Chapter 9: Becoming a willing cuck in another world

Seeing her status Alex body shivered, his heart beat faster, his eyes got wet the cold and cunning Alex from a minute ago was nowhere to be seen he almost wanted to go hug her and cry tell her how much sorry he was for being an asshole to her in his past life but Alex controlled himself

'this is not the time nor place' Alex calmed himself his obsession towards her is not only because she's the reincarnation of his mom from previous life but the current Alex is a fussion of both his past and present self so he knew how much Eleanor cared for him in this life since childhood


Alex sighed distracting himself from his thoughts and looked at the person following his mom she was a jade beauty with silver hair and a had an ice cold beautiful face she has a slender body with d cup boobs and moderately big ass although not on the level of his mom he heart felt warm seeing her afterall she's his real sister

Alex activated the status window

[ Name: mia

age: 21

sex: female

title: ice princess, 3rd flower of nation

cultivation: bone forging

affection: 90%

status: happy, worried, excited

likes: her mom, little brother, cultivation

hates: anyone touching her family,


both of them walked towards the table although every woman in here are gorgeous none can be compared to these two red and white hair beauties

mia just noded at me and my dad and sat on her place with a stone cold face as if she didn't care about alex's recovery but her glittering eyes the smile that she's trying very hard to supress is clear to Alex not to mention he had already seen her status and knew how much she loved him

'it seems she's not very expressive'

but the same cannot be said for the next woman she gracefully walked towards Alex

knowing what she was about to do Alex tried

to stop her "mother we are in the dining roo.... aha! ]

but before he could finish his sentence she hugged him tightly as if not carring about others seeing her

[boy you have made me worried sick for 5years now so the least you could do is keep

quite and hold you for a while] she said calmly

although this was awkward Alex still complied to her wish they stayed like this for a minute before the marquise coughed and diverted her attention

"ahem.... dear I heard you were in the Duke's house which should be quiet far away it seems you rushed here in just 2 days" he asked in concern but his indifferent eyes didn't show any of it

seeing him Eleanor just said " of course I would come to me family is more important than anything else " almost as if mocking his indifferent attitude

"such emotions are why you haven't broken to martial king realm"

to which Eleanor just kept silent staring at him

'wow looks like my mom has changed a lot after coming here'

[of course she would host she's the second most powerful person in this estate only after the marquise]

after this everyone started to eat with very few conversations took place

[mia dear why did you come here suddenly weren't you training with in the northern ice palace? ]

[ just came to see my brother 2nd mother]

she said without changing her expression

[It's good that you care about your brother but

remember your priority try to get close with the young master of the North Sea palace it will be beneficial to our family]

[my only focus is in cultivation I have no intention of marriage for now] mia said in a cold tone

Alex who was seeing her status knew she was very angry but

"I see if you don't like it we won't force you dear"

'hmm..she's very good a hidden her emotions'

it seems the 2nd wife Isabella will be hard one

to fight

after finishing the breakfast everyone went to their own rooms Mia and Eleanor followed Alex to his room when both of them went inside suddenly

Alex jumped and hugged them both tightly both being cultivators could have easily evade it but they stood still letting him do as he pleased

"mom ,sis i missed you so much" Alex wasn't just doing out of emotion sure he liked them but he wouldn't act childish like this the why did he do it? simple because the previous Alex was like this he didn't want them to be suspicious of his changes also...

'wow they are good' Alex had hugged many women in his past life but none of them was as beautiful or sexy as these two he wants to feel them a little 'yup I'm a bastard so what!'

after a while mia was the first to break free

" alright get of now you are no longer a kid " she said with a bright red face

Alex who was seeing her status knew she didn't dislike it she was just embarrassed

Eleanor on the other hand had a disappointed face she wants to hug her son more

"anyways how is your body do you feel any discomfort? "

"no mom i'm good just.. "

sigh*alex sighed saying

"just not sure if I could cultivate again"

both his mom and sister had a pained expression on their face, in this world as long as one cultivates they can live beyond 100 yrs

depending on the cultivation it's even possible to live thousands of years but those are very rare cases most cultivators live about 2 or 3 hundred years they didn't want Alex to die before them and it's not just life span people who can't cultivate are considered less than trash

Eleanor one even had a fight with her husband the marquise when he suggested to kill Alex when he was coma he only stopped knowing Eleanor will fight him to death to protect her son

'Alex knew how they felt hearing his response but he still said that for a reason'

"mom don't worry during my coma I seem to have gotten some kind of blessing it didn't increase my strength or anything but it gave me knowledge on a cultivation method it seems to require a lot of resources but..."

