Chapter 19: Inspecting the locations

[congrats host as of now your mom, sister, girlfriend and maid all your women are eagerly cucking you! ]

after looking at the notification alex was slightly surprised but it's not unexpected he suddenly had the urge to see how his women are being humiliated especially his sister she's a ice cold beauty unlike his mom she always shows a prideful appearance outside well it's understandable she's one of the most gorgeous woman in the entire nation and is also very talented it's a given she's little arrogant 'I'm sure she has lot of enemies in the ice palace too'

"system will any of their lives be in danger? "


"will they suffer any kind of trauma after this?"

[no because of the goddess blessings all of the have hidden desire to cuck you and be dominated by strong men]

good that's all he need to know for now he has work at hand

'while my enemies are distracted by my women I will lay my foundation to become stronger the I'll take everything away from them '

thinking so alex looked at the huge cuck point infact it keeps increase every minute good since I have so much money let's put it to good use he opened the store and bought few things

[stealth cloak has be purchased for 150 cc] x1

[mind reading scroll has been obtained for 100cc] (one time use) x5

["good impression" skill has been purchased for 150cc]

[metal detector has be purchased for 100 cc] x1

after buying everything he needed he used the stealth cloak and left his room no one even the guards or maids outside who where spying on alex's room didn't notice his departure

after leaving the palace he started touring the streets he had already memorized the estate map so he immediately went to his first destination quickly

after some walking Alex stopped in front of a large building with a huge board on the front written "Morgan audition house" the largest audition house in the estate it has branches all over the nation

yes this is the place Alex planed to sell his pills he took off the cloak and went inside when he walked in a guard blocked him seeing his normal attire he thought Alex was some commoner who came to sell some useless stuff

"kid this isn't a place people like you can afford to come in go to the local market if you want to sell your scrap" the guard mocked

Alex didn't bother listening and just passed him and continued

the guard who got angry decided to through him out he released his cultivation and tried to supress Alex he was a guard of a huge audition house so his cultivation was at the peak of core formation realm there were other guards too but they didn't intervene they also thought Alex was a commoner a young one at that so it's impossible to have cultivation higher than their fellow guard but

"ahaaaaa....! "

the one who screamed and was thrown to the sides was the guard while Alex just stood there expressionless but the aura leaking from his showed that he was atleast a bone tempering expert the other guards immediately tried to surround Alex but a sudden shout stopped them

"all of you stop at your place " the voice carried a powerful force when Alex looked at the origin of the voice an old man was walking towards them on both his sides there were two bodyguards Alex could see both of them are martial peak masters while the old man despite not having a strong cultivation his eyes were sharp a calm aura of authority surrounded him he smiled at Alex and asked "young man you know what place this is why are you making a commotion? "

Alex just shrugged and said

"i'm well aware of this place my teacher ordered me to sell some pill in the audition house but when I came here without asking anything about be this guard insulted me and even tried to hurt me is this how the prestigious Morgan how deals with his guests? " he said in a high pitch so the other guests could also hear he also activated the "good impression skill" and aimed it's effect only at the old man

one of the bodyguard got angry and shouted

"brat how dare you carelessly speak about the Morgan house if you don't apologize you won't be leaving here alive"

Alex just smirked "a mere master realm dare threaten me? if my teacher came this whole place will be raced to ground"

"you!... " "stop! " the old man in the middle stopped his bodyguard and looked at Alex

'he seems pretty confident... intresting' the old man thought

what surprised the old man more was alex's cultivation not because it's high but he looked only 17 or 18 years old and is already a peak bone tempering realm expert only prodigies of high nobles or royalties can achieve this meaning this so called teacher is no ordinary person 'but I need to conform it first'

"our house has lot of prestigious guests we can't spoil our reputation by selling any crap that's why the guard tried to stop you but if the pill you brought are really valuable I will apologize to you and also as a competition I will audition your pills without comission what do you say? " the old man asked with a smiling face

Alex took out the pills and gave it to the old man seeing the pills he was stunned all his years of experience told him all of them are high grade pills not to mention there are so many of them

'this time I definitely hit a jackpot'

