd given Harry to Hagrid. "Don't tell me he did this…please don't."

"He Obliviated them," said Severus disgust coating his voice. "Also gave the Dursley's forgetfulness potion in a way he was worse than the Dursley's…or anything the Dark Lord did."

"I'm going to kill him, I don't care if I end up back in Azkaban!" snarled Sirius, fury rolling off him in waves. James would be rolling in his grave at what Dumbledore had done, lets not forget Lily! Perhaps them not letting Dumbledore be the secret keeper had been a good one…he didn't even want to imagine what the old bastard would have done otherwise.

"Yes because you haven't already let Harry down, you just have to go out and do it again," said Severus sarcastically, his black eyes glinting in rage.

"He can't get away with it!" cried Sirius furiously.

"Do you think we are going to?" said Severus all emotion shutting off his face.

"You mean he's going to be caught?" said Sirius taken aback, his tone of voice returning to normal.

"Eventually, yes," said Severus bluntly, he wasn't going to let Harry attend Hogwarts with Dumbledore as Headmaster he would rather teach Harry at home.

"Can I help?" asked Sirius, his haunted blue eyes beseeching Snape's begging for something to do - anything to help his godson…hell he'd get down on all fours and kiss the hem of his robes, apologize for everything he did…take Veritaserum…let Snape use him as a punching bag…or hexing dummy anything just to see his godson.

Chapter 30

Sirius Black

Sirius Black paced the bedroom agitated beyond belief, he felt so lost, so tired yet so very vengeful the desire to hunt Dumbledore down and kill him was very strong. His mind couldn't help but go over everything Snape had said, the proof of his words at least about the abuse was laying innocently enough on the table. Then there were the recorded transcripts of the social workers, there were even pensive memories but he didn't have them. They were locked up, a set with Lucius Malfoy and a set at Gringotts so if anything happened to Severus then it would be sent directly to Madam Bones. Sirius couldn't help but admire that, their sense of self preservation and making sure they won in the end. If James had done that…he wouldn't have spent time in Azkaban, Merlin he owed his freedom to Lily, who actually had the forethought to state clearly in her will who the secret keeper was. Lily…James Merlin, if they knew what Dumbledore had done he would kill them.

How could she have left Harry to be abused? What kind of woman was she? And it was her job! It was a good job she was in prison now, Lucius true to his word had made sure of it. She would never get a job involving children again; never allow harm come to another child in need of a social worker. If Harry had died…no force in this world would have kept him at bay. Even if he had revealed the magical world, nothing but getting revenge would have mattered to him.

Stepping out of the room, he began to wander around the manor in mindless curiosity. Prince Hall was structurally a bit like Grimmauld Place, but much nicer…well that was putting it lightly. Grimmauld Place was so disgusting, he'd hated growing up there, this place was beautiful and Harry would grow up here. Sighing softly, his fingers running along the wall, this hadn't been how he imagined what it would be, stuck in Azkaban imaging his release and getting to raise his godson.

Sirius stopped at the doorjamb, staring into what could only be Harry's bedroom. It was filled with an assortment of children's toys and teddies. A stuffed welsh green dragon, an animal teddy he couldn't see properly but the whiskers gave it away, a cute light brown teddy bear with a purple t-shirt on with HS sewn on sat in the centre of the bed, it caused his heart to jerk painfully. Harry wasn't a Potter; no he was a Snape…as much as he hated to admit it, better a Snape than heaven forbid dead. It was going to take a lot of getting used to; he was so used to belittling Snape and making his life a living hell. Yet here he was, part of his godson life, he still didn't quite understand the why. He knew there was a reason…but he couldn't think of it right now his mind was tired as was his body. Then he saw on the nightstand a large leather bound photo album and a few pictures in frames. A picture of Lily, James and Harry together, one with Lily and Snape together by a tree, the last one was Lily on her own, beaming at the camera with a charms text book in her hand unsurprisingly. Lily was rarely without a book during the seven years he'd known her at Hogwarts.

"What do you think you are doing?" demanded Severus eyeing the Black heir suspiciously, as he turned a corner to see Sirius Black looking into his son's room.