Alex looked with puppy eyes although he had promised to treat his loved ones well he has no other choice this world is too curel and i need to strong fast

'I swear I will repay it 100 folds when I become strong'

although cultivation resources are useless for him now but in the future when the system cured his body he'll need lot hell lot of resources to advance fast he couldn't just relay on the system alone that would be inefficient and he's currently laying a trap for a bigger plot a trap against his own mom and sister but he has verify some things with the system before initiate it 'I need to make sure they are willing to do and are not forced' Alex thought with a slight pain in his heart

"what cultivation method? are sure it was a blessing not just some dream? " mia enquired

to which Alex didn't say anything and released

a golden light his entire body was glowing it's a proof that a person was favoured by God/goddess

after seeing this both of them had no choice but to believe after all both of them had their respective gods blessing too

"alright don't worry about resources I will take care of it just get me a list of what you need" his mom said excitedly if she could cure her son no amount resources mattered but it will be hard convincing her husband

"me too I have too many resources for myself in the northern ice palace I bring you some just tell me what attribute you need"

mia also contributed

"any valuable resource of all attributes can be used in this method there's no restrictions higher the quality and quantity better the effects I.... might even be able to get special physique"Alex continued to lie.

at this point they were stunned because having a special physique means his future is limitless

both mom and daughter looked at each other and decided to do whatever to get all valuable resource they could get no matter what

Alex felt guilty manipulating them 'damn this pains'

after this they both said their goodbyes and went to collect resources

after sending them off Alex wasn't in good mood he sharply asked the system

" you told me that thank to goddess blessing all females related to me will be inclined to have sex with others are you sure about it? "

[ yes host and even before the goddess blessing, you already for some reason had a

cuck curse meaning wether you like it or not you women will be fated to fucking others either willingly or simply be raped the goddess blessing made it so that they have this fetish so when something happens they will atleast like it and they would willingly do it]

[and host host you also seem to like it too not to mention you will be gaining huge benefits each time you women sleeps with others]

Alex still didn't relex and asked "then why didn't it show in the status window"

[because inner desires won't be show before they themselves realize it]

finally Alex seemed to have made his decision

the reason he was pressuring his mom and sister was because he was indirectly manipulating them to sell their body since he will be requiring a large amount of resources they might not be able to find it them selves the easiest way for a woman to gain resources is to sell her body this is what Alex was targeting also he knew even if he didn't do anything this is an inevitable future he didn't completely believe the system but he himself knew how?

in his mom's case she had already fallen in to the 2nd wife Isabella's trap the minute Alex found out who supported George he knew she must have evidence a sold evidence like video recording of what happened in the training ground using some recording treasure since she's jealous of his mom Isabella would definitely use it to target mom

as for mia, isabella pointed out the young master of northern ice palace is interested in mia form the way she spoke Isabella would most likely suggest him to force her in bed before asking for a marriage in hand

'with my current power I can't do anything' but

he was worried about mia in his previous life he had seen women who had been raped most likely tried to kill themselves thanks to the goddess blessing this might change but just added an extra layer of security 'mia wanting to get more resources for her little brother might even take the initiative to make a deal there by lessening psychological pressure'

" humans are such creatures after all "

combined with the goddess blessing there might be no problem

'did the goddess already saw this happening and gave her blessing? '

looking at the system Alex was grateful

[ host although I'm happy for your comment but it's hard to take you seriously when you have a fully erected dick and even started stroking it]

not minding the system' comment Alex just continued in his mood

"and with how much jealous Isabella is of mom she won't stop with just one man oho... ahaaaa... she might even force her on to lowly servants... aha.... "

alex just continued ramble on while stroking his tiny dick he finally decided that he would become a Willing cuck before becoming strong enough to dominate the entire world.


Eleanor's POV

Eleanor was inside her room thinking about what Alex had asked 'I need to find a way to get lot of resources very high quality one at that, she had alway loved her children more than anything in the world her husband? cultivation? she would immediately through away anything for the sake of her children it might be because of the guilt from her previous life of not being able to take care of her son and even technically betraying him at the end thought she says it was for her son deep down Eleanor knew she enjoyed it she got turned on cucking her husband and son especially with his bully she's a slut addicted to sex but in this life she controlled her sexual urges and tried her best to be a good wife, a good mother but now if such morals are restricting her from fully supporting her son she would throw it away


while she was thinking someone was knocking the door when she opened, there she saw a well built tall man with dark skin he was the guard captain who was always by Isabella's side, Eleanor didn't like him since he always looked at her with a lustful eyes so she spoke coldly "what do you want captain? "

to which the guard captain just smiled and said "mistress Isabella has call for your presence my lady" at this Eleanor just raised her eyebrows "what right does she has to command me to come, tell her I'm not in the mood"

surprisingly the guard captain didn't change his reaction and gave her a crystal ball saying