"kid... no esteemed guest did your master made these pills himself? " the old man asked

at his remark everyone including his bodyguard were surprised

"yes so are you going to take it or not? " Alex said impatiently

"of course I'll take it and here please take this" the old man gave him a black card "it's a privilege card we give only to our vip customers next time you can come and directly meet me hope you continue doing business with us"

"sure but I'm kinda busy so next time I'll send someone to get the money for these pills that person will be carrying this vip card to verify his identity"

saying so Alex left he didn't worry the old man would cheat him the reason Morgan house was so successful was due to their trust and alex had made an impression that his master is big shot they can't afford to offend

everything from the beginning including guards stopping was I his prediction he deliberately caused a huge commotion to attract higher ups so that he could gain connections he will continue to use this old man to sell his products to collect the necessary funds for his projects

after that he took out the map and went to check on each of the locations he marked first was the outskirts mountain vally

[host why did you come to this mountain range? ]

"system the people of this world were developed using qi as foundation even the artifacts like recording crystals were made using qi stones because of that science hasn't developed at all in this world so all other rare metals like platinum, titanium, silicon, lithium, uranium and other resources are neglected"


the artifacts made using qi stone are very expensive only nobles or rich merchants can afford it but what if cheap products using science and technology are introduced things like camera, car, guns etc or even simple things like electric bulb but I only have the knowledge we need all kinds of minerals to make them now these metals seems useless but in the future their demand will skyrocket

[but what does it have to do with this mountain range... Wait! ]

"yes I have studied the geography of this location if my guess is right they are filled with tremendous amount of these mines if we can exploit it we can become filthy rich"

saying so he took out the metel detector he bought from the store and activated it this is a artifact that can have a range of 500m radius not to mention he only came here to verify his hypothesis and soon a notification came

[congrats host for finding titanium mine]

[congrats host for finding Iridium mine]

[congras... ]

a series of mines have been detected wow this artifact is really incredible even in his previous world it would have taken at least a month to get the data

[but host these materials would be useless if couldn't make those products you mentioned right? ]

"yes this is a very time consuming long term process I need to setup factories, research laboratories, education facilities for workers etc. this is a long term plan to develop the estate"

[so should we move to the next one]

"yup we don't have lot of time let's move fast"

one after another Alex checked all the places he marked each of these places will be used to develop a specific sector in a distance future Alex plans to turn his estate as a factory for the entire continent a manufacturing powerhouse to be precise but this will take several decades to achieve I need to take control of the estate before that

after nearly 10hrs Alex finally finished inspecting all those marked regions and made the next plan for now there is only one more thing to do

"finding talents"

he can never create his empire without talented people besides him

"system what is the maximum range of the status skill can it be upgraded"

[ a temporary upgrade is possible with 500cc it will have a range of 100km and you can get much more information about their talent in fields other than cultivation isn't that what you want host ]

"yup exactly upgraded it"

[temporary upgrade of status skill for 400cc is successful - time limit 1day]

now Alex needs to find the tallest place in the estate and scan as far as possible he saw the clock tower at the center of the town which is one of the tallest building in the entire nation

'good this should do'

he disappeared using stealth cloak and went to the top of the tower the used his status and scanned the entire region millions of profiles popped up

"system narrow the search to only the top 10 talents in each sector"

now alex could only see few hundred profile good now my lart card

"active future vision" he can't go and recruit all 300 of them he needs to see the ones who have fate with him with future vision he got fragmented vision of all the profiles he saw and their future relationship with him

after an hour Alex stopped blood was leaking from his eyes his head felt like exploding he gritted his teeth and persisted

"huff.... huff... it's worth it...hahaha"

after a while he took a note and started writing the names of the talents he'll be recruiting in the future

"everything is over now time to go back"

Alex returned to the palace

Alex didn't immediately go to his room instead he went to the training ground

'it's best if I could turn her into an ally' he thought as he looked at the tall woman swinging her sword training in the ground there was no one else

she was wearing a light armour that clearly showed her muscular body she had a brown tied up hair her eyes we're sharp there was a charismatic aura around her that makes people want to follow her command she's none other than Alex's teacher Diana the one who saw Alex getting humiliated by rose few days ago

when Alex tried to get closer Diana turned around and pointed her sword towards me and asked

" who are you? "

Alex was surprised he was wearing the stealth cloak how did she found out?