"What do you think I'm going to do? Steal my own godson's belongings? I'm sure I could find a use for a stuffed animated dragon." said Sirius, biting his own tongue, damn this was difficult.

"Animated?" echoed Severus, peering into the room to find Black was right, the dragon was animated. Harry must have fully accepted and embraced his magic for that to have happened. Severus withheld the smile at that, well it had been a long time in coming, considering he could transform into a cat and did so more than once.

"Go near my room, Black, you'll find yourself trying to get around minus your arms and legs." stated Severus coolly.

"What happened to you?" said Sirius, Snape had always said what he meant, was down right vicious but there seemed to be something different about him…a new ferociousness to him. He didn't know if he liked that or not, especially with not being sure how it came about.

"Do you think you were the only one to suffer in life, Black? That it's you the world was out to get?" sneered Severus almost nose to nose with Sirius.

"No," said Sirius, his eye twitching slightly.

"Liar," hissed Severus, he knew Black's tells, always had done, they knew each other well, too well, but not in a good way. They had compiled a list of their weaknesses and constantly tried to use them. "The world doesn't revolve around you, Black, it never has. You weren't the only one to grow up with parents that detested the very sight of you. You were however, lucky enough to get away from them."

"Don't start pissing about who had the worst life," snapped Sirius defensively, not wanting to admit that Snape had a point.

"After everything Harry's been through we'd be hypocrites to complain," replied Severus with deceptive quietness.

Sirius had to reluctantly nod his head, not able to refute THAT statement even for a second. Sure he'd been whacked a few times by his parents but they'd never truly lifted their hand to him to really hurt him. No they'd just made him feel inferior and a great big disappointment. He'd never told anyone how it affected him, then he'd felt better doling out the shit his mother gave him onto others. It had become a way of life to help him cope with his self esteem even if he didn't show it.

"Look we won't ever get on, but can we try for Harry? I meant what I said before…I'd do anything." said Sirius weakly, part of him was dying having to ask Snape this but for his godson he'd Abseil butt naked down the biggest slope in the Antarctica for a year without warming charms

"Wont get on?" repeated Severus staring blankly, biggest understatement he'd ever heard. "I hate you, Black. I always will, I loathe you more than I loathed James Potter. Don't try and deny the fact you despised me as well, only your hatred ran pretty fucking deep since you tried to kill me!"

"I didn't mean for that to happen!" spat Sirius, running his hands through his hair. At the time he'd acted nonchalant about it but truth was he'd almost become a murderer, no better than the Death Eaters running around killing people. He'd tried to hide his true feelings with falsities, that Snape deserved it, that he had it coming. Unfortunately the Dementors had seen right through it, and it had haunted him on more than one occasion stuck in the hell on earth they called Azkaban.

"YOU SENT ME AFTER A SODDING WEREWOLF, BLACK! WHAT DID YOU THINK WAS GOING TO HAPPEN?" snarled Severus loudly, incredulity thrumming through him.

"I wasn't bloody thinking, alright?!" sighed Sirius, rubbing his left temple as a headache formed causing him to wince in pain, Merlin that hurt like blazes.

Severus felt like throwing his hands in the air, but reluctantly realized he'd probably never receive an acceptable answer. Just like he hadn't from Arabella Figg…or just like he knew he wouldn't receive one from the Dursley's and Dumbledore.

"Snape…why did you bring me here?" asked Sirius, "In all honesty." he asked solemnly. His blue eyes gazing at Severus' hoping for an answer.

"Haven't you figured it out yet?" asked Severus, giving Sirius a look to say he thought he was an idiot.

"You don't need me, Snape. Although your actions would suggest otherwise…I just cant figure out your game plan." admitted Sirius.

"Gryffindors," said Severus exasperated. "If Dumbledore got his hands on you and made it seem like I am an unfit guardian, and take you before the Wizengamot to ensure you get the boy…what would happen?"

"You told me he doesn't know…" said Sirius seeing the flaw in that logic.