"mam you should see this before making a decision" Eleanor knew that was a recording device curious Eleanor took it and saw

after a while she got angry an enormous amount of pressure emanated from her body he scarlet hair fluttered sparks of fire were oozing out of her threatening to burn down

the guard captain he got pressed down till the ground the recording crystal in her hand got shattered showing her late stage grandmaster level cultivation the guard captain finally remembered her other title 'flame empress' the second most powerful person in the estate but still the guard captain wasn't afraid he simply stared at her and said there are dozens copies of this video if you do anything to me displayed in the plaza for everyone to see" the pressure immediately disappeared

Eleanor had a trouble expression that video contains all the humiliation Alex suffered in the training ground if this gets leaked his future will be ruined 'poor boy he finally got an incredible opportunity' she decided and commanded "alright lead the way" the guard captain didn't took her to isabella's room but to the prison dungeon Eleanor mind raced thinking what to do 'what would Alex her child from previous live would have done' he would have definitely tried to get the best of this situation she calmed herself and made a plan

when they reached the bottom there was a woman sitting on a chair the surrounding area

was dark only torch lights were lit on the wall there were several prison cells behind her

the woman isabella started to talk " wow why is miss national treasure came down to such filthy place" she teased

"cut this crap bella both of us knew why I'm here tell me what do you want? "

"oh pretty harsh from the beginning huh but you know such comments might get your son into trouble right" saying so isabella showed a crystal ball in hand

Eleanor just stared at her without a word

"alright let's make a deal i will keep quiet about what happened at the ground instead

you should form a slave contract with me for 1 year" isabella said

"do you think I'm stupid bella what guarantee would I have that after I become your slave who would stop you from harming my children? if so I would rather kill you here and now" Eleanor eye sharpened

"I had already made arrangements if I die your son's video will automatically spread through out the nation and about the harming part we can add that to the contract"

Eleanor just stared at her not believing her

seeing that isabella just sighed and continued

"I will be honest with you that cripple of your son has no chance of becoming the family head he's no longer a threat to my son i simply want to humiliate you as much as possible or do you want me to go after your daughter too? "

Eleanor acted like she was thinking but infact to this point she had some what predicted this bitch has always been jealous of her but now she just want to get the most out of this deal

"we can have a deal if you agree to one of my conditions" Eleanor said

isabella ased in amusement " And what would that be"

"100 nirvana fruits, 50 yang ginseng, 20 flame scarlet flowers, 15 purple bamboo shoots, 10 golden mushrooms, 5 yin elixir and and atleast two golden ape core and few other resources if you can give me all this I will sign a contract "

Isabella's eyes twitched "are you joking do you think I will give resources to my enemy so she could become stronger and get back at me? "

"I won't use it neither will my daughter we can add it to the contract this... this is for my son to survive"

Isabella asked curiously "isn't he a cripple why does he need so many resources? "

"yes he's still a cripple but for some reason his body started to deteriorate if this goes on he will die luckily the duke's wife gave me a cultivation method that can help sustain life but it requires enormous amount of resources

so help me with this and i will become your slave for a year double the resources and i can be your slave for 2 years and so on"

hearing that Isabella frowned she didn't believe Alex was cured and will use the resources to train after all that poision was so rare no more than 20 of them are in the entire continent so what Eleanor said must be true

'but that's not the problem the only leash she had on Eleanor is her son and what happens if he dies hell would break loose' nothing would be able to stop Eleanor from killing her and her son ' NO!NO!NO! that can't happen the resources are quiet expensive but she can afford it after all she came from a wealthy merchant family one of the richest in the whole nation that brat needs to live'

" fine I can increase it to 5years in exchange for 5times the resources you asked "

hearing that Eleanor became happy but bella


"but don't you think for a slave to get favour from her master you need to work for it"

saying so Isabella flicked her fingers and all the jail gates were opened and a dozen or so male guards walked out all of them were tall muscular and had dark skin but what made Eleanor stunned was

"wha... what why are they NAKED!? "

all of them was naked showing off their huge 8-10 inches rod just thinking what they would do to her almost made her wet this is what she had been waiting for all this time to be treated like whore humiliated by lowly guards

to pull her down from her high horse and put her in place

"you will be their whore tonight bitch now strip

and show them what asserts the so called national treasure hides behind her clothes"

isabella ordered

Eleanor already knew this is going to be a long night.


Next chapter will be R18 with lot of humiliation acts including gangbang, exhibitionism, whipping etc. so stay tuned and if possible help me support this novel by providing powerstones. tell me what you guys want to do with Alex' s mom and i will try to add it to the story