[host the cloak can only hide you from cultivators below martial king realm]

'what? but Diana should only be a martial master how can she be... WAIT!! '

he checked her status

[ Name: Diana

age: 50

Race: Amazonian

Title: fallen queen

cultivation: Martial emperor (heavily injured)

affection: 65%

status: warry

likes: to make men suck her cock, dominate men,

dislike: incompetent men ]

"..... "

Alex wants to ask a lot of questions but Diana was still staring at him with her blade so he took of the cloak and mask

" wait it's me teacher I don't want others to see me meeting you so I have to hide myself sorry if I startled you"

alex said scratching his head seeing him Diana relaxed and looked at his cloak

"that's a nice cloak you got there "

"hehe it was a gift from mom"

"I see anyways come to my office there might be too many eyes here" saying so Diana entered her office

Alex followed her silently while his mind was racing

'damn she's an an Amazonian a queen nothing less and what's up with that high cultivation 'martial emperor' she's the strongest as of now in the whole estate everyone thought she's only a martial master'

well she seems to be injured and most likely hiding from someone but what surprised him most was her likes

'to make men suck her cock? '

'system is Diana a shemale? '

[No host she's definitely a female but all Amazonians have the ability to temporarily grow cock when needed]

I see

she sat on her office chair cross legged and enquired with authority

"so why do you want to see me? "

alex explained his situation about how isabella is targetting him and his family he didn't tell her everything and mixed some lies with truth like his mom becoming whore Or anything related to system are kept secret

"this is indeed a problem but I'm just a captain with master realm cultivation i can't go against the high nobles like isabella what do you expect from me my dear student" she asked with a faint smile

'like hell I believe you' Alex cursed but still smiled outside

"teacher I don't have anyone to depend on please help your student this time I promise to do anything you want"

Alex said with a slight blush infact he had already used the mind reading scroll on her and knew what exactly she wants

'aha.. ever since I saw him getting humiliated I the ground I want to dominate him turn him into my bitch this is so wrong Alex is my student b.. but... imagining him sucking my cock makes me wet'

"anything? that's a pretty strong word kid can you handle it? " she asked with a raised brow

"ofcourse if it's for you teacher I will do anything" Alex said firmly although embarrassing the thought of being face fucked by an Amazonian queen got him aroused

looking at him Diana just noded

"good i'll make you keep that promise then"

saying so she stood up and asked "what should I do "

then I elaborated my plan to Diana while listening her pupils expanded in surprise her student who she thought was weak and needed protection was able to create such a complex plan her opinion of him has slightly changed she always cared for him as a student but now a new emotion started to bubble up

[Diana affection has increased to 74]

"all of this is good but you need lot of money, human resources and most importantly you need to have strength yourself what are you going to do about it? " she asked

" you don't have to worry about money take this and go to the Morgan audition house the will give you the money" saying so he gave her the vip card

seeing that she was stunned "How!? " she well aware how valuable this is but Alex just continued he gave her a two sheets of paper

"one of them has the names of the talents you need to recruit and another has the list of men we can use they are the most loyal servants of mom "

again she was surprised 'how did Alex found so many talents in such a short time? '

[..... affection increased to 80%]

Alex wasn't surprised he knew she loves competent men

"as for my powers.. " Alex released his cultivation a strong aura came out of his body

"f*ck you're a peak stage bone tempering cultivator? what nonsense is this!? "

her eyes almost popped out

"relax I'll tell you everything first durning my coma I got a blessing from a perverted goddess...... "

Alex told the same lie he said to his mom and sister at the beginning after hearing all of this Diana calmed down and asked

" so basically you get stronger the more you're humiliated right? " her eyes turned sharp and she had a evil smile on her lips she saw me as if seeing a prey

"y... yes" I shuddered

"do you remember the promise from before? now I know what to ask for"

[Diana's affection has increased to 90%]

"now kneel down" she said in a commanding voice it made me want to follow her without question

Alex knelt down

looking down at him Diana smirked "it's going to be a long night sweet heart "

Alex gulped...


finally we finished plot related work and now we'll be blasting R18 chapters from now on like I said before next 5 chapters will be smut content there's still one more day any suggestions are welcomed just comment below

also thanks for the powerstones!