"Not yet, but there will come a time when he finds out, it is…inevitable." replied Severus. He would try his hardest to keep it from the old manipulative bastard for as long as possible, but he had to be prepared for all eventualities. The more people he had backing him, the less chance Dumbledore had of succeeding. If it went that long, Lucius was trying to get more evidence to present to the Wizengamot an airtight case he couldn't talk himself out of. Dumbledore was as slippery as they came, he could convince a brick wall to move, so it had to be presented with caution.

"So bring him down…I'm sure between the two of us we can get away with it…make sure there is nothing left to find." said Sirius darkly, his blue eyes gleaming with murderous intent.

"He deserves to suffer, you will leave him alone or I will kill you." said Severus, "He will have his name disgraced, and the magical population would go from revelling in his presence to reviling him. All he would be remembered for is the wizard who dared to harm Harry Potter, their beloved saviour. He will see his good name and image crumble before being carted off to Azkaban or worse fate still…he kiss. He deserves no less, and I will see it through even if it means my end. If you want to do something, hurt someone, concentrate your efforts on Pettigrew."

Sirius swallowed thickly, he meant it, he honestly, truly meant it. "Where's Harry?" asked Sirius changing the subject nervously.

"Minerva is tutoring him," said Severus eyeing Black suspiciously was he up to something? He hoped not because he would do as promised. He wouldn't allow all their hard work to go down the drain. Dumbledore would suffer the tortures of the damned, he would ensure he did.

"What happens when she goes back to Hogwarts?" asked Sirius, tutoring was the most important milestone in a wizard's life, he for once actually agreed with his parents on that.

"An alternative will be found, at least by summers end he will be caught up with all children in development." said Severus automatically. "Minerva suggested Lupin; I don't think I can stand more than one Marauder under my roof even for a night."

"Remus," croaked Sirius, remembering his old friend. He hadn't been at the trial; did he even know that he was innocent? Had he read the newspapers? Where was he staying? Did he even get the Daily Prophet? How would he get by without James and him? Merlin he hoped he wasn't homeless, everyone had suffered so much because of Pettigrew's betrayal and the rat would die by his hand. "Does he know?"

"Yes, I met him for a drink yesterday," said Severus sardonically, "Of course I don't know! I just told you I can't stand you never mind Lupin here."

"If both of you are quiet finished…Harry is in the living room." said Minerva scaring the crap out of Sirius.

"Did he….?" asked Severus feeling very foolish.

"No," she said quickly, not letting him finish. "I threw up a silencing spell around him; now that you've got it out perhaps we can work towards a common goal? Keeping Harry safe and happy."

"Indeed," said Severus as if he hadn't started it and was completely blameless.

"I sent a copy of the newspaper to Remus, I know he probably doesn't have the money to spare for such trivialities." added Minerva, "I have no doubt you will be hearing from him soon."

"Did you add anything else?" asked Severus suspiciously.

"No, as I said, you are his father now, Severus. The decision on who tutors him is entirely your own." said Minerva firmly.

Sirius grimaced, oh yes; going to take a lot of getting used too…he wondered what Remus would think. At least he wasn't going to be the only one with their mind reeling over what had happened. He had a lot of apologising to do; he had suspected Remus of being the spy and kept him out of the loop on a lot of things. Such a fucking idiot he had been, Remus had always been true.

"Good." said Severus, although it looked as though he would have to use him, he was drawing blank on anyone else to use other than Draco's tutor of course. "How did he do today?" he asked as he walked towards her, and joined her going down the stairs, Harry had been left alone far too long. He needed have worried of course, since Flippy was there playing with him handing him crayons as he coloured in with his tongue peeking out between his lips…in the exact same manner Lily did when she was concentrating. It took him everything to stop himself smiling at the scene before him.

"Very well, we have covered quite a lot in a short space of time. Helped of course by the books you've been reading him. Now we are beginning our numbers and letters, not with a quill, he kept snapping them poor lad." said Minerva, her lips twitching showing her amusement.

"That can come later," said Severus flippantly, he didn't care about that right now.

"Lunch is ready, Master Snape, I will be getting it now." said Flippy standing up when he realized they had returned.

"Thank you, Flippy." said Severus respectfully as the Elf disappeared.